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Posts posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Watch our for James Sinclair who plays for Bolton tonight, he's from up here and used to Run 100m at Gateshead Harriers and was like the second fastest in the country. He's a canny player aswell, Im sure we offererd him a place in the acadamy but he opted for Bolton instead.

  2. Having spent a week training with Newcastle,  Whitley Bay striker Lee Kerr has been granted permission by his club to appear for our reserve side on Monday evening.


    The Jarrow-born 19 year-old nicknamed "Sparky" is set to line up for our second string as they entertain Bolton Wanderers at Kingston Park (7pm).


    Kerr is no stranger to the Falcons ground, having caught the eye of the Newcastle staff when appearing there for Bay in their 2-1 Senior Cup success against us in January.


    I reckon the grass is David James, he's always been a do-gooding momma's boy  :angel:


    i wouldve thought he had better things to do than discretely leak the holiday plans for players of another club.


    The Hammers fans reckon its Konchesky

  4. Its a tough one, probably Lee Hendre (only on loan isnt he?) as much as I despise the likes of Ronaldo I still love watching him play where as Hendrie is a c*nt and is s*** with it.


    Is he not playing at Stoke or summit now?

  5. http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2026092,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=5


    A culture of reckless high-stakes gambling is causing division within West Ham and rupturing morale to such an extent that the first-team squad, already riven by cliques, is 'spiralling out of control' - and the players, manager and directors already know that they can do nothing to stop the club being relegated. That is the damning view from inside the dressing room at the Premiership's most troubled club.

    Players are haemorrhaging vast amounts of money to each other at the card table, as much as £50,000 in one sitting. They have won and lost these staggering sums on the team coach to matches. 'How can they be in a good frame of mind for a match after that?' says one first-team player, speaking on condition of anonymity.


    The player said: 'I've never seen anything like it in my career. It's one big mess here, the atmosphere is terrible, people don't talk to each other. Players are losing 30, 40 and 50 thousand pounds sometimes. By the time we arrive one player owes another and it's terrible for the team and morale. They are always playing cards.'

    One senior player, an established international, is said to have won £38,000 from two of his team-mates in one afternoon recently. The losers had to pay up and manager Alan Curbishley is no longer speaking to the player who won the money. Two members of the squad have undertaken counselling and treatment for gambling addiction, and a third player is also believed to be seeking professional help.


    The disillusioned player also identified a catalogue of other problems. These include spats between rival cliques within the dressing room over territory and wages; divisive tension between Curbishley and his players; doubts over the decision-making of new chairman Eggert Magnusson; and the widespread admission, privately, that the club will be relegated. He also said that one recent signing was amazed when he was asked to a meeting to discuss club affairs with senior management in a lap-dancing club, though the club strongly deny that any such meeting took place.


    Added to West Ham's list of woes, as they prepare to take on Tottenham today, is the Premier League charge for alleged irregularities in the signing of the Argentine players Javier Mascherano and Carlos Tevez last August, which could result in the loss of points if the club are found guilty; and the pending trial of defender Anton Ferdinand on charges of assault and violent disorder following an alleged brawl outside a London nightclub last October.


    It is the depth of the club's gambling problem, which has already caused winger Matthew Etherington and goalkeeper Roy Carroll to seek help, that most concerns Curbishley, according to our source. A West Ham spokesman said: 'The club is aware of the fact that gambling is an area of concern and the manager has made clear that it must stop. Steps have been taken to eradicate this in the team environment.'


    It is believed that Curbishley's first attempt to stop the card schools some weeks ago failed, but gambling is now banned in situations where he is responsible for the team, such as on journeys to matches. But he has been unable to stop the poker sessions when training is over, and one recent session is said to have continued until 4am.


    The former England striker Teddy Sheringham spoke about gambling earlier in the season when promoting the online poker site 888.com. 'I can see why it [gambling] does become a problem, especially for young players who have so much money and so much time on their hands. I've always enjoyed a drink, but at the right times, and I play poker at the right times. Some people take it to extremes. You've got to keep it under control.'


    The gambling culture is one more headache for former Charlton manager Curbishley, who took over at Christmas, since when West Ham have won only once. Curbishley's predecessor, Alan Pardew, had taken the club to within a minute of winning the FA Cup last May, but then oversaw a dramatic slump this season. West Ham are now bottom of the table and 11 points adrift of safety.


