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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Wish we'd get linked to someone ive actually heard of , Cardozo, Gomes ,Gomis ...whos next...Antonio Montana ?


    Have you never hear dof Crouch, Ashton or Darren Bent then? Cuz we've been linke with them too.


    Think the players you haven't heard of are probably better players on the whole so don't worry about it too much.

  2. Try living in France where most football fans view us as a midtable club and laughed at me when we are linked to their rising stars in ligue 1.


    Well if the French don't think much of us we'll sign good players from other countries. Just chill out and be patient.


    If we sign crappy players and  have a rubbish summer then we can all moan as much as we want then. We've heard what you think and it's all getting a bit repetitive now, so tak eit easy.



  3. He's not lived up to the potential and was mediocre in the Eredivisie.  No.



    How has he not lived up to his potential exactly? He has been one of Feyenoord's better players at 19 and Feyenoord would loved to have kept him on.


    Out of interest ... what role did he play for Feyenoord?


    He seems to be quite versatile as I understand he can play as an attacking midfielder as well as a defensive midfielder, which would be great for our 4-3-3 setup.


    What formation did Feyenoord play this last season and what position did Sahin fill in their formation?

  4. lol we are a very deluded bunch aren't we.



    We haven't finished in the top 6 for some years and haven't done it back-to-back since about 2003/4. Finished in the lower half of the league more often than not in the last 5 years.


    In the last 5 years we've been through about 5 managers.


    Portsmouth have been doing well in the league for about 3 years now. Won the FA Cup are in Europe.


    Spurs have been getting stronger and stronger for the same time we've been on the decline minus last year. They kept conceding goals last season and went some way to curb that by bringing in 2 good quality defenders. They have a young team and keep adding to it and a manager who is respected and known throughout Europe. Also in Europe this season.




    Exactly. Good to hear more and more fans are as realistic as me.


    Bet you're a blast in the pub before the match. Well if you'd ever been like.


    Oh he's been to plenty, at the stadium of s****.


    typical. denial are we?? :doh:


    I'm certainly not denial no..  mackems.gif


    hope so for your sake from more disappointment :)


    When we go through a s*** spell are you happy or sad?


    Of course i am down... you would not want to be near me after we lost a match or played crap. But these days i am much calmer after finally acknowledging and recognising the fact that my expectation of the team (we are a top 6 club at least and that we are famous n big club) is simply unrealistic. After seeing the crapness after the Sir Bobby days, I become more and more upset cos i know we have really fallen behind our previous lesser rivals like Everton, Pompey and Spurs. I am perhaps one of the few who predict days of mediorcity when players like Dyer, Bells, Robert left and the retirement of Shearer cos i know these are the best we can have. People rave abt the new coming ins like Duff but i got stick saying we will be in for a relegtion scrap this season but was called names for this view; I was more right.  In any case, my upset turns to reasoning and finally acceptance that if i am not going to get disappointed i must face the truth. So i was delighted with our final position this season and performance in the last few games, even then, i am realistic of my expectation next season if no added quality players are made. Also, i was constantly upset by jokes from mates then, that i think my club is big and has a good squad.


    Finally, i understand our standing in the game has fallen and do not expect big names unless they are in twillight of their years whats more now, we are not spending due to wage cost pressures. As such, i face the truth that getting back into Europe and become more famous is at least 5-10 years away cos in simple terms, even if we add 3 or 4 good players this seasons, our rivals are likey to do the same to already superior squads than ours. We can of course do a Chelsea and buy big and pay big, signalling our ambition and thus attract more and better players but this is impossible under the buiness oriented Mike Ashley.


    So my expectations has changed to a more realistic one. I am given stick but just as irritated that these fans are deluded and asking for the impossible which will lead to disappointment and a hostile and unhappy crowd which thus lead to pressure on the squad. Would it not be better if we can create a vibrant and more suppotive crowd at St James if we lower our expectations or become more realistic? Would it not be that we wll be happy if we overahieve our realistic expectation and finish in the top 10 rather than moan and swear, creating a unpleasant environment for players and fans alike? I for one, do not expect any rising star/star signings but maybe a few unknowns who perhaps can surprise us, in fact i expect more departures to keep the wage bill down but hopefully that man is not Martins as i feel he is the only few top 6 quality player we have who also seem want to play for us.


    So what do you think our overall potential is? Why dont you speak about our club in terms of its potential rather than its current standings?


    fact is football is about now and potential is subjective. we have been talking about the same old potential for ages. Totally understable why KK wants better and more experienced players. just look at Chelsea years ago, what potential they have? nought and suddenly bang! they are champs. We are arguably more famous than Chelsea then and have more potenial; we have been talking abt this potential but since then have fallen. Look at Pompey spend big and suddenly they have the FA cup. Football players know that their version of potential is 2-3 years max (am sure Shearer joined us thinking we are to win something in that timeframe) and time again we disppoint and recently get worse, players reaching their peak will most likely join us unless we are the one in the running for his signature. Anyone will agree that we are at least 5 years away from Europe and silverware which by then, new blood has to be brought in as our gems in Martins and Owen (if they stay) will decline as age catches up aka Shearer scenario....looks like a vicious cycle of medoricity. In 5 years time our standing will be even worse if things do not improve and to get players like Martins and Owen will be even tougher. hope i am wrong, hope the board back KK in summer.....


