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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. My opinon is, that Gala will sell him. But they will sell him after EURO 2008. For a better price.

    Because Gala need the mone!


    Or for less if Turkey flops and Arda doesn't do as well as they hope.

  2. He did play well against Liverpool in the Champions League.


    However, this may be just more pressure being put on us to get us to up our bid, by mentioning other clubs.


    I mean how come Liverpool weren't mentioned all this time but we have been mentioned constantly.


    All a bit fishy to me.

  3. Fair enough KD we'll agree to disagree.


    Adebayor is really flirting with disaster though if he jumps ship to Italy. He's had one good season in his whole career and I just think he would be wise to stick with the manager who finally managed to get something out of him.


    If he leaves it would be very interesting to see who Wenger brings in for him.



  4. I like Adebayor but if he leaves Arsenal for Italy he might very well dissapear of the face of the Earth. He really isn't good enough yet.


    Fabiano is clearly a better player than Adebayor right now (why is that overating?).


    These are the facts so deal with it.





  5. Fabiano ...


    Sao Paulo: 118 goals in 160 appearances.


    Sevilla: 39 goals in 79 appearances.


    Adebayor 1 good season.




    Porto and Rennes? think you've forgot them...




    Getting desperate are we?


    He only played 11 games for Rennes and 22 for Porto and things obviously didn't click for him at these clubs.


    At the clubs where he has played the majority of his games he has excelled though.


    This would be like me pulling up Henry's record at Juventus to prove he was crap despite his performances at Arsenal!


    Now answer me this ... what has Adebayor done besides this last season?


    you missed my post above ......



    Ermmm i didnt say he was crap actually. I mentioned porto and rennes because you brought up his stats but conveniantly forgot to add the places where he was poor) I've watched him a lot and think you're over-rating him drastically (your comment about him above, about his attributes leads me to beleive you havent watched him much tbh).


    So what your basically saying is that Adebayor's touch and technique and footie brain are better than Fabiano's?


    If so, you're dead wrong.


    Fabiano would do even better than Adebayor in that Arsenal team.

  6. Fabiano ...


    Sao Paulo: 118 goals in 160 appearances.


    Sevilla: 39 goals in 79 appearances.


    Adebayor 1 good season.




    Porto and Rennes? think you've forgot them...




    Getting desperate are we?


    He only played 11 games for Rennes and 22 for Porto and things obviously didn't click for him at these clubs.


    At the clubs where he has played the majority of his games he has excelled though.


    This would be like me pulling up Henry's record at Juventus to prove he was crap despite his performances at Arsenal!


    Now answer me this ... what has Adebayor done besides this last season?

  7. Are people seriously worried about Arsenal here?!


    I'd be worried about AC Milan as they are getting fleeced. This would be one of the biggest heists of the century. Adebayor has had one decent season and was very much a product of the Arsenal way of playing. Italy is probably the the worst place for him. I think he would flop there, where the defences tend to sit back and not allow much space. A £26 million profit!!! Yes please.


    Watcj Arsenal bring in Eto'o or Fabiano or someone like that which would be an instant upgrade.


    Wenger still as brilliant as ever.


    Fabiano better than Adebayor? not in a million years.




    Someone get this man a doctor as he has lost his freakin' mind!


    You would have Adebayor ahead of Fabiano?!


    I'm finding it very hard not to insult you right now.


    I actually watch spanish football an awful lot and no way in hell is Fabiano a better player than Adebayor. The guy is like 27 years old now and this has been his only successful season (probably because he's trying to get a new contract). He was super s**** at Porto and was w*** for sevilla until now. He's pacey and also a good finisher but Adebayor has much more to his game, plus he's younger too. Fabiano has always been a bit part player for which ever club he has played for (dont know much about his career at sao paulo tbh) and only now is he doing something of note.


    If wenger replaces Adebayor with luis fabiano, Arsenal will be a much weaker team and i'd be laughing my head off (sadly i know Wenger isnt retarded).


    You want to talk about history do you? Who the hell was Adebayor before he went to Arsenal?


    By the way Fabiano's record for Sao Paulo is phenomenal.


    The only thing Adebayor has over Fabiano is height and athleticism and nothing else. His touch, technique, finishing skills and brain are nowhere near Fabiano's. How you can argue this is beyond me.

  8. Eto'o's (that looks weird :lol:) performances against prem teams in the champions league have been convincing enough, besides he excelled for Barca who play a similar brand of football to Arsenal. He has the pace, dribbling and finishing to be effective in the prem. He is a world class striker.


    Like I said I'm sure Arsenal can afford to pay top dollar if they deem the player good enough.

  9. Has he got people lined up though because if he hasn't prices are going to go up and Eto'o is miles out of Arsenals wage structure limit unless they're going to break it but then Fabregas, Toure, Gallas et al will want new contracts and it makes the Flamini situation look silly.


    Wage limit?


    How much do you think they were paying Henry then?


    They will pay the players who are deserving enough and who have proven enough. Adebayor and Flamini hadn't. Simple as that.

