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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The Mamic brothers carrying on like he's Pele or summat.


    If that story is true then it really doesn't seem like we did too much wrong. The Mamic brothers just come across as freakin' jerks.


    I hate to wish anyone bad luck, and I do think Modric is a good player, but you can't help but want him to flop after reading that.

  2. BBC reckon he will start for Sweden tomorrow against Greece.

    He won't, Swedish papers are all saying it'll be Ljungberg/Wilhelmsson on the wings.

    I'd be livid if I supported Sweden, tbh, Larsson is better than both of them and the only reason he is not playing is because he's too young.


    That Whilelmsson fella hasn't really managed to do too much at any of the clubs he's been at but still seems to get in ahead of Larsson. Must be frustrating. Definitely a seniorty thing it seems.

  3. Spurs very interested in signing Anton.  :thdn:


    Jeez, I know Dawson is no great shakes but mini Ferdinand is signifantly worse imho.  He's quicker than Dawson but that's not surprising, everyone's quicker than Dawson! :kasper:


    i hop its him and dawson when we play you!


    dawson always has a holocaust against us, and anton is just plain bollocks


    It gets worse.  Fella on the forum has been told that Anton has his medical later today.  I know he'd only be there to make up the squad numbers but even so, Ramos must see something in him, but I'm struggling to think what.  Ramos can prove me wrong but right now I'm seriously underwhelmed.


    The better news is that a Spaniard will be having a medical at the same time, probably Diego Capel or Daniel Jarque, both are high on JR's wishlist.


    Isn't Jarque another centre back?


    Anyway ... I know it's trendy to label Anton a crap player, but I'm not so sure he's as terrible as people make out. He is just a typical young , immature and cocky guy. I think he has abilty though, and in a more serious, structured and demanding setup I think he could still turn out to be a good player, especially as he becomes a little older and matures a bit. West Ham have been an absolute mess for a while now and it just seems the leadership from the managers has been poor.


    Yep, Jarque's a CB.  With Dawson, Rocha and Kaboul on their way out, the CB options would be King, Woody, Jarque and Ferdinand.  Not the best options in my view, though I do agree with your comments about West Ham.  They bring through good youngsters who do well then start to stagnate after a while.  The list of those that have moved on and given a fresh lease of life to their careers is almost endless.


    A bit more disappointing news is that Jefferson Farfan says it was a straight choice between Spurs and Schalke before opting for the German club.  Shame, because I do rate him highly and the reported €10m was a bargain imho.


    Disappointing for you maybe! I would have been livid if he signed for your lot as I am a big fan of his and I would have actually loved to see him at Newcastle to continue our good Peruvian relations. So thank God for Schalke.





  4. Anthony Annan the Ghanian midfielder 21, would be a good signing for us.


    Is this your token Ghanian link for this summer?


    Laryea Kingston version 2.0?







    Boro and Man City are looking at him. We could nick it with little cheeky Dennis Wise kidnapping him in a taxi and getting him to sign before he lets him out. bluerazz.gif





    Is this our transfer startegy then? Having a midget attempt to abduct our targets and force them to sign under duress?


    Would certainly explain our success in the market so far.

  5. I sure some people would find fault at signing Ronaldo or Messi, almost any transfer link we have had some people have just hammerred it.


    Ronaldo literally cannot play any better, he's at his peak - there's nowhere left for him to go but down, now. We should be looking to sign someone on their way up as opposed to making an investment that will depreciate.


    this is a very, very good point - he's not only reached personal level of fitness and ability that outstrips his peers more importantly he's playing in a team that is virtually geared towards creating space for him to mauraud (sp?) about in


    should he leave man u in the next couple of years i'd strongly predict he'll never come close to the last couple of seasons


    Right now he is the face of Man United. He sets the toneand has a great influence for the team. It is essentially his team right now. They look to him to make things happen when they attack. It's a great position to be in at one of the top clubs in the world and quite frankly I think he is crazy to want to go to Madrid.


    At Madrid he just will not have the same status on the team. It is always going to be a team of galacticos and they will always bring in other big name and big ego players. Ronaldo will not hold the same importance or influence on the pitch. His teammates just aren't likely to allow him to be the focal point in the same way he is at Man U.


    In other words there will be major hateration. Van nistelhorse is going to want to do his thing. Sneijder being the brilliant player he is is going to want to do his thing. Robinho is going to want to do his thing. The king of Real, Raul is going to want to do his thing too. I just don't think it'll gel that well and the chemistry could be quite poor. I don't really see Ronaldo blending in with so many other players of this type.


    Yeah, I agree. I don't think he would do as well there.

  6. Not sure if already mentioned but Ramsey has signed for Arsenal


    Smart boy. If I had the ability at such a young age to pick between the top clubs in the country I wouldn't go anywhere else. He will get the best footballing education there and he will get to play a fair bit too if he does well.

