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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. If we are indeed with talks with Tottenham about any player it will most likely be Darren Bent. Having seen a bit of Gomez and Gomis this tournament, I'm not sure they can come in and hit the floor running. They might take a bit of time to settle in, and with Viduka's wretched fitness we might be better off buying Bent.


    Kabould would be a pretty surprising signing for us, although I do think he is a promising player for the longterm more than anything.

  2. Like I said I know a fanatical PSG fan who knows his football, and he claims this guy is their best player and a very promising DM for the present and definitely for the future.


    We have scouted a number of PSG games this season and although we kept being linked with Diane, this guy seems to fit the profile of what we seem to be going after far better.

  3. Why would we never get him? It seems Chelsea are shipping him out.


    Relistically I'm not sure any of the other top 4 clubs would be in for him.


    At the very worst our competition would be Spurs, Man City and Everton.


    I think he would be one who would love to play for Keegan and would be familiar with what Keegan is all about.



  4. Shaun Wright-Phillips and Joe Cole

    Scolari likes wingers, witness Cristiano Ronaldo, Simao and Quaresma, but he is said to have been unimpressed by these two for England whenever he has seen them. Wright-Phillips has not trained on since he arrived from Manchester City three years ago. Cole can be brilliant, but he’s too often flattered to deceive.


    Would anyone have Joe Cole? Might be worth a bid. Keegan would get a lot more out of him I feel. I would prefer him to SWP I think.

  5. to be fair, i think that assistant refferee put his flag up about 4 times when there was no offside. he looked like a complete dickhead as well.


    wanted greece to go out, but russia really seemed to have the refs on their side today. i think sweden will beat them in all honesty. i fancied them for an upset before the tournement, but they just seems to be a lack of belief coupled with suicidal defending at times. Sweden's experience should see them through, but i still want russia to win.


    Russia will be a lot better with the return of Newcastle midfielder Arshavin in the next game. I think they will pull it off.

  6. Can't say I was impressed tonight like. Looked pretty slow, had a number of awful first touches, and generally lumbered about like he wasn't interested. His movement in particular was bloody woeful in that match.


    Impossible to make a proper judgement from one appearance, obviously, but he really didn't look anything special tonight. Underwhelming as f***.


    I really wonder if the Stoke manager was referring to Gomis when he said he was no better than what Stoke had! I'm sure Gomis is a lot better than he showed, but we probably do need a more technical striker to replace Viduka.

  7. "Alex 20" a fan of Alex from Fenerbahce (he wears the number 20 shirt). Obviously he will find it hard to cheer for a Galatasaray player.


    I've seen all of Arda's matches since he returned from his loan spell at Manisaspor 2 years ago and I know he can play a lot better than what he did against Switzerland.

    His confidence seems to be growing lately. He has been a lot more direct with the ball and not affraid to take a shot on goal and as a result he has been scoring more goals. 

    It will be interesting to see how he plays against the Czechs on a proper pitch.


    I was 20 at the time when I signed up, name is Alex. I'm from Holland...so yeah. Your post doesn't make much sense.


    Remember what you said when we signed Emre ? Remember how that turned out ? I think I made the best post about him, I got C+ and a lot of channels so I can watch almost all european games. I used to watch a lot of Serie A and knew him better than most of you turkish lads (fener or gala fans) would know of at that time.

    Remember Tuncay ? Yeah. So sorry but I wouldn't put too much thought in your posts, especially about Turkish players.

    My aunt dates a Turkish guy, he also receives the Turkish league and tells me a lot about it, I've watched a couple games with him and we talked about Arda.


    Tuncay was one of my favorite players (along with most of the board) when he was with u17 turkey playing against England (Rooney) and Portugal (Ronaldo).

    I saw him play in the champions league and some national team games against france etc. and he had huge potential, much more than Arda, but look at him now, failed to impress in the PL, utter sh!t tbh. And Tuncay was scoring more goals than Arda in that weak Turkish league.


    Arda isn't more gifted than Emre, technically. He doesn't track back in general, doesn't help out the D,

    and he loves to dribble, sometimes too much and isn't able to do it well most of the time. He turns the ball over A LOT.

    The swiss game was one of those games were all went well for him. Plus it doesn't hurt when you play against weak Swiss defenders. I'd say the Czech game will be a decent test for him.


    Playing against VERY WEAK turkish wingers in that weak Turkish league is one thing, playing against strong quality wing players in the Premier league (best league) is another thing. I don't think he played THAT great in Turkey, imagine what'll happen in the PL.

    He plays the left...but isn't a winger. Isn't capable of playing in the middle, isn't capable of playing as an AMC. He doesn't have the abilities a true winger has, that alone will doom him in the PL.


    Arda plays good against weak teams. He's a mediocre player, not bad at all but he ain't great either.

    That's my opinion about Arda, take it or leave it as you will. I don't think he is as great as people say he is and that's why I called him overrated, I never said he's a horrible player. He's decent. I said the same about Emre, amazing technically but his injuries will become a huge problem and will break his career. Arda won't have those injury issues, his issues will come from his inconsistency and not being able to get to THAT level that's needed in the PL.




    Agreed. As I said earlier a good prospect and tidy, with his wits about him. Will he be a breakthrough player in the PL? It's a gamble and not one worth 13m Euro IMO. For less money and with other players coming in he could be part of a larger package of options, but certainly wouldn't single him out as the one to change our fortunes.