  10. Are people seriously worried about Arsenal here?!


    I'd be worried about AC Milan as they are getting fleeced. This would be one of the biggest heists of the century. Adebayor has had one decent season and was very much a product of the Arsenal way of playing. Italy is probably the the worst place for him. I think he would flop there, where the defences tend to sit back and not allow much space. A £26 million profit!!! Yes please.


    Watcj Arsenal bring in Eto'o or Fabiano or someone like that which would be an instant upgrade.


    Wenger still as brilliant as ever.


    Fabiano better than Adebayor? not in a million years.




    Someone get this man a doctor as he has lost his freakin' mind!


    You would have Adebayor ahead of Fabiano?!


    I'm finding it very hard not to insult you right now.

  11. Are people seriously worried about Arsenal here?!


    I'd be worried about AC Milan as they are getting fleeced. This would be one of the biggest heists of the century. Adebayor has had one decent season and was very much a product of the Arsenal way of playing. Italy is probably the the worst place for him. I think he would flop there, where the defences tend to sit back and not allow much space. A £26 million profit!!! Yes please.


    Watcj Arsenal bring in Eto'o or Fabiano or someone like that which would be an instant upgrade.


    Wenger still as brilliant as ever.

  12. dailymailonline says ...


    'O'Neill ready to accept Crouch and £8m in swap deal for Barry from Aston Villa to Liverpool'

    Better deal for Villa if true.


    Surely Barry is worth more than £10million?


    Load of s**** this story.


    I know the fee we're going to tell them we want has been decided (not playing the ITK card, but don't ask, I can't divulge) and it is a much bigger package than that.


    Good for you!


    Liverpool takes the piss with what they ask for their players so take them to the cleaners.

  13. Hey Guys,


    keep on dreaming  :angel:

    Arda Turan will not come 2 NFC for 12 million EUR!

    Look at him on saturday against Protugal!

    My opinion is, that gala will sell him, but after EURO 2008.

    Because his price after the EURO 2008 will not be under 20 mio EUR!

    That´s the only reason why Gala don´t sell him before the big tournament!

    I read every day the turkish newspaper. They´re allways talking about bullshit!

    I would never trust in this fuxxxx newspaper! They´re dreaming 2!  >:D just like u!


    Can Gala afford not to sell him though? Have they got a decent amount of money anyway and therefore feel they can afford to wait till after the tournament?


    What happens if he doesn't play well, or if he gets injured? Is that a risk they can truly afford to take.


    Even Modric was sold before the tourney, and considering the hype around him and the potential he had to attract bigger clubs after a good tourney, it was a risk his former club weren't willing to take.


    We shall see soon enough.

  14. Gala are playing a dangerous game and I think we are right to call their bluff.


    If they are in really in need of money as has been alluded to by some familiar with the club, then can they really afford to wait till after the Euros?


    If anything goes awry with Turan during the tournament either no one will buy him, or the bids for him will be much lower, which would be a big blow for them. After the Euros they will also have a lot less time to pursue their targets which a large chunk of the Turan transfer fee will surely go towards.


    I think we hold all the cards in this one and are going about things the right way, if we are truly in for him.

  15. read on google france we have bid 3.25 million euros for derdiyok. things seem to be moving now then.





    Derdiyok is the young Swiss striker with Turkish heritage I believe. He was the one who came on and scored against England in the friendly.


    He's a big target man who is supposed to be very talented. Would be a shrewd signing for that price.


  16. Valencia have put David Villa up for sale at £17m.


    Ramos' dream of signing him and cashing in on Berbatov lives on.  The reality is that it will never happen (imho).  The scramble for his signature should be good to watch though!


    Villa and Keane would be a bit lightweight upfront wouldn't it? Doesn't at all sound like a bright idea.

  17. I remember when we hired Sam and  the Bolton fan came on here warning us about the kind of football he would play as well as the kind of players he would bring in and prefer in the starting lineup ... we dismissed him as being a bitter fan who was angry because we had nicked their manager. We were all clinging on to the hope that things would be different now Allardyce had a chance with a richer club.


    Those 76 will soon learn the hard way, just like we did.

  18. Close to signing a new 50k a week deal at West Ham according to this mornings papers


    Good. More chance of us going for a more mobile target man then, Crouch and Bent are two that come to mind.


    Crouch more mobile than Ashton?!!!


    That just rendered your statement null and void.

  19. Heneage ...


    The thing is though, the player certainly has ability but Dortmund didn't quite give him the opportunities, especially as they bought a bunch of established players last summer.


    In a way it's similar to Bentley's situation. Not enough opportunities at Arsenal, goes to a not very good team in Norwich and does okayish, but then gets a chance at a decent team at Blackburn and hey presto!


    So isn't it possible Sahin having not got enough opportunities at Dortmund, and having done okayisj at an average team like Feyenoord could then flourish at Newcastle?


    The guy is only 19 years old. He would be well worth it and if not the Turkish clubs would always pay good money for him should we need to move him on.

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