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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I won't go over board and call it electric because it wasn't, and that is mostly down to the football which was very poor. However the reception KK and the players got as they took to the field and when they left it was fantastic, as was the continued support throughout. There were no moans and groans or getting on players' backs and people were genuinly supportive. This is the right type of environment in which to succeed in so fingers crossed it stays that way and even gets better which I'm sure it will as the football improves. PS The Ultras I thought were very good, could hear them loud and proud from the Milburn paddock, and so too was the Gallowgate. Even the East Stand got in on the act.




    Yes, was very good today.


    Such a difference when the fans have faith in the manager. Honestly, a world of difference.


    Aye, noticeable in the build-up and post match too. Lets be honest that was a very poor performance and not an acceptable result given the opposition. Any other manager would have been slated for that. But this is good and it tells me fans will be more patient and supportive which is exactly what KK asked for the other day.


    Tell you what was a big help. The fact that everyone was played in the right positions, and also it was clear that we tried to play the right way.


    I don't think the fact we tried to pass it around more should be taken fro granted either. I think it allowed us more posession (albeit not very productive posession) which took a lot of pressure of our defence. Also, the fact that the defenders were forced to get more involved in the passing and build up play, meant they settled into the game quicker, were more tuned into the game and were more comfortable on the ball in general.


    I think what all the fans will now start to realise is that we have awful players at this club for the most part. Under Allardyce quite a few people weren't sure because he kept playing weird formations and people in the wrong positions and so there was still some feeling that this was the cause for our poor play. However, on the whole it really wasn't. No more get out of jail cards for the players. They will be exposed.

  2. Well that was s**** :lol:


    Great atmosphere (ish) and great to see KK back.


    He has a lot of work to do and a lot of spending to do too as half those players are not KK players and never will be.


    @ HTT,


    Which of those players do you think are KK players?


    NZogbia, Enrique, Taylor, Duff...Enrique...Kazenga?


    Enrique I'm not so sure about, I like him myself but KK spent the first half screaming at him to get forward and to support Duff. The others certainly. The grafters in our team though may find themselves eventually moved on. I can't see Owen being a mainstay either. Martins - I think KK will love and see as a huge challenge.


    Milner is in big trouble that is a certainty, and I will disagree with you a bit regarding Duff. I think he is in trouble too, especially as Zoggy looks so much more direct and dangerous than Duff out wide. Duff is the dilly dally man. A dilly here ... a dally there ... then proceeds tof all over and lose the ball.


    Owen is done, definitely. An absolutely painful experience to watch him play the game at the moment. Has now resorted to falling over and crying for penalties. He's done.

  3. This guy has already showed that he doesn't just have some ability but also appears to have a footballing brain on him. Looks composed and confident and spots some nice little passes.


    Very interested in seeing how he turns out. I can already see he has more about him than Milner .


    Yep completely agree. Not a thread about him but also have to say I think Enrique plays a fair few clever passes that seem to go unmentioned, not just the simple ball but actually thinks about it and plays some good attacking passes.


    I love Enrique because he doesn't hide. He tries to make things happen by making runs off the ball or running with the ball into space. However, a lot of the time his teammates let him down with their lack of movement, vision and passing ability.


    Enrique would be much better in a better team.

  4. Given - 7. Strange how he looks better when he doesn't have to kick it, isn't it. Made a key save at the end too.


    Carr - 6. I thought he had a good game actually! Quite inventive.

    Taylor - 7. Tidied everything up. Probably, oddly, our best player given he was pretty much flawless. Had little to do with like.

    Caçapa - 6. Much like Taylor, had little to do. Looked a bit shaky at times though, again.

    Enrique - 6. He's good when he doesn't have to pass.


    Milner - 5. Not really at the races today. Poor on the counter and delivery was a bit rubbish. Difficult when there's so many defenders and so few attackers in the box, though.

    Rozehnal - 4. He didn't really have a clue really, did he.

    N'Zogbia - 6. Would be harsh to criticise him really, but he was easily controlled by Bolton today.

    Duff - 5. See Milner. Was difficult for our wingers today but the likes of Duff need to have more about them.


    Ameobi - 4. Crap. Layed the ball off a couple of times, that was his contribution. Other than that, he fouled people and fell over. Sound familiar? Yep.

    Owen - 5. Never in it.


    Lua Lua - 6. Very promising.


    Conclusion, Defense - little to do but comfortable when they did. Midfield, poor - we need centre mids man. Strikers, Shola Ameobi.


    spot on tbh, although id give enrique another point cos he looks good going forward albert syle


    Agree generally, except I'd give Roz 6 and Duff 3


    Owen a 5?


    Get the hell out of here!


    A 0.5 maybe ...