    According to a well-placed source at Upton Park, the players are 'certainly not a unit and haven't been for a long time. It began at the end of last season during Pardew's time. There is a huge division. Nigel Reo-Coker, Bobby Zamora, Marlon Harewood and Shaun Newton all hang out together. And Reo-Coker is constantly saying he is too good for the club, that he should be at Man United or Arsenal.' Team spirit is also damaged, according to the representative of one long-serving player, by the level of resentment about the wages paid to Matthew Upson and Lucas Neil, who were signed by Curbishley in the transfer window and are being paid big money. Neil is thought to have turned down Liverpool to keep a £60,000-a-week salary.


    'It's not rocket science,' said the agent, who represents some of the biggest stars in the Premiership. 'If the established players who have achieved for the club see new ones come in enjoying a lot more money for doing not very much, it's obviously going to cause problems.' Upson and Neil have been injured and have made three appearances between them.


    Curbishley is said to have 'given up' on some of his players. 'He often stays in his office with his assistants. Sometimes we see him, other times we don't,' said the insider. As for Magnusson, the players 'think he is clueless and a bit lost. He gives off the wrong messages and only talks to certain players in the dressing room - those he brought here. And he has accepted Curbishley's admission that they are already down.'


    Curbishley said ahead of today's game that he does not fear the sack. 'Performances have to improve. We have to win as many as we can from our last 10 games.'




    ANTON FERDINAND shamefully LIED to West Ham after flying halfway round the world for a boozy all-night party in America.


    The England Under-21 star abused a four-day break to party with pals until dawn in a South Carolina nightspot — but told his club he had been visiting his sick grandmother on the Isle of Wight.


    Ferdinand has now been forced into a full apology, admitting: "I have made a stupid mistake — one I will not make again."


    Ferdinand partied with more than 100 guests at the Knock Knock club — just days before the Hammers' biggest game of the season.


    One eye witness insists members of the group were "partying hard" and drinking a potent cocktail called HPNOTIQ, which contains vodka and cognac and is 17 PER CENT alcohol.


    Hammers boss Alan Curbishley was shocked to learn about the trip and tensions between the two erupted after last Saturday's 4-0 thrashing by fellow Premiership strugglers Charlton.


    A West Ham insider confirmed: "Anton was asked where he had been and he insisted he had gone to the Isle of Wight to visit his grandmother.


    "The club put him on the spot and gave him a chance to tell the truth, but he kept repeating the same lie — that he had been to the Isle of Wight."


    One of the guests at the booze-up — a West Ham fan living in the States — revealed: "Anton threw a private party for about 120 people. Anton and all the guests were partying hard and drinking but I'm not sure whether it will have helped his performance against Charlton the following week, which was shocking."


    Our revelations come after the defender appeared at London's Snaresbrook Crown Court, where he denied involvement in a nightclub brawl last October.


    And it's another scandal to rock Upton Park after West Ham were charged with playing Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano while they were ineligible.



  6. I can't believe I actually uttered the words "West Ham will be challenging for Europe now" when they got Tevez and Mascherano.


    Worst footy prediction I've ever made in my life.


    Old type,


    You were in the majority mate. You would have have been labelled crazy the start of the season to say that the side that finished seventh last year AND got to the F.A Cup Final would be relegated. After they signed the two Argies, you would have been labelled mental.


    Thats football, eh?


    didnt we finish 7th??

  7. Oba Martins - won god knows what at Inter played loads of CL


    Won hardly anything at Inter, if any top side is the epitomy of underachivement its that club.


    He won the Championship, Italian Cup twice and the Super Cup with them.


    He won the Champion by default after the corruption scandal last year and the Italian cup is very much a wooden spoon trophy over there. The point is that Inters spending and the sheer amount of players  they have went through in relation to what they have actually won is very poor.


    A lot more than we've won.


    I never said that.


    I just felt that the inital comment seemed to insinuate that Inter have enjoyed constant sucess which is really is not the case, a club that dwarfs us in its size should have won more than a hollow Championship and one Uefa cup since 1989. Surely we can agree on that. I wasnt talking about them in relation to us, just generally.

  8. Oba Martins - won god knows what at Inter played loads of CL


    Won hardly anything at Inter, if any top side is the epitomy of underachivement its that club.


    He won the Championship, Italian Cup twice and the Super Cup with them.


    He won the Champion by default after the corruption scandal last year and the Italian cup is very much a wooden spoon trophy over there. The point is that Inters spending and the sheer amount of players  they have went through in relation to what they have actually won is very poor.

  9. Mikel did nothing to get sent off if you wathc the replay, he just stands his ground when Toure come at him and the just stands with his hands in thier air trying to keep out of it.


    How fabregas stayed on the pitch is quite puzzling.

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