  7. Spurs very interested in signing Anton.  :thdn:


    Jeez, I know Dawson is no great shakes but mini Ferdinand is signifantly worse imho.  He's quicker than Dawson but that's not surprising, everyone's quicker than Dawson! :kasper:


    i hop its him and dawson when we play you!


    dawson always has a holocaust against us, and anton is just plain bollocks


    It gets worse.  Fella on the forum has been told that Anton has his medical later today.  I know he'd only be there to make up the squad numbers but even so, Ramos must see something in him, but I'm struggling to think what.  Ramos can prove me wrong but right now I'm seriously underwhelmed.


    The better news is that a Spaniard will be having a medical at the same time, probably Diego Capel or Daniel Jarque, both are high on JR's wishlist.


    Isn't Jarque another centre back?


    Anyway ... I know it's trendy to label Anton a crap player, but I'm not so sure he's as terrible as people make out. He is just a typical young , immature and cocky guy. I think he has abilty though, and in a more serious, structured and demanding setup I think he could still turn out to be a good player, especially as he becomes a little older and matures a bit. West Ham have been an absolute mess for a while now and it just seems the leadership from the managers has been poor.

  8. Engelaar is loyal to his old coach and credits Rutten with his transformation from a journeyman in the Belgian league to the role of fulcrum in the most elegant of international midfields. As a second striker with Genk, Engelaar was going nowhere. Rutten seduced him into playing in defensive midfield with talk of the Oranje jersey. And his promises weren't false. The Dutch midfield is filled with gifted ball players but is also pretty puny. With Rino Gattuso foaming in the opposition changing room tomorrow, it will be reassuring to the timid Robben that Engelaar, at 6ft 4in and weighing more than 14st, is on bodyguard duty. The beauty for Van Basten is that he has found an enforcer whose passing ability will enhance the Dutch side's preference for rapid interchange of the ball.


    At 28, Engelaar has enjoyed a spectacular late development to a career that was trundling along in mediocrity. This season he captained FC Twente to Champions League qualification ahead of Ajax and Feyenoord. Fred Rutten, the Twente coach, moved to Schalke last month and made it a condition that they brought Engelaar along too, paying £6.4 million for him. He knew he had to move swiftly, because after the Euros Engelaar will be on the English and Spanish radar.






  9. "A player leaving the field of play because of his momentum during play, is not deemed to have left without the Referee's permission and can therefore re-enter without the Referee's permission. In this instance, although the defender is off the field of play, (and until he returns to the field of play), he should be deemed to be standing on the goal-line (in the field of play) when considering offside. The Assistant Referee should stand in line with the last opponent on the field of play (which in this case will probably be the defending goalkeeper). When deciding offside in this scenario, the two last defending opponents are the defender who has travelled off the field of play, and the defending player who is nearest to the goal line on the field of play (which in all probability will be the goalkeeper)."


    Wow ... and the so called experts in the studio didn't know this. How embarrassing.

  10. that engelaar has looked very good as well


    Excellent game he's had. Classy midfelder with great prescence.


    yep - could be be a realistic target?


    28, plays for twente, not  a top club - looks just like what we need


    Coach at Twente moved to Schalke and took Engelaar with him promptly, before anyone else came in for him after this tourney. The coach at Twente converted him to a DM from an AM, so he was loyal to him.

  11. Same price as Emre! I know Emre has been pants but that just isn't right surely?!  :lol:


    There is quit the gulf of class between the two.


    Anyway, let's hope we are making room for a new midfielder and striker after accepting bids for Shola and Emre.

  12. I thought the concept was "3 or 4 Quality" players. NOT "3 or 4 players released by bigger clubs who've had a good season" (Emphasis on SEASON)


    Remember the last youngster let go by Arsenal who went down in his first full season playing regular football? David Bentley at Norwich. Who'd have thought after that season he'd be the player he is now.

    You cannot compare David Bentley who showed glimpses of brilliance at Arsenal with Seb Larsson.


    I thought the concept was "3 or 4 Quality" players. NOT "3 or 4 players released by bigger clubs who've had a good season" (Emphasis on SEASON)


    3 or 4 quality players before we sold Emre and apparently decided to cancel Barton's contract.

    And why isn't Larsson quality?  He's a young international with Premiership experience and the most accurate free kick taker in the league. 


    Anyone turning their nose up at this one needs to get a f***ing grip.

    Senderos is a young international with Prem experience doesn't mean I want him. He can take freekicks thats it, he can't create from open play and would be an average signing on 30k.


    Pure bollox.


    Bentley showed no more than what Larsson did at Arsenal, which is why he ended up at Norwich on loan.



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