    Hey stop trying to take credit for Alex20's hard work and stellar scouting. So typical of you Parky. Always want to be down with the cool kids.


    Alex20 cheers for the info. Makes me feel better about us not unnecessarily raising our supposed bid when Gala got all funny. I guess if we do get him in we can only hope he continues to improve as he is only young.

  8. I'm really sure if i understand this fully.


    If by club suits it means that they all have matching suits sourced by the company for them to wear on match days, then that is effectively a uniform and the club should pay for it.


    If however it means that players are required to wear a suit (of their choice) on match days, then that is a dress code and they are right to make the players buy their own.


    What if we get to the FA Cup though? Will the club pay for the suits then?


    I know a lot of companies where the staff have to pay for their uniforms. No different to me having to buy a suit or shirt and trousers.


    The matchday shirts get sponsored don't they - a shrewd player would get his suit sponsored also


    But you can wear your suits, shirts, smart shoes for other things. You could hardly turn up to a christening in a McDonald's uniform.

    If a company insists that you wear a company uniform then they should supply it free of charge.

    I know some companies insist that their employees pay for uniforms but they're generally s***, tight-arsed companies that no-one really wants to work for.


    Team suits are sharp though and can certainly be worn to other events. They're not track suits you know.

  9. Wait a minute ... let me get this straight. So Milner actually has the nerve to ask for more money? Isn't he less than a year into a brand new contract? What the hell has he achieved in the last year?


    I find this to be quite shocking and bordering on the absurd, in fact it is very absurd. Bog standard, average joe of a player. In all honesty he is quite rubbish. Get rid of him immediately.



    Are you that naive to believe any article written by an article with no quotes.


    Do papers typically make up stories about players seeking new contracts? Not sure I've seen that before.


    Anyhow if this is not true then fair enough, but if it is true then the guy needs a number of very sharp slaps to the face, as he is totally undeserving of any more money and in fact he is probably undeserving of the money he is earning right now. Crazy talk.

  10. Wait a minute ... let me get this straight. So Milner actually has the nerve to ask for more money? Isn't he less than a year into a brand new contract? What the hell has he achieved in the last year?


    I find this to be quite shocking and bordering on the absurd, in fact it is very absurd. Bog standard, average joe of a player. In all honesty he is quite rubbish. Get rid of him immediately.



  11. http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/index.php?action=read&id=107914


    €25m offer from an English club rejected by Villarreal for Rossi, according to his agent. ???


    Wouldn't it be hilarious if we were the ones who made that bid?


    After all the uproar caused by us merely loaning the kid...


    I'm actually struggling to think who else could have made this bid outside the top 4, none of whom I think would have. He also enjoyed his time here didn't he? Best mates with Milner also or something? Right age. Prem experienced.


    Could get very interesting. Maybe Martins replacement? Or even Owens?




    He is a very good player for what it's worth.

  12. I am already prepared for another exciting relegation battle next season if this summer of transfer targets rejecting us or getting away continues. Spurs are mile ahead of us in terms of quality and do not remind me we defeat them well and truely last season; these things happen and likes of Man U can also lose to lower teams. The fact is that i will gladly swap their teamsheet with ours. Our midfield looks like bottom 3 calibre.


    Agree with that.


    I don't, because it's bollocks. I don't care how much they spend, until they prove it on the pitch they are NOT miles ahead of us.


    Ramos is a great manager. Modric, Dos Santos and Woodgate; their his signings so far, yeah? Don't know about you but I think those three are absolute class and a cut above what they've bought in previous years. When you look at Liverpool, who are reported to be after players like Barry and especially Milner ffs, it seems like they're on the way down and Spurs for me are close behind them now (with the exception of a keeper and another centre back) If Berbatov stays I think they'll push for 4th. Hope not though. Hope I'm wrong.


    Someone let me know when Spurs sign someone to add some steel to that midfield and only then might I even begin to take them seriously. As of now, they'll still be soft as anything next season.

  13. Anyone who wants to see the affect a major tournament can have on a player's value need look no further than Podolski, he is a German Bellamy on the back of a couple of underwhelming seasons yet a couple of days ago 20m figures were being banded around for him after one good game and two goals.


    Wait ... so are you saying Podolski is good or bad?

  14. Petition to ban MaetihS




    MaetihS is good for putting things into perspective tbh. Newcastle always about three steps better off than what he implies.


    Lovely. I think you forgot to sign though.

  15. Emmanuel Adebayor has told his agent to inform Arsenal that he wants to join AC Milan. (Gazzetta dello Sport 1127 BST)


    Gomis to replace?


    Santa Cruz apparently.


    EDIT: Dream with me for a second ...


    Shearer rejects Blackburn. Blackburn hire Allardyce. Adebayor goes to Milan. Wenger buys Santa Cruz. Allardyce comes in for Alan Smith as his replacement.


    Lets all say a prayer about this tonight guys. The Lord might have mercy on us yet.




  16. Pennant plus cash for Milner would be too good to be true tbh. Pennant is miles better than Milner; something seriously wrong with Benitez's head if this is true.


    This is someone who played Kuyt on the right wing all of last season.


    There is a lot wrong with his head.


    he started there for holland against italy.


    Yeah, and he did a job like he did with liverpool last season. I respect his work ethic and the effort he puts in on the wing, but he is not a winger, not even close. If Robben or Babel were fit they would have played there instead. I like Kuyt so I'm not having a go at him.

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