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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. There are already enough websites with the NUFC missmanagement. What is needed is some sort of demonstration. The best way is if only 40 000 shows up against Charlton. Yes, but if its a half arsed geocities site I doubt it will be considered as anything by anyone. Just let the kid knock himself out untill someone has the time to put together a proper campaign. OK the KID will knock himself out, im asking you lot for help before i go public with it so do you want to help DAD? Well type of site is it? Is it a proper domain? or just a hosted site like on Geocities - the more professional it looks the more people will take notice. You would have to have a decent knowledge of what the problems are with freddy and be able to back them up. Theres a difference between a site that is just a rant to something that is an actual measured attempt to change something. We don't need another NUFC missmanagement site. We need some one who is willing to take serious action, a webbsite won't effect FS abit. If "only" 40 000 people show up against Charlton he should get the message. I agree, but the Internet is good way to coordinate campaigns and it is such a world wide form of media it can help fans from all over the world get involved.
  2. Yes, but if its a half arsed geocities site I doubt it will be considered as anything by anyone. Just let the kid knock himself out untill someone has the time to put together a proper campaign. OK the KID will knock himself out, im asking you lot for help before i go public with it so do you want to help DAD? Well type of site is it? Is it a proper domain? or just a hosted site like on Geocities - the more professional it looks the more people will take notice. You would have to have a decent knowledge of what the problems are with freddy and be able to back them up. Theres a difference between a site that is just a rant to something that is an actual measured attempt to change something.
  3. Well Fred just lives up on Jesmond Park West, I say we protest out side his house
  4. Yes, but if its a half arsed geocities site I doubt it will be considered as anything by anyone. Just let the kid knock himself out untill someone has the time to put together a proper campaign.
  5. A Shepherd Out campaign would have the backing of most I would think, if it was well organised, co-ordinated and looked professional. A slap-dash, hastily put-together one will only bring embarrassment on us all. As I've tried to tell you before, you can't ask for support from people before they've seen your ideas. I think you lot are going over the top saying it will be a embarrassment, If it as bad as we are expecting it probably wont get any press coverage at all - so I can hardly see how it would be and ebarassment.
  6. Oh Christ. bluesigh.gif Exactly what I feared. You're going to rush it and end up with a truly amateur effort which will be laughed out of town. Also - you can't spell "tomorrow". I know that mate !!! Im not rushing it thats why im sat here waiting for people to back me and get ideas before it goes online ok !!! But if you are just going too take the p*ss then thats ok !!! Back me or dont !!! Well before it goes 'online' you could show it to us here and we could tell you what could be done to improve it.
  7. At the great risk of being the butt-end of everyone's jokes or rolleyes smilies - can anyone tell a non ST holder like myself what the Martins song is? eekout.gif Oba, Obafem, Oba Obafem, Oba Obafem, Oba Obafem, Obafemi Martins! 21 or 28, 21 or 28, 21 or 28, 21or 28 Obafemi Martins!
  8. There is an article in a magazine called When Saturday Comes written by the Italian journo who sparked the age confusion. Apparently the webmaster of the Nigerian website didnt get paid so he messed up loads of stuff on the site to piss them off
  9. What bothers me is in one of the articles on icnewcastle today, Roeder was talking about how Martins will settle in and become adjusted to how WE play. Shouldn't it be the other way around??? what they going to do, put him on a rack? hell have to be as tall as crouch to adapt to our style of play of late can we not get a "keep it on the ground you clowns" chant going, or maybe something more constructive "If God had intended for us to play football in the clouds he would have put grass up there" - referring to the long ball game - Brian Clough
  10. I cant see how he is 'barely match fit' he played a full pre-season with Inter blink.gif
  11. http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c38/r0ady/yobowned.jpg
  12. I was walking out the ground and seen this random geezer with Ramage 26 on his shirt
  13. Pedersen's a left winger isnt he? We should go for him as that is an area we are really weak in.
  14. Remember that thread for when they fall to peices
  15. There is some super stuff in that video, but from what i have heard he was pretty inconsistant in spain aswell.
  16. What about Yakubu? He's played with Oba before hasnt he?
  17. 'Super' Kev has gone to WBA aswell
  18. Stern Johns Goal = Quality
  19. http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/71594709.jpg?v=1&c=MS_GINS&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF19390335F8FA9CA92A6AC14904FB0A0591E810F755E003CBEB8 1-2 :lol: :lol:
  20. http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/71594710.jpg?v=1&c=MS_GINS&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF19390335F8FA9CA92A66D3B60B7E2EFE097A55A1E4F32AD3138 1-1
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