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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Did he score a single goal from open play?, I can't remember. Vs USA?
  2. I think Barton has proved on a few occasions that he isn't all talk
  3. Carroll and Barton in Garths team of the week again... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/score_on_bbci/7631245.stm
  4. Strachen used to be pretty good when he was on MOTD, genuinley funny and always gave you a bit of insight into what was happening. 99% of them now are just say what you see merchants and despite playing the game thier whole lives seem to be incapable of doing anything but state the obvious. Marcotti is so far ahead of the rest it's unreal, the guy is a football encyclopedia. Savage is the new golden boy, he seems to be on the radio/tv more than Colin Murray at the moment.
  5. bet the 60 Wigan fans at WHL enjoyed their day.
  6. The way Wolves set out to injure/wind up Barton was a disgrace. Henry should have saw red. Joey waited until the last minute then exacted his revenge Can't help but feel we should have won that, but a draw away from home is a welcome result. Carroll is a beast
  7. Kaz can speak french too
  8. :snod: :snod: :clap: :thup: :thup: :celb: :celb: :celb: :celb: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: That is all.
  9. He is here to destroy opponents. FYP
  10. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=519278
  11. 'Has yet to meet up with his team mates and will be on international duty next week'
  12. There's no point. We all know he'll say it's just 'speculation'. Hughton's is the only word I believe less than Dassier's Was funny a few weeks ago when he said the no contact made line and all the french press took his word for it. Took them a little while to clock on.
  13. Pardon my ignorance, if we sign HBA on loan - can we still sign Boyata & Keane? Oh and does Boyata speak french? (not that anyone will know this, but could help with HBA)
  14. I read that the wrong way round the first time round, phew. Com'n Ben son sign on the dotted line! GOD, I love those tits in your avatar! Need larger uncropped image please, with details and her phone number. Full pic when he signs
  15. Does Boyata speak French?
  16. Pft...people said nowt would happen when we got to 300.
  17. I read that the wrong way round the first time round, phew. Com'n Ben son sign on the dotted line!
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