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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Otherwise known as Jo the striker who plays for CSKA Moscow. 6 foot 3 with pace, power and skill and only 21 and has a ridiculous scoring record in the Russian league as well as performing in the champions league too.


    Now he keeps getting linked to Man City, but I have a feeling we will show some interest. Fits all the criteria of what we are supposedly looking for in our new signings, and doesn't quite appear to be drawing the big time attraction from the top clubs yet.


    Anyone else seen much of him, and if so what think you?



  2. Fuchs34 (why that name ?).......have any other clubs been mentioned wanting to sign Turan ?


    Tottenham and Everton so far.  But another important info for you. Newcastle was watching Arda the whole season. They send scouts to the Galatasaray stadium. I remember a quote from one of the scouts after a bad match from Arda: " This is the best player of Turkey.., can't believe that". Looks like he changed his opinion after watching some more games  :angel:


    Only going to be more upset if this doesn't work out now ... but thanks anyway.

  3. Does anyone know the REAL reason as to why he wants to leave the club - surely its not just to go back to london.


    Why? That's his proper job and where his family are. His contract's up so he's done his job. Don't conjure up conspiracy theories, the press will do that for us.

    Exactly what I was afraid of. The club still hasn't responded to the news and now it's beginning to seem a bit weird. Already people on here are speculating. The papers tomorrow will be unbearable.

  4. Very upsetting that some fans can dish out personal attacks in response to views. Lets see then...only time will tell. A fan i am but i am not as deluded as some out there who thinks that we are a big club that the likes of Modric, Gomis will jump to join us. I am not saying being deluded is wrong but saying that no matter how deluded a fan is on his club, one shall not engage in personal attacks just because views differ. Show some class which i am sure most of NUFC fans can do...just pointing out to the miniority few out there. Cheers  ;D


    Dude I hate to break it to you but you are extremely deluded but in a different way.


    You are basically reverse deluded. Your rating of Newcastle is so low your just as deluded as those you claim rate Newcastle too highly.


    Basically your just as nuts as you think they are.

  5. What people have to realise is that many players come to the EPL and join "smaller clubs" in the hope the big 4 will take notice and step in with a bid after a couple of years.  Players might join Everton over us because they are in the city of Liverpool and they hope playing in Liverpool will increase their chances of joining a "top" club Like Liverpool with a proven European pedigree.  The same goes for players joining Spurs.  Given the chance they would prefer to join Arsenal or Chelsea but, as with Everton, these players reason that playing in the "big city" may bring them to the attention of Chelsea and Arsenal.  We simply do not fit into that category which is why we lose out unless we are prepared to pay inflated fees and top dollar in wages.


    Started off quite promisingly then collapsed into a big fat mess.


    With the amount of coverage the premiership gets you think they will only be noticed by these teams if they play in the same city?


    Get real dude.


    Just playing in the premiership gets you noticed all over the world moreso than in any other league.


    Valencia and Palacios at Wigan have gotten incredible exposure by being  at Wigan. Zarate has only been at Birmingham a couple of months and has already created significant buzz with hardly anyone even knowing who he was beforehand.


    Yes, but who had heard of them before they joined Wigan/Birmingham, they were relatively unkown and have proved themselves there and are attracting attention from the top clubs.  Surely, we are after quality players who don't need to join the likes of Wigan/Birmingham to prove they have what it takes!


    All I am saying is foreign players look at a map of England and think "sacre bleu" Newcastle is miles and miles away from London, Manchester and Liverpool where the top teams in England play.  Why should I go to that far flung outpost of football when I can join Spurs, Everton or even Man City and attract the attention of the big city media to get a big money move.


    Lord please give me strength!


    If any player feels they would want to join a team for the sole purpose of proving themsekves to bigger clubs then they are just as likely to join Newcastle as they are Everton or Spurs.


