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Posts posted by ianovthetoon

  1. I’d like to see some of the time and energy put in to a sustained effort to get rid of Mike Ashley without having to set foot in to the ground.


    I wrapped in last season and won’t go back till he’s gone. I was getting a bit excited at the thought of being able to return and even take my grand daughter. That won’t be happening by the looks of it

  2. The one thing that’s giving me hope is Rafas silence. If he wasn’t going to stay I reckon he would have come out with it by now as he knows the club are getting nearer pre-season and would need a manager of some description.  There’s also not really been any concerning quotes from the players about wondering who will be in charge in less than a fortnight.


    That said, still plenty of time for fatty to fuck it up.

  3. Apologies for the generalisation but my personal experience is that recruiters are the biggest bullshitters I deal with in business :lol:


    Pretty fair generalisation :lol:


    Thought showers was another, now thankfully defunct corporate bullshit phrase.


    We always used to print out these (bit old now but you get the meaning) and play bullshit bingo in the opening plenary session with the GM at conference, until some knackered decided to jump up and shout ‘house’.





    Take Ownership


    'Raise it up the flagpole and see who salutes' is my personal favourite


    The old classic “take it offline” when in a face to face meeting. I feel my blood pressure increase every time I hear it!

  4. Let’s be honest tho the SD signs isn’t going to be in the first 100 things the new owners will do so it unlikely means anything


    The Chronicle will probably have it as one of the first five things they’ll do

  5. There’s probably no reason why someone from the FA would confirm they’d received paperwork. Probably checking the authenticity of it first.


    That said I would have much rather we had heard nothing until the New owner was photographed on a cherry picker pulling down the SD signage with a crowbar

  6. I’m sure I read in the Chronic or another rag that proof of funds was required before Ashley would even discuss anything to get rid of the tyre kickers. It’s all second guessing.


    On another note Penfold will be expecting his P45, I wonder who they would bring in to run the show?

  7. Wait till it’s confirmed they’re staying in league one. Might register and do Lincoln fan in peyce to let them know how excited I am to visit their great town and that we’re all brothers in red and white tops ???

  8. RTG reporting only sold 800 tickets for Pompey, where’s the big club support gone? Must have extended the wedding season to a Thursday  ???


    Wedding seyson. Light nights so the dogs aren’t gonna push these prams  themselves

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