    I hope you stop smoking crack this summer.


    dun worry, already accepted our current plight ages ago, not expecting any star signings but bargain buys so would not drown my sorrow in smoke or drinks. thanks btw


    Why not stop being so defeatist until we sign someone?


    I personally think we are all in for a pleasant surprise.



  5. lol we are a very deluded bunch aren't we.



    We haven't finished in the top 6 for some years and haven't done it back-to-back since about 2003/4. Finished in the lower half of the league more often than not in the last 5 years.


    In the last 5 years we've been through about 5 managers.


    Portsmouth have been doing well in the league for about 3 years now. Won the FA Cup are in Europe.


    Spurs have been getting stronger and stronger for the same time we've been on the decline minus last year. They kept conceding goals last season and went some way to curb that by bringing in 2 good quality defenders. They have a young team and keep adding to it and a manager who is respected and known throughout Europe. Also in Europe this season.




    Exactly. Good to hear more and more fans are as realistic as me.


    Bet you're a blast in the pub before the match. Well if you'd ever been like.


    Oh he's been to plenty, at the stadium of s****.


    typical. denial are we?? :doh:


    I'm certainly not denial no..  mackems.gif


    hope so for your sake from more disappointment :)


    When we go through a s*** spell are you happy or sad?


    Of course i am down... you would not want to be near me after we lost a match or played crap. But these days i am much calmer after finally acknowledging and recognising the fact that my expectation of the team (we are a top 6 club at least and that we are famous n big club) is simply unrealistic. After seeing the crapness after the Sir Bobby days, I become more and more upset cos i know we have really fallen behind our previous lesser rivals like Everton, Pompey and Spurs. I am perhaps one of the few who predict days of mediorcity when players like Dyer, Bells, Robert left and the retirement of Shearer cos i know these are the best we can have. People rave abt the new coming ins like Duff but i got stick saying we will be in for a relegtion scrap this season but was called names for this view; I was more right.  In any case, my upset turns to reasoning and finally acceptance that if i am not going to get disappointed i must face the truth. So i was delighted with our final position this season and performance in the last few games, even then, i am realistic of my expectation next season if no added quality players are made. Also, i was constantly upset by jokes from mates then, that i think my club is big and has a good squad.


    Finally, i understand our standing in the game has fallen and do not expect big names unless they are in twillight of their years whats more now, we are not spending due to wage cost pressures. As such, i face the truth that getting back into Europe and become more famous is at least 5-10 years away cos in simple terms, even if we add 3 or 4 good players this seasons, our rivals are likey to do the same to already superior squads than ours. We can of course do a Chelsea and buy big and pay big, signalling our ambition and thus attract more and better players but this is impossible under the buiness oriented Mike Ashley.


    So my expectations has changed to a more realistic one. I am given stick but just as irritated that these fans are deluded and asking for the impossible which will lead to disappointment and a hostile and unhappy crowd which thus lead to pressure on the squad. Would it not be better if we can create a vibrant and more suppotive crowd at St James if we lower our expectations or become more realistic? Would it not be that we wll be happy if we overahieve our realistic expectation and finish in the top 10 rather than moan and swear, creating a unpleasant environment for players and fans alike? I for one, do not expect any rising star/star signings but maybe a few unknowns who perhaps can surprise us, in fact i expect more departures to keep the wage bill down but hopefully that man is not Martins as i feel he is the only few top 6 quality player we have who also seem want to play for us.


    So what do you think our overall potential is? Why dont you speak about our club in terms of its potential rather than its current standings?


    fact is football is about now and potential is subjective. we have been talking about the same old potential for ages. Totally understable why KK wants better and more experienced players. just look at Chelsea years ago, what potential they have? nought and suddenly bang! they are champs. We are arguably more famous than Chelsea then and have more potenial; we have been talking abt this potential but since then have fallen. Look at Pompey spend big and suddenly they have the FA cup. Football players know that their version of potential is 2-3 years max (am sure Shearer joined us thinking we are to win something in that timeframe) and time again we disppoint and recently get worse, players reaching their peak will most likely join us unless we are the one in the running for his signature. Anyone will agree that we are at least 5 years away from Europe and silverware which by then, new blood has to be brought in as our gems in Martins and Owen (if they stay) will decline as age catches up aka Shearer scenario....looks like a vicious cycle of medoricity. In 5 years time our standing will be even worse if things do not improve and to get players like Martins and Owen will be even tougher. hope i am wrong, hope the board back KK in summer.....


