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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. That team really doesn't look great, even on paper. They'd just get pushed around. Very soft midfield. With the way that midfield is shaping up they are going to need a world class DM to make sure it balances right.

  2. After managing to catch a bit of Ince's MK Dons this season I was very surprised at the quality of football they played. Really good to watch but still showed a lot of desire and committment. I think he'll do well.


    This surely is the final nail on the coffin for Allardyce. A young, inexperienced, league one manager hired ahead of him. Big Sam is going to have to step down to the championship in order to get back into footy management. For Blackburn to turn you down ... ha ha ha ha ha ha

  3. im afraid to admit this, but im feelin the look, and the shades are awesome, i got a pair of prada ones like that last week, get loadsa comments on them when youre out like


    Here's a tip for you young rookie. Never rely on flashy gear to get you attention. It'll only attract the wrong sort anyway.


    Do your thing by all means and look fresh and fly out there but never go over the top. Makes you look desperate, like your trying too hard.


    Despite being almost 30 and having all that money Lampard still hasn't learnt this. Cringeworthy and rather embarrassing.




    Fashion tips across a footie forum, seen it all now.  :lol:


    Get yourself in the Materialism thread Kaka, you'd have a field day.




    Never really ventured outside of the football forum ... sounds rather intriguing though.


    Might have to check that one out.


  4. im afraid to admit this, but im feelin the look, and the shades are awesome, i got a pair of prada ones like that last week, get loadsa comments on them when youre out like


    Here's a tip for you young rookie. Never rely on flashy gear to get you attention. It'll only attract the wrong sort anyway.


    Do your thing by all means and look fresh and fly out there but never go over the top. Makes you look desperate, like your trying too hard.


    Despite being almost 30 and having all that money Lampard still hasn't learnt this. Cringeworthy and rather embarrassing.



  5. I can't wait to see what formation Spurs are planning on playing next season. I find this all very fascinating. Still no steel in midfield.


    Wonder where they'll put Modric especially. Don't think he could hack it as one of a midfield pairing in the premier league. I could only really see him playing in the centre as one of a three.


  6. To late Spurs have signed him.


    That one never gets old, does it?


    I think it just about did.




    It's not even being done right anymore.


    "To late ... "?!

  7. Would you consider Lennon a realistic target and would you want him if he was?


    Realistic yes. Depends who the alternatives are though for whether I'd want him. I don't think he's a great deal more than Milner with pace.


    £7m for Milner, £5m for Lennon then I'd take it (assuming similar wages etc).


    Lennons pace gives us a better option than Milner if we want to vary 4-3-3 and 4-4-2.


    Also remember when Gillespie first signed he was all pace a varied end product. Only really kicked on after the summer. I know Lennon is a bit older, but given the right targets to aim for maybe...........


    In that scenario then yes obviously I would too - it's an upgrade for less money.


    My point was that if the choice is between Lennon and SWP, I'd want the latter as it's more of an upgrade IMO. If SWP is available, I'd be disappointed if we went for Lennon.


    Can't argue with that at all, I think SWP is a vastly superior player who has suffered from lack of playing time.


    A relative of Robert Segal (Bentley's agent) is saying that Bentley wants back to London and would be happy at Spurs (though I guess he would be happier at Chelsea).  Blackburn are said to be wanting £18m which is £5m more than Spurs want to pay.  I believe Spurs would be wanting around £10m for Lennon but he won't be moving until there is a replacement in, whether that be Bentley or someone else.


    You've really outdone yourself this time.


    Stephen Segal, Spurs ITK.


    Whatever next?

  8. lets move on. We should concentrate our efforts on not so famous and so-called 2nd tier players like Emana and such. There is no point going after the likes of Turan and the other Euro2008 stars. If we continue this day dream, will miss out on both sets of players and will be even worse. I will delighted if we sign the so-called unknowns from Ligue 1 that we are linked too. Have a feeling Mike Ashley has similar thoughts: to sign lesser players at lower costs and wages and see them bloom aka Arsenal strategy, that explains the non-activity. Yes we did go for a semi-famous player in Modric but he rejected us....in a way a lesson to MA which i am sure he is embracing now. So move on and sign players that can improve the squad at lower costs. also save us the embarrassment of losing out so called bigger clubs like Spurs.


    Mackem fan taking the piss in my opinion


    Well his name is shiteam backwards.


    We have a breakthrough!!!

  9. Depends on what your into I guess ... if you'd rather do "it" with someone while they lie there uninterested while charging more brand new products to your credit card then that's cool I guess.


    I'd rather get with someone who isn't just into bleeding me dry, but who also wants to get jiggy with me just as much as I want to them.


    You dig?


    If Ronaldinho came here he'd excite us no end. Don't try and make out anything different.




    It all depends on the circumstances is my point. If it took KK hiding out in steam rooms in Brazil to get his attention along with £200,000 a week then I would be concerned about how he would perform when he arrived.


    If we signed him just for him to continue his recent trends at Barca of being fat and unfit while giving the odd fancy flick and stepover, I wouldn't be impressed.


    EDIT: Just seen the bit you added ...  :lol:


    There are some fly young hotties out there who do have some integrity you know. They're not all fat cloggers. That's where our scouting network comes in you see.



