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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. I reckon if and it's a big if something is happening it may well be a buyer who hasn't been publicly mentioned.


    It does feel different than last year, but still feels like it's bollocks. One thing's for certain. If there is no buyer could Fat Ash ever play the takeover card again.  He's such a spiteful cunt mind. He knows what Rafa could do if backed so it wouldn't surprise me to see Mark Fucking Hughes or someone of that Ilk in the summer with the kind of transfer kitty that would have allowed us to hold on to Rafa. He won't give a toss as his media pals will come out and say look he's backing the manager and it's not like Rafa could sue him for constructive dismissal.


    Starting to resign myself to a few years away from the club. ST wrapped in September and no intention of returning till the fat oaf is gone

  2. Jarrod Bowen from Hull in the DM although Leeds want him too.


    Doubt we can compete with the financial muscle of the Mighty Leeds for a Hull player.


    To be honest we would probably get outbid on the corpse of Jim Bowen

  3. I can't see us staying down. He'll bring in one of his bell end mates as manager who is garbage but okay enough at Championship level. He'll loan the club more cash for a transfer and wage budget. We'll come back up with increased debt to Ashley and the cycle starts again. The club will just be incredibly easier to despise with no Rafa.


    For us to stay down we'll all have to pray that we are shite. Like Stoke this year or Villa in years gone by.


    That’s entirely possible. We can’t keep circling the bowl like Sunderlanf expect to just bounce back with Ashley style investment. Just won’t work after a while. But you’re right as long as we yo yo he’ll be fine with that. He’s arrogant enough to blame someone else for it and if he left without his money, he’d tear our viscera out with him so it’s going to get worse before it gets better imo. We can’t run with the foxes hunt with the hounds every year and be PL with championship investment year on year - it just won’t work, however much we want representation in the elite league. Staying down will be fucking shit. It’s fucking shit now n all.



    It's getting to the point where a start up club looks appetising. Newcastle City or something of that Ilk. With the right backing we'd probably meet on the way up/down.

  4. The balls on this pack of liars not believing something.


    A spokesperson for Sports Direct said: "We don't believe this poll is a true reflection of customer opinion. By contrast, Sports Direct was listed as No1 in a top ten of the most improved global brands published by the YouGov BrandIndex earlier this year."


    A spokesperson for House of Fraser said: "We are surprised by this poll, as we have received positive feedback from customers since the business has been under new ownership, which has saved stores and jobs. We are confident this will be reflected in future polls."


    :lol: That bolded bit. Top drawer Bottom of the barrel spin, right there.


    Bishop earning his corn

  5. Imagine being placed on gardening leave with full pay from work for this long whilst your employer carried out an investigation. This demonstrates how inept Charnley is. Fucking hell man

  6. Loved it. Echo all the comments about him being a good storyteller. Just wish that this fella was around the club in some capacity. Sadly looks and sounds like it's highly unlikely in the short to medium term

  7. Today's extract is up on the times website.


    Deplorable. And somehow the likes of Dennis Wise are still allowed on TV and are given a free reign to criticise football managers who have more integrity in their little finger than he will ever have.


    The whole thing just stinks top to bottom. I doubt anyone is naive enough to not think there's corruption at all levels but the fact that this fucker is allowed to use us a plaything for his drinking pals is shocking. Panto villain my arse he's just an out and out cunt

  8. I wish super kev would say what he really thinks


    Part of me is a bit put out at why he hasn’t. It’s intetedting to hear in memoirs and all but he could really galvanise a movement given chance and his input.


    Now the book is out and he's making money from it he might.

  9. If you look at the way Ashley and his cronies operate they're basically cowards. They'll do what they want but when it goes tits up you hit a wall of silence. Hopefully this book will add further fuel to the flames and accelerate his eventual demise here

  10. LeeCooper jeans as far as the eye can see


    who the fuck wears lee cooper jeans?


    People who can't afford more expensive jeans?  As much as Ashley sells absolute shite, many 10's millions in the UK can't afford to shop for decent clothes.


    Tkmaxxx sell better brands at similar prices. Decent clothes are relatively inexpensive these days.


    Best get the TK Maxx links added to sports reditect

  11. Pragmatically even under new ownership Rafa is probably as good as we could hope for in our current guise  We're on our knees and need rebuilding from top to bottom. My best footballing memories are of The Entertainers in the nineties, and who knows how we could evolve in the future. But short to medium term there's no one I'd rather have in charge

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