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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Martins was the only one who even had a shot in the second half that I can remember. Viduka has a far better touch but he was f***ing anonymous because the tactics were to blame rather than the personnel. The point is once Martins goes off we've NOTHING by way of forward threat, particularly once we're under pressure. There's no outlet.


    If he could do all the things we'd like he wouldn't be here in the first place. We can only use who we have, and the only striker with any pace whatsoever is Martins, no matter how poorly you think he uses it.




    As I said previously Martins goals against Tottenham and Blackburn are clear examples.


    No other striker on our books has that kind of threat, but whatever, lets just convince ourselves he's a neanderthal incapable of dressing himself in the morning.


    Knowing our rotten luck, the Martins abusers will soon get their wish when he gets injured, then we can all sit back and take in this Owen and Viduka partnership they all crave. Problem is this the year 2008 and not 2000. The ineffectiveness of the partnership would be a shock to the system for you all.

    could say owens two goals were an example of his movement and nouse that martins doesn't have.


    You could also say that Owen's two goals were a result of the pace and movement Martins and Jonas possess but Owen doesn't.

    i'd say both goals were as a result of all those things.


    myself i thought owen was pretty shifty for the second goal,look where he is when martins gets the ball. i also think,as i've seen it too often,if the positions were reversed martins would have used his pace to go near post,making it much harder to get anything out of the situation.


    espesh on the first goal it was the movement that lead the way for the pass.




    Not sure what you are trying to prove here.


    If the roles were reversed Owen wouldn't have been able to beat the man out wide to deliver the ball like Martins did.


    Come on!

    what you on about,first off it's andy griffin he's up against and he doesn't get passed him.


    did you have another look at owens movement for the first goal. i've never seen martins be that clever.


    That's because he isn't that clever, he doesn't have the poacher's instinct that Owen has, by the same token, Owen doesn't have the athleticism or explosive speed that Martins has. Unfortunately we only get pure thoroughbreds on their way down, like Butt, Viduka, Owen and probably plenty more through the years. Put them all into the same team and it's Oscar De Lahoya on a football pitch. The class is still there but the legs aren't.



    Well said.


    Especially frustrating how managers just can't see past these players' name/history. Yes we all know they have achieved a lot and have been very good players but they are clearly not performing on that level any longer.

  2. Martins was the only one who even had a shot in the second half that I can remember. Viduka has a far better touch but he was f***ing anonymous because the tactics were to blame rather than the personnel. The point is once Martins goes off we've NOTHING by way of forward threat, particularly once we're under pressure. There's no outlet.


    If he could do all the things we'd like he wouldn't be here in the first place. We can only use who we have, and the only striker with any pace whatsoever is Martins, no matter how poorly you think he uses it.




    As I said previously Martins goals against Tottenham and Blackburn are clear examples.


    No other striker on our books has that kind of threat, but whatever, lets just convince ourselves he's a neanderthal incapable of dressing himself in the morning.


    Knowing our rotten luck, the Martins abusers will soon get their wish when he gets injured, then we can all sit back and take in this Owen and Viduka partnership they all crave. Problem is this the year 2008 and not 2000. The ineffectiveness of the partnership would be a shock to the system for you all.

    could say owens two goals were an example of his movement and nouse that martins doesn't have.


    You could also say that Owen's two goals were a result of the pace and movement Martins and Jonas possess but Owen doesn't.

    i'd say both goals were as a result of all those things.


    myself i thought owen was pretty shifty for the second goal,look where he is when martins gets the ball. i also think,as i've seen it too often,if the positions were reversed martins would have used his pace to go near post,making it much harder to get anything out of the situation.


    espesh on the first goal it was the movement that lead the way for the pass.




    Not sure what you are trying to prove here.


    If the roles were reversed Owen wouldn't have been able to beat the man out wide to deliver the ball like Martins did.


    Come on!

    what you on about,first off it's andy griffin he's up against and he doesn't get passed him.


    did you have another look at owens movement for the first goal. i've never seen martins be that clever.


    This is crazy.

  3. Martins was the only one who even had a shot in the second half that I can remember. Viduka has a far better touch but he was f***ing anonymous because the tactics were to blame rather than the personnel. The point is once Martins goes off we've NOTHING by way of forward threat, particularly once we're under pressure. There's no outlet.