  10. Completely disagree, but never mind. I think he's fully entitled to a break just like anyone else who works for a living, and I don't think it means he loves the club any less.


    If he'd not gone away, how do you know things would be any different?


    Because when he gets back things are supposed to happen.


    Simply really, those things would have been happening if he was here.




    When he gets back, others are also getting back. Do you think Keegan could have signed David Bentley had he not gone away? Because Bentley's currently in Marbella.


    Why Bentley as an example? A player hunting CL football. If we were to have ANY chance of signing him KK would have to be face to face doing his stuff. KK could possibly fly to Marbella to seek out Bentley if he were interested, but really Bentley is never going to be interested in this club the state its in.




    Flown to Marbella to seek him out?!!!


    That just reeks of desperation and would most likely put the dude off. KK would come across as a freakin' stalker!

    Never come across as being too needy. Make sure you remember that. Will help you out with the chicks too.





    Completely disagree, but never mind. I think he's fully entitled to a break just like anyone else who works for a living, and I don't think it means he loves the club any less.


    If he'd not gone away, how do you know things would be any different?


    Because when he gets back things are supposed to happen.


    Simply really, those things would have been happening if he was here.




    When he gets back, others are also getting back. Do you think Keegan could have signed David Bentley had he not gone away? Because Bentley's currently in Marbella.


    Why Bentley as an example? A player hunting CL football. If we were to have ANY chance of signing him KK would have to be face to face doing his stuff. KK could possibly fly to Marbella to seek out Bentley if he were interested, but really Bentley is never going to be interested in this club the state its in.




    Flown to Marbella to seek him out?!!!


    That just reeks of desperation and would most likely put the dude off. KK would come across as a freakin' stalker!


    Never come across as being too needy. Make sure you remember that. Will help you out with the chicks too.




    It's what Citeh did for Ronaldinho, flew out to Brazil, only way they'll ever get such a player is treat him like royalty and the only person that matters.


    Not a phonecall from a sun lounger while drinking a cocktail 1000's of miles away. It's just not going to wash i'm afraid. Sometimes you've got to go that extra mile like FS did with Owen.






    Ronaldinho. Good example and so I will use the same analogy. Man City are indeed playing the role of the desperate guy and are throwing ridiculous amounts of money at the guy to boot. At the moment Ronaldinho is simply flirting with them while trying to get the attention of some more attractive "dudes". If he doesn't succeed he will hook up with Man City strictly for the cash but will never be committed to the relationship and will no doubt put in a half arsed effort. It will all end in tears and broken hearts until the next pathetic dude comes around.


    In short, what I'm trying to say is that KK doesn't  need to resort to sneaking up on half dressed men on sun loungers. That is just not a good look for KK.



  11. We f***ing heard you the first time.

    If you're so bothered, find another team to support, it's not like you're local. We're Newcastle united, we're s*** and we're going to win f*** all again. I'm used to it and enjoy myself accordingly like most. If you don't like it, you know where the door is.


    You guys saw my petition right?


    Get with the programme.

  12. Completely disagree, but never mind. I think he's fully entitled to a break just like anyone else who works for a living, and I don't think it means he loves the club any less.


    If he'd not gone away, how do you know things would be any different?


    Because when he gets back things are supposed to happen.


    Simply really, those things would have been happening if he was here.




    When he gets back, others are also getting back. Do you think Keegan could have signed David Bentley had he not gone away? Because Bentley's currently in Marbella.


    Why Bentley as an example? A player hunting CL football. If we were to have ANY chance of signing him KK would have to be face to face doing his stuff. KK could possibly fly to Marbella to seek out Bentley if he were interested, but really Bentley is never going to be interested in this club the state its in.




    Flown to Marbella to seek him out?!!!


    That just reeks of desperation and would most likely put the dude off. KK would come across as a freakin' stalker!


    Never come across as being too needy. Make sure you remember that. Will help you out with the chicks too.



  13. Getting as bad as Maetihs tbh. O0


    Only I am speaking the truth backed up with the fact we've signed no one while he was away.




    I'd rather we signed people who he's spoken talk to face-to-face first.


    So would I, and i'd rather he didn't take a holiday and put the club 1st. If he loves it so much he'd not have left, unless the pressure is severe in which case we need to get rid of him and bring in someone mentally stronger.



    Blimey ...


    Is this one a joke too?


    It sounds as though it ought to be surely?

  14. Something I'd like to add, another young English top 4 reject spent some time on loan at two different Premiership clubs, but was not really going to be in with a sniff of first team football when he was to return to his parent club, is now being touted as a player beyond your means, one David Bentley. You've got to speculate to accumulate...


    Your far too sensible for these shores. How I wanted us to sign Bentley after his first stint at Norwich, but it was the same type of things being said about Guthrie and Larsson now.


    There is no guarantee these players will become as good as Bentley, but it is well worth taking a flier on a few of these types of players due to their reasonably cheap prices and potential for improvement.


    Exactly. Both of these players had good seasons and Keegan does have the ability to make them even better.


    It's not like we are able to sign the Luka Modric's of the world




    You were going so well up until then ...

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