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Posts posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. my point is duff isn't "undropable", so n'zogbia may get a run in the team. you have problems, don't you?


    I have A problem, with a s**** manager who appears to want to play certain people despite them not being fit to play in this league, or playing somone in preference to a player who was our best outfield performer last season.


    I never said Duff was undroppable, i said that idiot Roeder has played a poor Duff ahead of a better player before, and i think he would again.


    NM - As I've said to monkey who doesn't get it, young players who have a season like Zog did last year often fade in their second full season. It can really set them back because the reaction of some fans ignorant to this can undermine their confidence. In the games Zog did play before his injury he didn't do too well for whatever reason, backing up the point I'm trying to make.


    When he's fit I'd bring him back slowly, which we can do if Duff is also fit,  but I wouldn't be expecting a great amount from him and people should give him time. I posted about this last summer before the season even started.


    Had everyone been fit bringing in Duff would have allowed Zog to be eased through his second full season without the pressure of playing every game, this is the best way to bring young players along imo. It's just unlucky that it hasn't worked out that way due to circumstances.


    Yeah a bit of second season syndrome.


    I felt he was redisocvering his for before the injury a Chelsea though.

  2. materazzi - you people really surprise me at times!


    Why not? He's an absolutly brilliant defender.


    Are people so mentally scarred by that 5 minute youtube video?


    That Zidane rubbish aside, he played a massive part in Italy winning the world cup both defence and attacking wise (He holds the record in Italy for the most goals in a season by a defender). He makes a few nasty tackles and is an out and out WUM but its all in the game as far as I'm concerned.


    If people can get past their dislike of the person they can surley accept he is a top class defender.

  3. Dances and prances and poncey little things like that on celebrations can be pulled off if it's quick and subtle. Like Martins against Spurs at home.


    God i love that guy.


    He did that thing for ages when he scored against Juve for inter and the collapsed on the floor. Great celebration :D

  4. Martins' goal against Tottenham.


    Martins' face after the goal against Tottenham.


    I watch that whole piece a lot. SO glad my auntie taped that game. One of the best goals/moments altogether type thing in the last few seasons for me. There's no specific reason for it to be, but that moment is just one that i love. Everyone has their favourite goals, etc, and that's definitely one of mine.


    Who won January Goal of the Month?

    Martins for that goal :D


    Link? Can't see it here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/match_of_the_day/default.stm



  5. To be honest,I think the players should be blame too if he doesnt want to play for his country without any reason whatsoever.Youre a professional footballer,you love to play football and it must mean a lot to you to represent your country.Anyone who doesnt have any pride in playing for their country,then something must be wrong with them.


    Martins has a right to be pissed at his FA though, they could have ruined his career.


    Too right, they can fuck right off.



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