    If he could do all the things we'd like he wouldn't be here in the first place. We can only use who we have, and the only striker with any pace whatsoever is Martins, no matter how poorly you think he uses it.




    As I said previously Martins goals against Tottenham and Blackburn are clear examples.


    No other striker on our books has that kind of threat, but whatever, lets just convince ourselves he's a neanderthal incapable of dressing himself in the morning.


    Knowing our rotten luck, the Martins abusers will soon get their wish when he gets injured, then we can all sit back and take in this Owen and Viduka partnership they all crave. Problem is this the year 2008 and not 2000. The ineffectiveness of the partnership would be a shock to the system for you all.

    could say owens two goals were an example of his movement and nouse that martins doesn't have.


    You could also say that Owen's two goals were a result of the pace and movement Martins and Jonas possess but Owen doesn't.

    i'd say both goals were as a result of all those things.


    myself i thought owen was pretty shifty for the second goal,look where he is when martins gets the ball. i also think,as i've seen it too often,if the positions were reversed martins would have used his pace to go near post,making it much harder to get anything out of the situation.


    espesh on the first goal it was the movement that lead the way for the pass.




    Not sure what you are trying to prove here.


    If the roles were reversed Owen wouldn't have been able to beat the man out wide to deliver the ball like Martins did.


    Come on!

  4. Owen and Viduka could work if a system was set up to work around their strengths.


    The problem here is that Kinnear doesn't know his arsehole from his earhole.


    It could work true, but only with better players I feel. Basically I think a much more talented midfield would be needed to make it work, one with ability, athleticism and pace.


    With the midfield we currently have, I'm not sure any kind of system could make an Owen and Viduka partnership effective.

  5. Martins was the only one who even had a shot in the second half that I can remember. Viduka has a far better touch but he was f***ing anonymous because the tactics were to blame rather than the personnel. The point is once Martins goes off we've NOTHING by way of forward threat, particularly once we're under pressure. There's no outlet.


    If he could do all the things we'd like he wouldn't be here in the first place. We can only use who we have, and the only striker with any pace whatsoever is Martins, no matter how poorly you think he uses it.




    As I said previously Martins goals against Tottenham and Blackburn are clear examples.


    No other striker on our books has that kind of threat, but whatever, lets just convince ourselves he's a neanderthal incapable of dressing himself in the morning.


    Knowing our rotten luck, the Martins abusers will soon get their wish when he gets injured, then we can all sit back and take in this Owen and Viduka partnership they all crave. Problem is this the year 2008 and not 2000. The ineffectiveness of the partnership would be a shock to the system for you all.

  6. Off the top of my head Martins against Tottenham last season and against Blackburn the previous season.


    Basically situations in which the opposing teams had pushed a number of players up to try to get a goal and Martins has got the ball at the half way line and taken it all the way to the other end to score.


    Owen simply cannot do this.


    My issue isn't with Owen though, it is with Viduka. he does not hold the ball up anymore so why is he being brought on exactly? Leave Owen and Martins on. Simple.

  7. The sad thing about all this is that it is down to JK trying to keep everyone happy and pretty much payting too much attention to previous reputations.


    Viduka imo should not be brought on to the pitch ever okay. Not unless we are losing and need an extra striker on. He is an unprofessional, fat lump who has seriously taken the piss while he has been here.



  8. Will he even be able to decide on who he wants in though, I can't imagine he'll be able to sway many players with the 'join me, I'll be off in six months' argument. I would think most of our signings will be short term loan deals.


    A bit worrying that the club seem to be looking at a load of left backs as well, they've been reading the papers too much.


    Signign a left-back is not a problem. As long as other areas are improved also I will be very happy with an additional left back, purely because any sort of injury to Enrique and we have to start patching things together again.


    I know Bassong is decent there, but in my opinion he is too important for us in the centre of defence and needs to stay there.

  9. Ultimately I will be judging Kinnear on what he does in the transfer window, and basically what areas of the team he has deemed worthy of improvement.


    In my opinion he could have done a lot worse thus far. I think it's a testament to the small improvement he has made that we are all so upset over a draw. Before he came in I honestly felt as though we would never win another game, no lie.


    I think to some extent Joe is still learning about our players, particularly the likes of Martins and Zoggy who he wouldn't have known too much about. Unfortunately he is far more familiar with the likes of Duff and Viduka who I am hoping he will soon come to realise are completely past it.


    The closing of the January transfer window will be his judgement day.

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