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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Houllier and Thompson didn't last long a Liverpool


    Didn't it?


    Is Mick not thinking of Houllier/Evans?


    Maybe, there was no number one with them two was there? Evans was manager and the Liverpool board brought Houllier in to work with him as a joint manager, that was never going to work tbf, it would be like bringing in Houllier to work with Allardyce if he was still here.


    I can't see what problem Shearer would have working under him, it's a great learning experience and he'll know that the foundations are down for him to step in when Houllier retires or moves upstairs.






    Completely different situation where Liverpool obviously didn't feel like Evans was doing enough and so brought in Houllier to 'support' him. That was just crappy.


    This way however, they both come into it at the same time to work together as a team.


    It would be a great next step for Shearer to learn while having a chance to make a contribution.


    Houllier is also very experienced now and has achieved pretty much everything and so I feel he will be more open to this. He really doesn't have much else to prove to anyone and so he will be more willing to play this role. I think he will be more receptive to Shearer and won't feel it would have to be his way and his way only.

  2. i disagree that only great managers can combine winning and stylish play-its great players that really matter. The best passing teams are those with the best technical players.A good Manager can get more out of this squad but there will be no challenge for the top 4 until we invest in the playing squad.

    Also the new Manager wont have time to spend on the youth set-up-that should be a Director of Football's job.


    Managers who prefer that type of football will better identify the players who excel at playing this way though surely?

  3. By the way ... what evidence do we have that Shearer will not be happy to be a number 2?


    You hear it all the time from everyone except him. Is he really that arrogant? If so why?


    He's never managed anyone before, and I really can't see why he would be against starting off as the number 2 to an older experienced guy like Houllier who he would know for certain that he would eventually take over from. Especially as he would be jumping straight into premier league management, which even Roy Keane didn't do, with no contacts or anything.


    I think we ought to give Shearer a bit more credit. I think he would be happy with that.

  4. - We would like a manager willing to develop the youth side of the club. For too long the club has missed out on too much of the young footballing talent in the region and, these days, that talent also needs to combined with young talent sourced both nationally and internationally.


    With all the work he put in helping develop Clairefontaine I think Houllier would be perfect for the criteria the club have set.


    I can see him running the club and Shearer taking charge on the training ground everyday, that's if they work together that is.


    But what about the style of play?! Did you guys not watch Houllier's Liverpool team?!



    Houllier's Lyon looked brilliant though.

  5. Does anyone else think all this talk of stylish, 'carpet' football is heaping unnecessary pressure on the new manager before he's even arrived? I'm convinced Newcastle fans would be delighted if significant success came with winning 'ugly', it was losing ugly which was the problem.


    They need to be careful on that front, but I think it's commonly accepted (by the board and the fans) that winning is first and foremost.

    Does anyone else think all this talk of stylish, 'carpet' football is heaping unnecessary pressure on the new manager before he's even arrived? I'm convinced Newcastle fans would be delighted if significant success came with winning 'ugly', it was losing ugly which was the problem.


    Not at all. I think it is good that those who are interested in the job know this from the outset, and I think it's good that we have clarified this ourselves before looking to appoint someone, so that we can look at the type of football each candidate has produced with their former teams.


    Look, even the best of teams get involved in ugly games once in a while, as sometimes it is difficult to play perfect football which could be due to anything such as the weather and even the opponents you face. However, having a manager who truly believes in this philosophy of playing this type of football is what is important. This is because their ideas will constantly be preached to the players we have and we will inevitably play good football the majority of the time and for the majority of our games at least. It will also mean we will bring in the types of players who can make this more possible.


    I'm impressed and hugely relieved. It certainly looks like we are going about things the right way. Here's hoping.

  6. Ashley should take heed of this...


    Our gaffer, who art in the Toon,

    Mourinho be thy name,

    Thy kingdom come,

    Thy will be done,

    For Newcastle as it was at Chelsea.


    Give us this day a f****** attacking midfielder

    And forgive Jose Enrique

    For being a bit of a slow starter.

    And lead us not into temptation,

    To call for your head.


    But deliver us the a trophy,

    For thine is the Kingdom,

    To have the power and the glory,

    For ever and ever


    Jose (Amen).