  5. This guy has already showed that he doesn't just have some ability but also appears to have a footballing brain on him. Looks composed and confident and spots some nice little passes.


    Very interested in seeing how he turns out. I can already see he has more about him than Milner .

  6. By the way, Owen can apparently no longer score unless its absolutely layed onto him in a plate. Can't create chances, can't be a poacher who scores a dozen tap-ins a season.


    He could be the best finisher in the universe for all I care, that doesn't matter untill he can figure out something he can do on the pitch.


    Unbelievably pathetic player. No more moddly coddling. Get rid of him please.


    Even the arm band couldn't inspire him to play with a bit more energy and desire.


    Still waiting around for tap ins ...



  7. Milner is the most dissapointing ever ... what a headcase of a player.Plays with no brain at all.


    Owen is just absolutely worthless to us right now, does absolutely nothing to affect the game unless you lay it on a plate for him. Very frustrating. Way to lift the team captain.


    I find it funny how so many people are getting on Shola's back. He wasn't great but he did some positive things out there and he was visible. Shola was 10 times the player Owen was today.



  8. Rozehnal could be good today in midfield. Could be very interesting especially as Keegan will encourage them to play football.


    Roz is a better passer than both Butt and Smith I know that much, and he is better on the ball.


    Roz and Zoggy could impress as a partnership.

  9. Farfan O Farfan! Is there no love for Jefferson Farfan?!


    Would be awesome playing just off the front man.


    Is a realistic and quality signing and he would come as soon as he's had a word about it with Nobby.


    Good call.  Would tear up over here.


    I honestly can't believe no one in the premiership has gone for him yet.


    If we played him just behind someone like Darren Bent it could be special.

  10. He's our best right winger by a mile. I think he'll flourish under Keegan.


    But, because he's not an ex-big club player who's former boss we can pretend didn't want to sell him, or a foreign import we've convinced ourslees the big clubs would want, for some reason sections of the Newcastle fans don't rate him.


    There are even those who reckoned Dyer was a better right winger, but they are c***s who don't know their arse from the holes they talk (s****) out of, so f*** them.


    He's our only right winger, though, isn't he?


    I think he'll only improve, personally, and I love his attitude.


    He is apparently one of the guys who always gets in early and stays after training.


    The difference now is he will be able to spend these extra hours working with a manager who knows a thing or two about attacking play. First time he's had this opportunity.

  11. I'm not a big Milner guy, but funnily enough I imagine he will be one of the players to benefit a hell of a lot from working with Keegan. Since he came through he hasn't had any talented, skilful or attack minded coaches around him to tidy and sharpen up his game. It will be interesting to see how he develops from here.


    I like James idea. However it will have to mean a very talented DM being brought in. One who can really pass the ball and who is very good at protecting against the counter attack, as Duff, Milner and Zogg will be encouraged to get forward.


    Could be really exciting.

  12. N'Zogbia needs to fill out a bit more if he wants to play in the middle, it's alright him playing there against s**** like Stoke but against the better teams we will get overran though the middle, leave him out on the left where his pace is more affective.


    Hopefully he'll be looking for a midfielder who can dictate the pace of the game and a right winger with pace.




    He's bigger than Fabregas and Flamini. He's also strong on the ball and tenacious.


    He could definitely play int he centre, quite easily. The key is to have someone who can pass the ball beside him as we saw yesterday, it makes it easier for him as he drives forward well.

  13. Well I was hoping for someone young, fresh and sexy, but judging byt he excitement it seems the right move.


    If the whole city is going to be as excited as people on here are then it could be pretty awesome. I hope Shearer joins him as I think it would be a good balance of personalities.


    One things for sure, he will get a lot of money. More than anyone else who has been linked and that is pretty important.


    And in closing I would like to quote Alan Oliver "I understand no appointment will be made before Saturday"  :iamatwat:

  14. Alan Oliver, today in the Chronicle:


    Meanwhile, I was contacted by the Deschamps camp by Jamie Ladjemi, a leading agent in French football, who were keen to put the claims of their man who captained France to victory in the 1998 World Cup and Euro 2000, as well as leading Monaco to its first Champions League final as coach in 2004.


    Ladjemi told me today: "I have spoken to Chris Mort about Didier, but he has not come back to me."


    Deschamps turned down the chance to manage Manchester City before Sven-Goran Eriksson because there was no suitable French school for his son in the North West.




    I believe that that is where we are with all of this manager stuff. We've had brief conversations with reps of each candidate, and now we're mulling it over. before approaching who we want.


    That would really confirm for me that he is interested in the job or their would be absolutely no reason for them to "come back to me".


    by the way his agent (ladjemi) lived in newcastle for ages so theres a good chance he has been talkin us up to deschamps.




    How do you know this?

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