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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. There’s probably a dozen out of work managers that would virtually guarantee they get out of that division.


    Hopefully the Don overlooks them for someone else who’ll be out of their depth

  2. I have seen a few posts today in regards to FCB buying £12 million in SD shares today. I never check company house so I don’t know how legit it is.




    I don’t think stock market rules would allow it if his financial results are due. There’s normally a closed period when financial results are imminent

  3. After 33 years of going to the games, 25 as a season ticket holder I’m out. I know one person who is genuinely making themselves poorly over the whole fiasco and another who has become obsessed with the whole takeover to the point he’s been reprimanded at work over it.


    Come on man. I'm gutted at what's happening but cut the club off emotionally. Do these fellas not have much of a life? It's shit but so much more important stuff to care about.


    Know what you mean. Some people unfortunately don’t though. My weekends will be better spent with my family.

  4. I’ve unfriended two people on Facebook who reckon selling Pérez is good business and they’ll support the club come what may. They even reckon Mike Ashley is a good businessman!


    After 33 years of going to the games, 25 as a season ticket holder I’m out. I know one person who is genuinely making themselves poorly over the whole fiasco and another who has become obsessed with the whole takeover to the point he’s been reprimanded at work over it.


    I’ll watch reluctantly from afar next season. I couldn’t give two fucks whether we stay up or go down. Even if we get taken over the way he’s taken the piss this summer has done it for me. I tried to walk away after the Pardew Cardiff game but came back. Not this time. Fuck Mike Ashley, fuck Penfold and fuck every fool who continues to give the current regime their time or money

  5. And there it is!



    This cunt can get in the fucking sea.


    Some lass has just given him pelters on twitter over it. Says so what if Rafa has went to the Far East for money. Then asks what he’s been doing since getting sacked from Sky ????

  6. Two lasses with clipboards in the ticket office today asking why the 5 of us had cancelled our season tickets after 29 years ffs  :undecided:


    The fact they even think they need to do a bit of research on why people are cancelling tells you everything you need to know about this lot. Imagine the scene. Mike the results are in, everyone’s cancelling because of you and the fucker actually being in shock!

  7. The man made a public announcement, on live TV that Rafa would get every penny the club generated.  It's possible he told BZG that all debts will be wiped, but it would mean fuck all.


    The more I think about it the use of “whatever the club generates” was very deliberate. If this was ever challenged anywhere he could simply turn around and state that technically the club does not generate the premier league money. It’s prize money. On the other hand we do generate revenue from the sale of tickets and players. He’s an absolute bellend of the highest order and yes it’s only a technicality but that’s the type of moron he is

  8. He knows he wouldn’t get a gig like this in an ordinary world. Deep down probably knows it’s wrong but his pay check stops him doing anything about it. Doesn’t make it right and the sooner the thumb headed prick is gone the better

  9. The Geordie dentist on twitter reckons that he’s after more money. Perhaps the other bidder has indicated they’re prepared to pay more and BZG now have to stick or twist.


    Or maybe fat mike is just stringing them all along for shits and giggles. I know which is the more likely scenario

  10. I’d like to see some of the time and energy put in to a sustained effort to get rid of Mike Ashley without having to set foot in to the ground.


    I wrapped in last season and won’t go back till he’s gone. I was getting a bit excited at the thought of being able to return and even take my grand daughter. That won’t be happening by the looks of it

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