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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Kaka You sure about Bilic not saying pre tournament that Modric will  be given more responsibility and this may consist of him having to do more defensive work than he is used to?


    What is wrong with you? There's always an excuse with you lot.


    Look the guy was not great today. There is no way Bilic would have wanted him defending so deeply all game like that against freakin' Austria.


    He will have better days though as he is a good player so get over it. Stop going on like you were in the Croats dressing room before the game.


    I like the way you just avoided answering the question with another pointless rant :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Okay KD show me the evidence of Bilic asking Modric to play more defensively versus Austria.


    if you have a look at my posts i said that Bilic said that pre-tournament (as you already know, i wasnt specifically refering to the Austria game).


    I've actually become so fed up of the way you try and have a go at every little thing i say (and at times manipulate my words), that i'm not gonna bother replying to your posts for a while (a cooling off period if you will). It's clearly obvious you'll have an issue with eveything a type so there's really no point.


    Oh stop being such a sissy!


    My comment was perfectly valid. No matter what, I'm sure Bilic didn't intend for Modric to be that deep the majority of a game against Austria.


    So we don't need to hear you blaming Bilic.

  2. Kaka You sure about Bilic not saying pre tournament that Modric will  be given more responsibility and this may consist of him having to do more defensive work than he is used to?


    What is wrong with you? There's always an excuse with you lot.


    Look the guy was not great today. There is no way Bilic would have wanted him defending so deeply all game like that against freakin' Austria.


    He will have better days though as he is a good player so get over it. Stop going on like you were in the Croats dressing room before the game.


    I like the way you just avoided answering the question with another pointless rant :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Okay KD show me the evidence of Bilic asking Modric to play more defensively versus Austria.

  3. Kaka You sure about Bilic not saying pre tournament that Modric will  be given more responsibility and this may consist of him having to do more defensive work than he is used to?


    What is wrong with you? There's always an excuse with you lot.


    Look the guy was not great today. There is no way Bilic would have wanted him defending so deeply all game like that against freakin' Austria.


    He will have better days though as he is a good player so get over it. Stop going on like you were in the Croats dressing room before the game.

  4. Obviously just 1 game, but not that impressed with Modric.  They can show the two times he didn't get knocked off the ball all they like, he looks like a lightweight.


    Lightweight? think you're wrong. On todays performance he looked far from Lightweight. Dictated the game well and has an excellent passing range. Does his fair share defensivly too (Bilic gave him a more defensive role today as croatia played 2 upfront). He faded second half but still a good perfomance.


    How do you know what Bilic asked him to do?


    Have Spurs ITKs infiltrated the Croatia dressing room too?







    spurs itk? get a girlfriend ffs.



    Ermmmmmm i know this because having watched croatia in the past, Modric has a more advanced role and they play Eduardo with olic tucked in behind him. I also know this because Bilic said before the tournament started that he may give Modric a more defensive role than he's usually used to.


    How about you just ask a question next time rather than try and have a go for the smallest things. Saves you looking like a bigger clown than you already seem to be.


    Just don't make up stuff. Bilic said nothing about Modric having a more defensive role today. Just accept that he wasn't that great today, it's only one game afterall.


    Why the hell would he be asked to play a defensive role against bloody Austria? Are you freakin kidding me?!





  5. Obviously just 1 game, but not that impressed with Modric.  They can show the two times he didn't get knocked off the ball all they like, he looks like a lightweight.


    Lightweight? think you're wrong. On todays performance he looked far from Lightweight. Dictated the game well and has an excellent passing range. Does his fair share defensivly too (Bilic gave him a more defensive role today as croatia played 2 upfront). He faded second half but still a good perfomance.


    How do you know what Bilic asked him to do?


    Have Spurs ITKs infiltrated the Croatia dressing room too?





  6. Personally I have never seen Modric play so I will gauge him when I see him play against a team who arent regarded by all and sundry as utter s****


    The guy is definitely class and we are just going to have to live with that unfortunately.


    He's scored a penalty ffs. :lol:


    I'm not just referring to this game though! He's a very good player. I've ssen enough of him to know that.


    Nice one, what channel is the Croatian league on?




    Pretty predictable Wullie.


    I have only watched him for Croatia in the internationals and he impressed me enough in those games.


    He is clearly a technically gifted player with great vision and a very good workrate. I don't have to watch every Croatian league game to tell you that.


    So you've seen him a few times, what 3 or 4, at international level? Fair enough. He probably is a good player seeing as Premiership clubs were willing to pay £20m for him but let's not pretend you're some sort of super scout eh?


    For the record I've seen David Healy play at international level and he's f***ing brilliant and I've seen Frank Lampard play at international level and he's f***ing crap. When he's in Hull on a wet Wednesday night, that's what matters.


    Fair enough. Never said I was a superscout and I never said he was going to take the prem by storm.


    All I know is that he has a very nice set of skills on him and he certainly has ability.


    Like you say though no one knows what will happen when he arrives in the prem. I'm certainly hoping things don't quite come together for him here.

  7. Personally I have never seen Modric play so I will gauge him when I see him play against a team who arent regarded by all and sundry as utter s****


    The guy is definitely class and we are just going to have to live with that unfortunately.


    He's scored a penalty ffs. :lol:


    I'm not just referring to this game though! He's a very good player. I've ssen enough of him to know that.


    Nice one, what channel is the Croatian league on?




    Pretty predictable Wullie.


    I have only watched him for Croatia in the internationals and he impressed me enough in those games.


    He is clearly a technically gifted player with great vision and a very good workrate. I don't have to watch every Croatian league game to tell you that.

  8. Personally I have never seen Modric play so I will gauge him when I see him play against a team who arent regarded by all and sundry as utter s****


    The guy is definitely class and we are just going to have to live with that unfortunately.


    He's scored a penalty ffs. :lol:


    I'm not just referring to this game though! He's a very good player. I've ssen enough of him to know that.


    Lets cling on to the hope that he isnt suited to Premiership football.


    We can hope ... but he is a pretty tenacious little guy and coupled with his smarts I don't think he will struggle unfortunately.


    You just never know though, so yeah I will hope for now.

  9. Personally I have never seen Modric play so I will gauge him when I see him play against a team who arent regarded by all and sundry as utter s****


    The guy is definitely class and we are just going to have to live with that unfortunately.


    He's scored a penalty ffs. :lol:


    I'm not just referring to this game though! He's a very good player. I've ssen enough of him to know that.

  10. Was impressed with Nuno Gomes last night actually. I thought he would be their weak link, and the reason they wouldn't win the tournament, but he looked a threat and was unlucky twice last night. If he can put in a few more performances like that in, then Portugal could win it.


    Nuno Gomes was good, but when they took him off and played Ronaldo through the middle as the lone striker with Simao and Nani either side I think they began to look a lot more threatening, especially as they kept it on the floor and the pace, dribbling and movement from those three was a nightmare for Turkey.

  11. What the heck is going on in here?


    Sort it out fellas. This is getting silly now.


    The dutch league is a good one and I would happily take numerous players from that league even now and the premiership is awesome too.


    Problem solved now everyone sharrrrrrrrrrrrrap or start another thread for this nonsense. This is the Euro 2008 thread.

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