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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Daniel Fox and Ryan Taylor coming in. Can't see us going for another striker to be honest with Martins and Smith coming back. Would be reasonably happy with the window as a whole if that happenss.


    I imagine we may also have someone lined up, conditional on if Zog goes. Veloso maybe, but can't see us signing him unless Zog goes.


    Distin would be an immense signing, although since Bassong should be untouchable, can't see JFK dropping Colo - although if its true that he can play at DM (never seen him myself - I suspect a lot of this comes from Football Manager!) then might make sense.


    Well a new back four of



    Ryan Taylor    Bassong   Distin    Fox   looks half decent



    Think we could get away with a 3-4-3 formation if we get the players in we think





        Bassong     Distin         Colo



    Taylor                                   Fox





      Martins     Owen\Carrol\Ameobi      Jonas


    Taylor and Fox can tuck back in when we loose the ball and if both are dangerous from set pieces then that's one area we've been sorely lacking


    Also Jonas in a free role behind the front 2


    Can't believe you are going on about 3-4-3 formations.


    I think we need to keep things relatively simple the rest of the way with a solid 4-4-2 featuring some good players.

  2. But everyone does it for Nigeria, that's not a big deal :lol: Players don't always want to come for duty. One might remember Okocha "getting lost on his way to the airport", or "Obi Mikel "not having his visas in order." Oba just uses injuries instead.


    You do raise a good point.




  3. You can tell we've got a total new generation of posters on here when HTT's info is being taken seriously.


    The only reason I am slightly worried about this is because I've seen him do it for Nigeria, and that stupid agent of his has been talking shit during this window.


    Hopefully it's nothing as you say.

  4. Didn't Oba get a bloody surgery though? And isn't he supposed to be coming back soon? Why would he decide to randomly fake injury after (during) an impressive win at Pompey, then come back now. That's would be ridiculous. I really would hope this is all nonsense, and that Oba will come back a play a key part in us staying up, as he has the past two seasons.


    I really hope so.


    Now Zoggy and Shay are on their way I just hope people get this foolishness out of their system and knuckle down to some serious hard work.

  5. I wouldn't trust Martins' fitness to hold out for the remainder of the season either hence my plea for another striker. I've been hearing some disappointing things (if true) about him on that front and his whole appetite for playing for Newcastle at the minute, basically he too wants away.


    Are you serious?


    That is f***ing disgusting if true.


    Wish we would just flog all these whinging ungrateful wasters.


    Nolan's attitude today has been such a breath of fresh air.


    :lol: Christ, if only we had eleven Alan Smiths, eh.


    What the hell could Oba have to complain about right now though? I would be so dissapointed in him if true.


    He has played every game when fit for goodness sake.


    If he is purposely sitting out games as HTT implies then we are freakin' screwed and really can't afford that at all.


    If Martins wanted away he could have engineered it like the other pair of "injured" c***s have.


    Give him time...


    I really hope you are exaggerating this HTT.


    We need Martins playing at 100% if we are to even have a fightin chance the rest of the way.



  6. I wouldn't trust Martins' fitness to hold out for the remainder of the season either hence my plea for another striker. I've been hearing some disappointing things (if true) about him on that front and his whole appetite for playing for Newcastle at the minute, basically he too wants away.


    Are you serious?


    That is f***ing disgusting if true.


    Wish we would just flog all these whinging ungrateful wasters.


    Nolan's attitude today has been such a breath of fresh air.


    :lol: Christ, if only we had eleven Alan Smiths, eh.


    What the hell could Oba have to complain about right now though? I would be so dissapointed in him if true.


    He has played every game when fit for goodness sake.


    If he is purposely sitting out games as HTT implies then we are freakin' screwed and really can't afford that at all.

  7. I wouldn't trust Martins' fitness to hold out for the remainder of the season either hence my plea for another striker. I've been hearing some disappointing things (if true) about him on that front and his whole appetite for playing for Newcastle at the minute, basically he too wants away.


    Are you serious?


    That is fucking disgusting if true.


    Wish we would just flog all these whinging ungrateful wasters.


    Nolan's attitude today has been such a breath of fresh air.

  8. We still need another striker. We cannot allow ourselves to have to choose between Ameobi, Xisco and Carroll while Martins and Owen are out injured and Viduka is a waste of space.


    Amen brother.


    Shola is a back up. Carroll has been decent but should really only be playing once in a while for development. Xisco clearly hasn't worked out. Viduka should never ever wear the shirt again, he's an embarrassment. Owen might literally disintegrate into a flaky powder the next time he steps on a pitch. Smith is ... Smith.


    We definitely need another goalscorer from somewhere.

  9. Maybe it was the plan to do more of this sort of thing through the summer and totally revamp the team but due to the disagreement with the manager it couldn't happen as they wanted it to.


    I think they've been itching to get rid of the likes of Barton, Smith, Duff and Owen. Players who just weren't justifying their wages which were crippling the club financially.


  10. A left back, another central midfielder and a striker and it has been a perfect window.


    If £10 million was really made available to JK plus whatever we get for Shay , then we should have enough to get all three hopefully.

  11. People can question the motives & say there's a fire sale / asset stripping or other such bollocks, but we seem to be negotiating some cracking deals when getting shot of our players.

    Can only hope that extends to when Given realises his lifelong dream of playing for Manchester's second club.


    Cut the guy some lack, man. He's served us for 11 years and has been our most consistent performer in that time. He deserves somewhere where he'll win things.


    Anyway, hats off to the negotiators. Much better than the Shepherd/Hall regime.





  12. Sounds lke a good deal from a financial perspective, but i'm sad to see him go tbh, not sure how good Taylor is either. Or nolan for that matter. I'm hoping we're going after a Butt replacement and a right-winger too.


    I really think N'Zogbia will do well at Wigan if bruce can sort his head out, there's nothing stopping him from being another Valencia.


    He does remind me a lot of Valencia I agree.


    He'll do well but it was the right deal for us and our squad is already looking so much healthier with more moeny to play around with as we haven't really spent anything.

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