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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We were linked witht his guy in the summer weren't we?


    He was one of the sort of not so obvious types we were linked with throughout the summer and it was hard to tell if we were really after them or not.


    Should be interesting to see if we bring a number of these types of players in January. It would probably be a clear indication that Wise and his team were really after these sorts, which Keegan wasn't as comfortable with.


  2. I actually find it quite infuriating that Owen hardly ever shoots from outside the box even when the opportunity presents itself.


    Shooting from outside of the box should not be seen as a negative as it keeps defences honest.


    Or you play the percentages, which players like Owen do.


    What percentages? We hardly create any chances so if you have space around the box then shoot the damn ball! We actually need more of this at the moment tbh. Martins vs Villa was a prime example.


    If we created chances like Arsenal all day then I might agree with you, but we don't.


    Guess Shearer was just as thick as Oba because he didn't always play the percentages right?  :rolleyes:



  3. harsh on Viduka tbh, he's obviously worked hard to get back into shape


    Viduka hasn't worked hard for at least 5 years now. Quite frankly he's a parasite.


    I was embarrassed we signed him tbh. You have to wonder what the hell we were doing signign Boro's scraps.



  4. Vey clear from this thread that most people will agree that martins' game has not improved since he joined us as was mentioned last week. He had better hope that he doesn't have an injury that can take away his extra yard of pace because he has little to offer over and above that.


    I wonder if he is so dumb that he considers himself the finished article?



    Last season I remember Lee Dixon talking about Martins' development as a player on MOTD. He said that he is still the same player that he saw play against Arsenal at  Highbury few years earlier.(When Inter won 3-0) He added that he is unlikely to improve and that's just the way he plays.


    I agree that he hasn't improved very much at all.


    That's pretty much what I've been saying since we signed him. There's some players you get who you can nurture. Bellamy is a prime example. Martins though just doesn't seem to have the brain or overall technique to improve. Someone mentioned it last week, Owen's brain in Martins body would be the best striker in the world.


    spot on opinion,


    the only thing still with martins is he has time on his side


    I just don't see it though. It's not like he's 19-20, he should be pretty close to the finished article now. I know some people use Drogba as an example of how you get late developers in the game, but Drogba didn't play in academies and have the training facilities with top coaches that Martins has had at Inter and us (less the top coaches bit ;)) until he went to Marseille which was later in his career. If Martins was going to develop as a lot on here hope and seem to expect, I don't think there's a cat in hell's chance Inter would have sold him.


    Whether he's improved, or is capable of improving isn't really the point. He's quick and he creates and scores goals, and we don't have anyone else who we can replace him with just yet.


    My vote is to stick in a counter bid of £50 million for David Villa and then put Oba on the bench. Wake me up when that happens, until then I'd rather keep Martins on the pitch.


    And until then I'd sooner have Owen & Viduka.


    That's absolutely mental quite frankly.


    A sick and twisted part of me wishes we were forced to witness this "dream duo" for a couple of games or so.


    That would soon learn some people on here really quickly.

  5. Can't believe people would actually bring Viduka back even on a pay as you play deal. Why on Earth would you do such a thing with the whole summer ahead of you? What a disgusting thought.




    Eh?  Why not if he only gets paid when he plays?  He can't hide/pretend not to be fit because he won't be paid.  Also if he's s*** in games he doesn't get picked and so also won't get paid.  Where's the downside here?  ???


    The downside is he is too old, too fat and too crap. It would be much more worthwhile getting in someone who is actually interested in football. We don't need his stinking unprofessional behaviour around the place any longer.

  6. Can't believe people would actually bring Viduka back even on a pay as you play deal. Why on Earth would you do such a thing with the whole summer ahead of you? What a disgusting thought.



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