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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Wow ... what a day. I mean Joey just had to go. The drama was just getting too much. Even on saturday he just couldn't keep things low key when he came on. I wish him the best, as he has real issues.


    It's probably Moyes, as he's so desperate it seems. The most sense would be Portsmouth as Tony Adams and his sporting chance peeps would be right there with him everyday.


    With every sale we make I believe it means we have another person tied up. When the club is ready they will let us know who they are.

  2. f***ing f*** MCFUCKSATON.






    Heskey is at the spurs lodge.


    Cannot for the life of me see the logic that move from Spuds' perspective (if true of course)


    To be fair I think they are committed to the one lead striker formation, and so are just bringin Heskey in as cover. So it will be Russi dude, Bent and heskey as their options, with Modric, Dos Santos or even Bentley just behind.


    Still you really have to wonder where their goals will come from if the russian doesn't quite get it done. They could struggle mightily.

  3. f***ing f*** MCFUCKSATON.






    Heskey is at the spurs lodge.


    Cannot for the life of me see the logic that move from Spuds' perspective (if true of course)


    To be fair I think they are committed to the one lead striker formation, and so are just bringin Heskey in as cover. So it will be Russi dude, Bent and heskey as their options, with Modric, Dos Santos or even Bentley just behind.


    Still you really have to wonder where their goals will come from if the russian doesn't quite get it done. They could struggle mightily.

  4. Are we currently sitting bottom of the net spending league this summer someone earlier said we had a net spend of 5.5m thats got to put us at the bottom.Billionaire owner and spend peanuts its just typical


    Go play your silly video games.


    There you can play billionaire and buy everyone under the sun and finally find meaning in your life.


    Silly child.


    No need since he is asking a valid question. Stop being such a patronising bugger, it doesn't suits you ;)




    Net spend doesn't correlate to success does it?  No. Therefore why harp on about it.


    What is our net spend over the previous 5 years and where has that got us.


    I'm sick of this simple way of thinking it is childish.

  5. Are we currently sitting bottom of the net spending league this summer someone earlier said we had a net spend of 5.5m thats got to put us at the bottom.Billionaire owner and spend peanuts its just typical


    Go play your silly video games.


    There you can play billionaire and buy everyone under the sun and finally find meaning in your life.


    Silly child.

  6. It's important otbear in mind that we only heard about the Xisco and Gonzalez stuff because their clubs released some info.


    For all we know theremight be 4 others having medicals etc right now, whose previous clubs just weren't as efficient.




  7. Must say all this talk of who City are getting, and Spurs gonna hvave 30 million to splash around soon, its f***ing annoying that we've got Xisco and Gonzalez.


    Don't get me wrong, i think they will be decent enough signings and im pleased, but I just cant help but feel if we could splash the cash and be bit more ambitious, we could of been the team of this window.


    In saying that, its doubtful City will get Berbatov, and Pavluchenko and Arshavin are no more proven than Xisco, but i dunno.


    Why do folks get so antsy when these idiot clubs start throwing money around so foolishly? Be cool. We will be fine. It will definitely come together for us.


    I was more upset when City managed to land Kompany for £6 million. Now that had me pissed off, because that was a good signing and one we should have been in on.


    This £30 million for Berbatov business is just embarrassing in my eyes. Poor way to go about things.  28 yr old striker who has an attitude problem? Rubbish. I would have been more startled had they signed Benzema/Villa/Aguero for £30 million tbh. Now that would have been scary.


    More like £16 million


    Been quoted as £6 million everywhere.


    Jo was £18 million.


  8. Must say all this talk of who City are getting, and Spurs gonna hvave 30 million to splash around soon, its f***ing annoying that we've got Xisco and Gonzalez.


    Don't get me wrong, i think they will be decent enough signings and im pleased, but I just cant help but feel if we could splash the cash and be bit more ambitious, we could of been the team of this window.


    In saying that, its doubtful City will get Berbatov, and Pavluchenko and Arshavin are no more proven than Xisco, but i dunno.


    Why do folks get so antsy when these idiot clubs start throwing money around so foolishly? Be cool. We will be fine. It will definitely come together for us.


    I was more upset when City managed to land Kompany for £6 million. Now that had me pissed off, because that was a good signing and one we should have been in on.


    This £30 million for Berbatov business is just embarrassing in my eyes. Poor way to go about things.  28 yr old striker who has an attitude problem? Rubbish. I would have been more startled had they signed Benzema/Villa/Aguero for £30 million tbh. Now that would have been scary.

  9. Would Fergie go for Owen if Berbatov goes to City?


    As KK says everyone has their price. We are in the driving seat, lets hold out for 12m+.


    We aren't really in the driving seat as his contract runs out next summer and he can negotiate with other clubs from January, whcih is right in the middle of our season when he should be focused on playing for us you see.


