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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJLU7_PxIB8&feature=player_embedded
  2. http://www.sport.fr/football/l-equipe-de-france-de-football-retour-l-om-pour-ben-arfa-194158.shtm
  3. I know one of the journos said on twitter this was rubbish, would be delighted if we brought him in. Here's hoping.
  4. http://www.manutd.com/default.sps?pagegid={FE60904B-C2A8-4E60-9B05-700DBBC29BBC}&section=playerProfile&teamid=&bioid=94357 Yeah http://www.manutd.com/default.sps?pagegid={FE60904B-C2A8-4E60-9B05-700DBBC29BBC}&section=playerProfile&teamid=&bioid=94353
  5. Bet the Chronicle come out and Claims no such meeting is taking place.
  6. Thought that got dismissed yesterday.
  7. This is my #1 hate in the 5-a-side I've played. You can have the ball for 10 seconds and still non one's made a run or even made any space. Just standing there. Like watching Newcastle, ffs. My problem is the opposite, I bust a gut to make runs and be available for the pass, but people try stupid shit instead of the obvious ball.
  8. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y27/whitebuddha/1267935325780.gif Wow, that's not a disturbing image in the slightest. Its from a chat roulette prank I think.
  9. People who only pass when they can't dribble their way past everyone and/or try to beat everyone and when they are tackled complain they didn't have any options on despite clearly having no intention of passing anyway.
  10. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y27/whitebuddha/1267935325780.gif
  11. Panic all you want, the transfer window will resolve itself, we may get in plenty by the time it closes we may not, the truth is we have no influence over what will happen so just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  12. Surely we are capable of working on more than one transfer at a time? Chill!
  13. Spot on, this is fucking terrible news in all honesty, he's not the greatest player but its yet another body who cant play. Maybe this could convince us to up our bid for Erding, but it probably wont....
  14. Oh fuck Have to get a new striker or two in now.
  15. Nobody's gonna hurt anybody. We're gonna be like a bunch of little Fonzies here. And what's Fonzie like?
  16. Chelsea/Arsenal Would hate Man U or Liverpool to win.
  17. Craig Bellamy says he may quit football altogether - although that may just mean he's moving to Blackburn
  18. 30 players in, Total £120.8million 29 players out, Total £38.95million NET SPEND: £81.85million
  19. The Woodgate thread when he ended up at Boro was 80+ pages.
  20. http://www.laprovence.com/article/om-a-la-une/mercato-luis-fabiano-ca-brule
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