    Blasphemy. You just wait 'til ToonAmy sees this and there'll be a fatwa* (*or Christian equivalent) on your arse...

    Ashley should take heed of this...


    Our gaffer, who art in the Toon,

    Mourinho be thy name,

    Thy kingdom come,

    Thy will be done,

    For Newcastle as it was at Chelsea.


    Give us this day a f****** attacking midfielder

    And forgive Jose Enrique

    For being a bit of a slow starter.

    And lead us not into temptation,

    To call for your head.


    But deliver us the a trophy,

    For thine is the Kingdom,

    To have the power and the glory,

    For ever and ever


    Jose (Amen).





    I admit that made me giggle ... but seriously dude don't get the big man upstairs angry right now. We need all the help we can get.


    We'll probably end up with McClaren now  :undecided:

  7. One thing that makes me think Keegan could be the man is simply that we need the spark back. There's no way, for example, Hughes would ignite any passion in the supporters. We need something to tear us out of our apathy first and foremost.


    I really do think we have to commend ourselves for surviving the onslaught of mind numbing dullness that was Souness, Roeder and then Allardyce.


    Are you kidding me? These have been or last three managers? How in the world did we pull through?


    God please we have suffered enough for Freddy's many sins! Have mercy on us!



  8. Hughes scares me I tell you ... it could really go all pear shaped with him. I really hope we aren't seriously looking at him.


    I'm not convinced we will play great football, and I am not sure he can really take us to the top.

  9. How must it be for Ashley?


    Standing as he must alone in crowds. Alien accents and boistrous chants. Expectations listing and heaving from end to end with hope and desire.


    I say he is a lucky man, I say he is within touching distance of legend and all those other things that one whispers to a close friend when drunk - as if it all makes sense.


    This is your moment Mike....Take it!


    What you do tommorrow will echo through time and history.


    We are with you.


    Amen brother, amen.


    The anticipation is killing me! If only they could just get this thing right.


    Everyone make sure you say your prayers tonight. No messing around folks.



  10. Big concerns with hughes:


    1. No Charisma


    If he comes, much like Rednapp wont come with the blessing of even half the fan base, its a huge mess and a huge job to come here. I dont think he has the character to swing the fans or woo the press, and to be honest I am already bored of him whinging and crying about games everytime I see an interview.


    2. The players


    Not to far off when Souness came we are at a stage where a few players think they are bigger and better than the manager, think they know enough and dont want to listen. Is Hughes someone our so called "Stars" will be interested in listening to or learning from. Hughes doesnt have the experience of handling big players or spending big money, can he attract the pedigree of player Ashley will demand when handing him money?


    Hughes did well at Wales, why because he was ultimately respected by the welsh and was young and fresh. Much like if Shearer had walked in he has friends in the dressing room that would back him and play for him.


    2. Souness Mark two?


    Going back to Blackburn to get a manager, except this one has never won anything. People seem to forget Souness had Blackburn in top 6 territory and playing some great attacking football, when we hired him they were at a malaise, much like Blackburn this season.


    I havent been impressed at all the last two seasons we were at Blackburn, they look as disorganised as we do now, they do have fight, an improvement from what we have been seeing yes but they dont have the pressure piled on them like our team inevitable will. Least we forget at times last season Hughes was being tipped for the sack after several terrible run of games.


    Hughes comes across as a bully boy coach much like Souness, the only difference is Souness has respect for doing it in the game and winning things so to an extent could get away with it.


    Dont get me wrong, we could do worse than Hughes, but he doesnt even make the list of who I would like. He just looks like another manager waiting to get swallowed up by the tyne sea.


    We can only afford to appoint a manager that:


    Has the Charisma and spirit to inspire not only the fans but the players.


    Has the experience of winning things amongst decent competition.


    Can handle the egos of our dressing room and the pressures that come with our club.


    Anything less can see us going to ruins.. its not just the fans that are looking to Ashley and Mort for the right appointment. The players too need the right man.


    I must admit Hughes does worry me a little bit. At the very most he could be alright for us, but at the very worst he could be disastrous. Could he be great? I'm not so sure. I agree he does have a bit of a Souness/Alladyce feel to him.


    At the end of the day you could argue that he is pretty inexperienced and really hasn't achieved much in the game.


