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Posts posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. A Freddy Out banner will just result in the sack for Roeder and spending our defender fund on Beckham. It would have to be a big banner saying "Freddy out, and no appointing Shearer and signing Beckham won't cut it"


    Well if SSN caught wind of it and found themseles a supporter with half a braincell to talk to (They always manage to pick out the Morons!) then we could tell them our views.

  2. He's just been on SSN backing Roeder to turn things around and insisting any 'Shepherd Out' chants were only from a small minority of supporters for about '10 seconds'.


    What a Cunt.


    We need to make sure its for the whole game next time, as its on Sky Sports and Anal Cuntface Oliver can do fuck all with his propaganda to deny it.

  3. www.freewebs.com/ffout


    a new website layout, from there you can reach the forum. please excuse the bad jpegs, its just a test version.


    Dont hesitate to join the forum. There are plenty of things you can do around that place that no matter how small, can help rour voices reach out.


    Take the club crest off the forum - if you use ANYTHING copyrighted without permission Freddie or the club will sue your arse off.


    Wouldnt it look extremly poor for Shepherd to sue the clubs own fans over something so small :lol:

  4. I'm not saying that it would definitely be an embarrassment. I hope it won't be. But you must be able to see how a poorly set-up protest to just about ANYTHING can come across as embarrassing if it's not well-executed.


    There are already enough websites with the NUFC missmanagement. What is needed is some sort of demonstration. The best way is if only 40 000 shows up against Charlton.


    Yes, but if its a half arsed geocities site I doubt it will be considered as anything by anyone.


    Just let the kid knock himself out untill someone has the time to put together a proper campaign.

    OK the KID will knock himself out, im asking you lot for help before i go public with it so do you want to help DAD????


    Well type of site is it? Is it a proper domain? or just a hosted site like on Geocities - the more professional it looks the more people will take notice.


    You would have to have a decent knowledge of what the problems are with freddy and be able to back them up. Theres a difference between a site that is just a rant to something that is an actual measured attempt to change something.


    We don't need another NUFC missmanagement site. We need some one who is willing to take serious action, a webbsite won't effect FS abit. If "only" 40 000 people show up against Charlton he should get the message.


    I agree, but the Internet is good way to coordinate campaigns and it is such a world wide form of media it can help fans from all over the world get involved.

  5. I'm not saying that it would definitely be an embarrassment. I hope it won't be. But you must be able to see how a poorly set-up protest to just about ANYTHING can come across as embarrassing if it's not well-executed.


    Yes, but if its a half arsed geocities site I doubt it will be considered as anything by anyone.


    Just let the kid knock himself out untill someone has the time to put together a proper campaign.

    OK the KID will knock himself out, im asking you lot for help before i go public with it so do you want to help DAD????


    Well type of site is it?  Is it a proper domain? or just a hosted site like on Geocities - the more professional it looks the more people will take notice.


    You would have to have a decent knowledge of what the problems are with freddy and be able to back them up. Theres a difference between a site that is just a rant to something that is an actual measured attempt to change something.

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