    I hope you stop smoking crack this summer.

  6. Spuds reckon they're close to getting Veloso and Coloccini as well as Dos Santos and his younger brother. :kasper:


    The itk guy says it 3 players to be done by the end of the week. Dos santos is near enough certain to be one, the guy says the other guy either plays for portugal or plays in portugal, and the 3rd is probably Bostock but people still havnt clocked on yet.


    There are a number of options bubbling away.  Bostock has already had an official announcement of sorts so I would discount him as one of the 3 if there are going to be simultaneous announcements for 3 players.  If there are 3 deals coming to fruition they could be announced on Friday as at the weekend Levy and Alexander (the Company Secretary) depart for annual vacations.


    BTW, I've got considerable doubts that Veloso will be one of the three, if indeed there are three.


    Veloso would be just about the worst sort of defensive midfielder you could possibly sign so it would probably be a good thing if you didn't for your sake of course.


    You need a real destroyer sort for that midfield but oddly enough it doesn't seem you have been linked with too many. Your midfield is still too soft in my opinion. Zokora and Huddlestone are just not effective enough as DMs in a 4-4-2.

  7. Well I think he is at least a better option than Turan.


    He's probably stagnated a bit, but he is young enough to bounce back for sure. Aslo very experienced for his age and has been in europe all his career so will be well adjusted. Will also be cheaper than Turan.

  8. Assuming this article is true ...


    Turning down a 25 million euro offer for Cardozo makes no sense. It really does seem to me to be an excellent offer for someone they paid about 10 million Euros for only a year ago?


    They probably didn't like the way our payment was structured, maybe if we adjust this there could still be hope.


    I think he would do well in the premier league.

  9. stupid time to sell, if so. he's playing in the euros for heavens sake, probably have a blinder + mega value increase


    I understand where you're coming from, but taking his injury history into account we have to sell while we can. Cut our losses and get his wages off of our books.


    If he gets injured yet again during the tourney we'll never be rid of him.

  10. We do need another very quick striker as Martins is the only one we have really.


    I wonder if he would be more of a depth signing or if Keegan sees him fitting in somewhere in the starting lineup.



  11. The USA has good enough athletes (yes, even the ones left over after basketball, american football, hockey and baseball have taken the very best of them), however unless these kids start joining European clubs at a very young age i.e. after high school, rather than playing college soccer, they will have no hope.


    Look at Hargreaves, he joined bayern at a young enough age to truly develop into a good player despite not growingup in Europe.


    Adu is also still young enough to make something of himself if he is truly dedicated to doing so, as he has made the move to Europe while still young.

  12. I'm not sure Keegan was ever that interested in Dunne. Probably just linked due to him having managed him at Man City.


    Looks to me like Keegan is more interested in Cuellar. Dunne's age, salary and relative similarity to Faye and Taylor might have ruled him out.



  13. It's so funny, but this is the kind of player Mark Hughes or Moyes would pick up for a pittance with no one batting an eyelid and then when they start flying everyone acts surprised.


    Stephen Warnock, David Bentley, Jagielka, Lescott, etc.


    If any of these had been suggested prior to joingin either blackburn or Everton I wonder what the reactions would have been.




    It is hilarious, like.


    It is though!


    The same guys dismissing him will tell you we should get Lennon, which is an absolute abomination.

  14. You seem to know a lot about him, Kaka. What actually are his good attributes, other than being young with a good background? And set pieces, obviously.


    Just a very good all around midfielder. Good passer, lovely technique, can beat a man with a nice little move, however won't blow by them as he does lack real pace. He also has a good workrate and doesn't shy away from defensive work, although not a great tackler or battler per se he will make a nuisance of himself.



  15. It's so funny, but this is the kind of player Mark Hughes or Moyes would pick up for a pittance with no one batting an eyelid and then when they start flying everyone acts surprised.


    Stephen Warnock, David Bentley, Jagielka, Lescott, etc.


    If any of these had been suggested prior to joingin either blackburn or Everton I wonder what the reactions would have been.



  16. I like him. Would do better in a three man midfield than he has as a winger, where he lacks a bit of pace.


    The guy is only 22 years old but has a lot of prem experience and a good background at Arsenal. I would definitely go for him.


    Could be another Bentley situation all over again. He and Bentley performed at a pretty similar level at Arsenal. He has arguably done better at Birmignham than Bentley did at Norwich. I remember wanting Bentley when he was available after leaving Arsenal and there were a lot of naysayers then, claiming he was an average Arsenal cast off ...


    Basically, the guy is so cheap that it can't really hurt us too much. At the worst he would be a very good squad player. He has more quality than Milner, Duff and Smith so why the hell not.


    He's so young theres no telling how good he could become. Also a full Swedish international so he's getting a lot of great experience.


    Put that bid in.

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