    I'm scared ...

  11. Bramble as mascot?


    No he'd probably f*** that up as well!


    He has scored as many league goals as Michael Owen this season and the team he's been playing in have conceded less goals than us and have twice as many clean sheets.


    Not such a laughing stock eh?




    Still wouldn't have him back though. The guy is always on the verge of self destructing no matter what anyone says.


    Anyway, please don't even bring up Micahel Owen okay. It's just depressing. The sight of him playing football (if you can call it that) almost brings me to tears. Sad, sad, sad sight nowadays. An absolute catastrophe of a signing.


    Owen should just call it a day and become a jockey.



  12. Milner and £7m for Bentley would be a great piece of business. Not that Blackburn would go for it for one second imo.


    Milner, Duff & Geremi for Bentley.


    Worth a shot.


    Milner and Duff alone would probably be sufficient.



  13. I don't know why people are so against Mark Hughes in all honesty.


    He's done a cracking job managing Wales & Blackburn, has a decent record in the transfer market and his teams play good football.....but he can also get them to battle, so is not a one trick pony like Allardyce. He also is a very intelligent guy who has been at two of the world's biggest club, so he he will understand the pressures associated with this job.


    We're a shambles at the minute so are highly unlikely to be able to attract  a top manager, and what are the other genuine alternatives? Do we really want to take a gamble on an unproven manager, or somebody who has never worked in this country when we are sitting 6 points above the relegation zone.


    His appoinment makes sense to me.


    I agree with you about our current position not being ideal for someone who has never worked in the premiership and who might not even be familiar with our squad of players.


    Unlike Sven going to City, we are not in the middle of the summer, but instead the middle of January with half the transfer window gone.


    Someone like Hughes would certainly get to grips with things a lot quicker.

  14. Duff would refuse to go there and they couldn't afford his wages anyway.


    Send Milner and £7 million and they might bite.


    I'd like to keep Milner, thanks.


    Why would you want to do something silly like that?



  15. Houllier would be a solid appointment.


    However, Houllier with Shearer would be really good. I think Shearer would be able to express to Houllier the feelings of the fans and what type of football we would like to see. Lyon still looked great going forward with Houllier in charge and so hopefully it would just be a case of getting in the right players.


    It would be great to have someone who could attract the top talent from the French league to the club too.



    Hasn't there already been a press release from the club saying they aren't looking at Al?



    Would be madness and another sign of desperation to go back on that imo.



    Keegan is finished stop this nonsense. He is a bit loopy these days as well.


    I meany Shearer as Houllier's number 2.


    What does any of what I said have to do with Keegan too?


    Seems like your the one whose gone a bit loopy parky!



  16. Houllier would be a solid appointment.


    However, Houllier with Shearer would be really good. I think Shearer would be able to express to Houllier the feelings of the fans and what type of football we would like to see. Lyon still looked great going forward with Houllier in charge and so hopefully it would just be a case of getting in the right players.


    It would be great to have someone who could attract the top talent from the French league to the club too.

  17. Mort met up with Houllier in Manchester airport on thursday. Shows that he was honestly saying more than one candidate was being spoken to, as well as at least Redknapp.


    (source: family member)


    Your family member or Houlliers' family member?


    This is quite critical.


    I certainly believe Mort ahead of Redknapp. I believe Redknapp wanted the job as long as he could continue to live down south (because his wife wouldn't let them move) and we weren't having it and so he then came out and said he turned it down. I think that would have come up pretty early and so I doubt we offered him the job.

  18. Dutch coach Dick Advocat was claimed to be on our list by one of the papers yesterday.


    Not many people on here have mentioned him though.


    Anyone have any thoughts?


    No way, just turned down a the Australia job after getting a huge payrise from Zenit.




    Well maybe he's trying to make up for it by working with at least one Australian in Mark Viduka?

  19. I can't help but feel that because we are in the middle of the season, and we are not exactly in the strongest of positions at the moment, we will go for someone who has premiership experience and who is familiar with our team.


    We really do need the new manager to hit the ground running so to speak. We can't afford to have someone from abroad come in and not now how shitty the likes of Smith are.


    Therefore if we do get a foreigner it is more likely to be someone like Houllier or Jol who have coached in the premier league.

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