    If players on teams like Wigan are being noticed then of course a player at Newcastle would get noticed also. What the hell do you think Newcastle is? Some backstreet, underground hideout? You are clearly very confused.


    You do not have to be in a big city to get noticed. Besides your whole argument is just silly and you are tiring me out. If you cannot understand this little bit I have just written then just forget about it. We can talk about it at the end of the window.

  6. whenever any player moves to a club that isn't spurs does it mean he has turned spurs down ?


    No. It means Spurs have an agreement to allow the other club to sign them now but then sell them to Spurs for less in the future.


    All players directly or indirectly belong to Tottenham. Tottenham is football and football is Tottenham.

  7. What people have to realise is that many players come to the EPL and join "smaller clubs" in the hope the big 4 will take notice and step in with a bid after a couple of years.  Players might join Everton over us because they are in the city of Liverpool and they hope playing in Liverpool will increase their chances of joining a "top" club Like Liverpool with a proven European pedigree.  The same goes for players joining Spurs.  Given the chance they would prefer to join Arsenal or Chelsea but, as with Everton, these players reason that playing in the "big city" may bring them to the attention of Chelsea and Arsenal.  We simply do not fit into that category which is why we lose out unless we are prepared to pay inflated fees and top dollar in wages.


    Started off quite promisingly then collapsed into a big fat mess.


    With the amount of coverage the premiership gets you think they will only be noticed by these teams if they play in the same city?


    Get real dude.


    Just playing in the premiership gets you noticed all over the world moreso than in any other league.


    Valencia and Palacios at Wigan have gotten incredible exposure by being  at Wigan. Zarate has only been at Birmingham a couple of months and has already created significant buzz with hardly anyone even knowing who he was beforehand.

  8. Stoke City, Pulis will splash out 2m on signing Senegalese international N'Daw from Sochaux.

    He looks like a solid unit.  You could do with someone like him in your first season.


    He might look good but he probably plays the game like Amdy Faye, hence the move to Stoke.


    I wish we would just bid for him tbh, he's clearly very talented and would be a sound addition to the team so why not just give them what they want? £12 million or whatever they want isn't THAT unreasonable surely.


    So there goes our 3rd record bid for a one-season only promising star?


    Why would he be one season only?


    Besides, I didn't see people having any qualms about shelling out more money on Modric who wouldn't have been hanging around for long.


    Be cool my friend, we will get in quality players I am very confident of this. It is doing my head in as well, especially with all the news of potential signings for other clubs.


    It is good we are taking a stand on the fees as we don't apear to be being reasonable. We are offering good money for these players it appears so we just need to be calm. They are clearly trying to rip us off but it is early enough in the summer where we can afford to be a bit patient.

  10. http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/spor/futbol/8995398.asp?gid=211&sz=74516


    very brief: according to his manager the only club who has shown officially interest is Everton and they are prepared to give him £10m.. NUFC is also interest but there is nothing official... you can skip all the other things what is written.


    more stuff to try and force our hand and bid what they want


    Agreed. You only have to look at the name of the website to see they are trying to hurry up our bid.

  11. I find this quite annoying tbh.


    The club should have addressed this by now and should have some info for us regarding all of this, without letting the media break the news first and therefore putting their own agenda first i.e. Newcastle upheaval etc etc bollox, which will no doubt follow shortly.




    Was calling him an interim chairman when he was appointed not enough prior information for you? I seem to recall it being reasonably common knowledge he was only going to be in the position for a year anyway.


    Yeah but we didn't know he would be steppign down this summer did we?


    The club should be breakign this news is all I'm saying, along with letting us know who the new chairman will be.


    You just know the media is going to start taking the piss and it is frustrating.


    *awaits the Keegan and Mort clash leads to Mort stepping down early headline*


    Be happy, man.  If they had let us know, what would you have to moan about?




    Shut it man. I hardly ever moan about anything. I just find this a bit untidy. Dave also raises a good point about the Barton thing, although I think they might be waiting on the outcome of the second case he has pending so maybe that is a bit more understandable.





