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Posts posted by Mikky

  1. Just now, Dr. TC said:

    One of Trippier's many important contributions for us is his attacking assist and crossing. Putting him on the left significantly nerfs that.


    I think Tino has played on the left before, and crossing is less important to his game. If anything, he should be starting there.

    Tino’s game is very similar to that of Javier Zanetti’s (Talking about an iconic player here I know!) - never did his game any harm when he played on the left - only ever saw him use his left once - v Eng in 98

  2. 12 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

    For reference, Salah was only out for 3 weeks when he dislocated his shoulder. Obviously it's impossible to compare the severity at this stage.

    Danger is if you fall back on it - then it’s surgery time 


    Hopefully he has the area protected short term whilst playing ala Dan Burn


    If he can be back after the break that’s a massive bonus 

  3. 2 minutes ago, McCormick said:

    Wouldn’t take Gouiri at all. Talented but super lazy and no athleticism; don’t think he’d suit Howe’s philosophy at all. Moaning twat who strolls about blaming others when he puts in poor shifts. I just really don’t like him tbh :lol:.


    Been linked heavily to Williams in previous windows; think he’s the next one in at rw.

    Ah fair enough 


    There’s also Cherki but I am guessing read the same for him - he’s completely 2 footed so very adaptable 


    Niko would be amazing btw

  4. 18 hours ago, SUPERTOON said:

    RW is the only position we haven’t directly strengthened since the takeover.

    I am still all out on buying a 3 sided attacker 


    Would gladly take

    Amin Gouiri and Y Minteh

    Nico Williams and Y Minteh

    F Chiesa and Y Minteh 


    Most likely we will get a young forward 


    I also think we need 1 more midfielder and a CB then “squad” is complete 


    Possibly Todibo and Kone - really like Javi Guerra from Valencia also 

  5. 1 minute ago, Lush Vlad said:

    2 games. 2 clean sheets. All in a night’s work for the Geordie Maldini. It’s Paul Dummett’s world and we’re just living in it.

    Best CB in the world right now 

  6. 2 hours ago, NE27 said:

    Gateshead stadium with temporary stands? 


    In fact just a temporary stadium built somewhere out the way for as little time as possible.


    Likely we would just renovate/expand as far as we can behind the scenes until there is no other option but shutting down a stand at a time? Bit like anfield?

    Lancashire do this with the cricket - their temp stand is pretty big 

  7. 20 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    He's managed the atmosphere brilliantly recently.


    We are in a bit of an injury crisis but it doesn't feel like it.

    Botman - Miley - Anderson - Tonali - Barnes - Isak - Murphy 


    That’s so unlucky 


    Worst case we may get Miley - Anderson and Isak back after the break 


    Botman may have strained medial ligaments? Usually a 2/3 month job I reckon 

  8. 51 minutes ago, STM said:


    That's why it needs to be someone who can play there but can also play in other roles. That gives them more chance of game time. I'd be looking for someone young who perhaps isn't an out and out goalscorer that plays a slightly deeper, link up type player. 

    Federico Chiesa

    Amine Gouiri


    Gabri Veiga

    N Williams 


    Chiesa or Gouiri would be at the top of my list 

  9. 11 minutes ago, buzza said:

    Watching the game yesterday, we were crying out for subs to help out jaded players.

    Dan burn and tripps (his worst game) should have been subbed because wolves were taking the piss down both wings. Neto was unbelievable in everything he did until his injury!

    I was screaming for some new legs from 60 mins on...

    Thought eddie would have thrown on a couple more subs as their second goal was always loking likely to occur.

    Dortmund will be difficult; today and tomorrow to recover, fly out on tuesday and prepare for game wednesday... phhhh!

    Or even play 3 at the back and bring Targett on as LWB - Dummett as the left of 3 - narrow the width available to Wolves - make them come inside - then hit them on the break 


    Yes we have circa 7 players out - at least try to manage the game better - I think that’s what frustrates quite a few - could easily have gained 2 or 4 points extra from Wolves/WHU

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