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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. How good is that young portugese rightback?
  2. nice to see the ref tell a player he's acting like a cunt for once
  3. ITV.com can fuck off my stream is just repeating itself now grrrr
  4. Should make this game interesting like
  5. Why has my online stream cut to adverts, fucking ITV!
  6. love it want italy to stay in just for that The end translates as "Let us band together, We are ready to die, Italy has called us." Awesome Anthem
  7. Italy need to win to go through most likely, should be worth a gander. Denmark Vs Japan should be a cracker too IMO.
  8. Com'n Sanchez man just score ffs!
  9. Damn, thought Sanchez was getting me some points there. Correct decison though!
  10. Is there not an option via the red button to choose 5live audio? There is online. It's not much of an option with jacqui oatley on True, I'm at work so I can't listen to any of them, probably for the best.
  11. Is there not an option via the red button to choose 5live audio? There is online.
  12. Com'n Chile! Mendel and Sanchez in my fantasy team.
  13. NK TV confirmed the match would be broadcast live a bit earlier!
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