  12. I find this quite annoying tbh.


    The club should have addressed this by now and should have some info for us regarding all of this, without letting the media break the news first and therefore putting their own agenda first i.e. Newcastle upheaval etc etc bollox, which will no doubt follow shortly.




    Was calling him an interim chairman when he was appointed not enough prior information for you? I seem to recall it being reasonably common knowledge he was only going to be in the position for a year anyway.


    Yeah but we didn't know he would be steppign down this summer did we?


    The club should be breakign this news is all I'm saying, along with letting us know who the new chairman will be.


    You just know the media is going to start taking the piss and it is frustrating.


    *awaits the Keegan and Mort clash leads to Mort stepping down early headline*

  13. ha ha ha ha


    Oh so now people are claiming Beye was no good and that is why we were able to get him?




    Judging from his performance this season I would say that that is rubbish.


    Lots of people taking shots at Newcastle right now and I am very confident that they will pay for this when the season kicks off. If this Gomis guy is really this arrogant then he can quite frankly piss off. He is a nobody right now and has achieved nothing yet in his career. All he has done is score some goals for freakin' St. Etienne.


    I can't wait for next season. I will love it, absolutely love it when we finish higher than freakin' Spurs and the likes.

  14. Some world class WUMS on here.


    All this talk and yet we managed to get one of the best defenders in France to our club last summer.


    We'll see what the situation is like come the end of the summer.

  15. Lets see how good Avram is.


    Essien obviously can't continue at right back against Ronaldo. Move him into the middle and get Makelele off. Put Bridge on at right back if necessary.


    Also put Anelka on for Malouda who has been unspeakably awful, what a wretched waste of £17 million.

  16. If we're playing 4-3-3, we don't want wingers, we want someone who can get down the flank but will also put in a shift in the middle like Barton and Geremi have been doing. Last thing we need is someone who will hug the touchline and leave the other two alone in midfield.




    The likes of Modric and Turan appear to be this type of player so it looks like this is what Keegan might have in mind.

  17. Milner?


    From that youtube clip I see someone with more awareness and subtlety than Milner has ever shown imo. Looks like he has more class. He creates space for himself to deliver the ball and shoot it far more effectively.


    All Milner does is that step over which really doesn't get him by anyone, but hey it looks fancy I guess. Even worse is that he just does it to do it, as he doesn't use it at the right times a lot of the time. A lot of times he will try to do it when he is too close to his defender who just pokes a leg out to knock the ball away and send Milner sprawling. Contrary to popular belief Milners lack of ability to get into dangerous positions is due less to his lack of pace and more to his lack of know how.


    Prime example is Bentley who is no quicker than Milner and might actually be slower. However, he has some delightful little cut backs and feints that get him into enough space to be a threat and cause problems for the other team. Bentley is another player who just has more class and know how.


    I don't really want to get into Milner bashing mode, but let's just say I don't rate him that much. Besides i think Turan will play in our diamond midfield anyway.

  18. Tottenham can keep chasing/signing these types of midfielders all they want. We'll see how strong they are in midfield next season.


    At the end of the day they can't sign them all. We'll get in some good players for sure.


    Have to say I have been very impressed with the players being identified by our new team of scouts. It looks like this guy is a legitimate talent and no one knew too much about him till he waslinked with us. So many potentially great young players out there. We will definitely be alright.


    I'm certainly a big fan of this new policy. It is very exciting.

  19. Rosicky is good but not as good as Hleb imho. Scores more goals though.


    He's incredibly underrated, if you ask me. They went to s**** after he got injured against us (although I realise there were other things that played big roles in their dip in form).


    Arsenal got no credit this season whatsoever. I though they had a great season considering the losses of Eduardo, Sagna, Van Persie and Rosicky for very long periods. Not to mention the ACN denying them of Toure and Eboue for a good amount of time also.

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