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Posts posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Play him on Thursday :)

    I'm not too sure that would be a good idea. As much as I would love to see him for the first team and think he could be an amazing talent we must not rush him or we could risk ruining him. I mean he was only 16 in December so there is no rush for him.


    If your good enough, your old enough.

  2. anyone seen how good/bad Sami Ameobi is? Tomi Ameobi plays for Leeds :D


    He was a few years below me at school, is a canny player.


    Tomi was in my year, he should never have been signed up for our youth team, it was only because of who his brother is.

  3. Watching the Everton fans' reaction to 'Liverpool slums', 'Calm Down', 'You stole my stereo' etc on any visit to Goodison Park. They can't help themselves can they. They're all oldies but they keep on reacting to it and it always makes me laugh, watching them flicking the Vs, shouting at us, going purple in the face. Of course the angrier they get, the more the 'Calm Down' comes out.




    One of my mates went to Everton away this year and said that the half time sponsor was 'quick employment.com' :lol:

  4. Isn't SJP used for a SKY advert thing? when they people our entering the stadium near the pitch,i think its on before SSN usually.


    Yes. And if you listen carefully you can hear black and white army being chanted.

  5. Here goes......



















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