    Still have a feeling flashy pants Man City will bid for him to play with Berbs.

  10. I'd have him over berbatov anyday.





    Santa Cruz? Definitely.


    More consistent, and just a better overall team player, and he is also very talented as well.  Berbatov overall is more talented but won't give you the same consistent production.

  11. When all is said and done, I still prefer our way of going about things.


    I know people will think I'm crazy, but I wouldn't have been impressed if we had gone out and launched a £30 million bid for Berbatov. Very over the top really.


    I prefer we put in the hard work and get players who are desperate to make a name for themselves and to do so at Newcastle.


    Look at Santa Cruz, what did he cost last summer? I'd have him over berbatov anyday. We need to get them at the right times, which appears to be what we are doing.


    Would I have Modric over Gutierrez now? Hell no! But at the start of summer it wasn't looking that way was it?


    Howay lads! We'll still deck them all.

  12. Can you just imagine the impact of City signing both Berbatov and Owen today ...


    They've just been taking over by a group whose first move was to launch a 30 million bid for Berbs. Anything is possible.


    They could most likely pay them both the kind of money they would want and their claims of pushing for the top 4 wouldn't be as crazy anymore would they? They are definitely up to something.

  13. I'm not really very comfortable with this deal unless we have an option to buy at the end.


    Totally agree, this is a baffling one for me, i just can't work it out for either valencia or ourselves.


    Have you not read this thread like? It's very simple.


    The guy was part owned by Danubio and Valencia. Valencia are in financial s***.


    They decided to buy the other half of him in order to send him out on loan, so that when he returns he may command a fee, as they need the money.


    We have decided to be the side that loan's him out as he ticks alot of the boxes.


    In order to protect their investment they have made him sign a four year deal, before going out on loan.


    Next year if he impresses, Valencia can get a healthy figure and we may be able to get a good player that we have had a chance to look at.




    I guarantee you it will come up again very shortly.


    I'm going to go with halfway down the next page, before another nervous wreck starts lamenting on the fact the great and mighty Newcastle dared to loan a player from another club, therefore severely damaging their big club status.

  14. I'm not really very comfortable with this deal unless we have an option to buy at the end.


    As has been said a zillion times. Valencia apparently owned some of his rights all along and only recently bought them outright.


    This might have been due to the fact we showed interest in the player and so they wanted tomake more of a profit.


    I'm pretty sure he is being brought in on loan initially, because we want to ensure he adapts to the league as he hasn't had too much experience in Europe yet.



  15. Don't underestimate the fact Petrov is at City.


    Also this signing along with the others they have made might convince Berbatov that they are genuinely aiming for the top 4, which is very possible, considering how clueless Rafa is regarding the league.

  16. I think we are going to stick with the 4-3-1-2 formation this season.


    Owen you'd think would have remained in the slot just behind the front two.


    That loan signing from Valencia however, does look like a classic number 10 playmaker in the Riquelme type mould.


    Brought in incase Owen bolts? I guess we'll find out shortly.



  17. Berbatov to Man City. I could see it. Those guys it seems are capable of anything, and it seems they are desperate for this big name signing, and Hughes has been after a striker. His good mate Petrov is there also.


    Alternatively Man City might go after Owen even. I definitely see them landing a prem experienced striker by the time the window shuts, just a question of who that will be.

  18. This is strange. It's almost as if we released the info to show that the club have offered him a good deal, and therefore it isn't their fault if he chooses to leave sort of thing.


    Interesting stuff.


    Earlier I was thinking that the loan signing from Valencia might have been cover for Barton, but he seems to be more of a player that slots in behind the front two, which is a role I think Keegan was looking to have Owen continue from last season.


    Maybe the Valencia player is a temporary solution to Owen not being around.


    No matter what happens I think we'll be okay. I believe in this new regime. They seem to be making solid decisions and aren't being bullied into anything.

  19. No more waiting on Viduka. Thank God for that. Looks like it's the 4-3-1-2 then. Nice!




    Is this what Keegan meant when he said "I think the (Milner) sale will allow us to go in a slightly different direction".


    I think it's very likely.


    The Colombian we might be bringing in on loan I think might be cover for Barton in the 4-3-1-2 setup as it is likely he will be out for 16 games they are saying, or something ridiculous like that.


    I think we have always been looking out for a loan option such as this to cover for Barton, as that would pretty much rule him out of making any serious contribution this season.






    is the colombian gonzalez?


    Yes, thats who I meant.




    ahh right, i thought he was uruguayan


    Sorry, apparently he is.


    Getting a bit too excited.

  20. I was just thinking that as a pretty low risk loan, could this guy be being brought in as cover for Barton.


    It's apparently looking very likely that barton will be out for 16 games! This essentially rules him out for this season as it would take a while to get up to speed match fitness wise etc.


    Probably what the club is thinking as far as this move goes, and it would make a lot more sense I think.

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