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Posts posted by Mikky

  1. 4 minutes ago, ponsaelius said:


    I know it's not science but they had 9 big chances according to my scores app which is definitely the most I've ever seen.


    We definitely rode our luck for large parts which is why I'm not too disappointed, despite the blatant robbery of that decision.

    Yeah - you have to factor in the tiredness amongst the team 

    On another day we bring on Longstaff - Tonali - Willock - Barnes and Murphy and have fresh legs all over 

  2. 29 minutes ago, Kanji said:

    I should have mentioned RW. I do wonder if we have way too many 8 role box to box mids mind you. 




    LCM -Joe - Joe - Anderson - that’s plenty - added flexibility that both Joes  an play LWF aswell - that whole left side doesn’t require any surgery 


    We sell Targett - Krafth is used as the spare 


    Tino - Burn - Hall is enough as LB options 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


    Where's this from? 

    Can’t remember where I saw this - but you would think we would need to sell a couple of players for FFP wriggle room?


    Ikon - we go for Raphinha?

  4. 16 minutes ago, Kanji said:

    Not solving this in Jan, but I think we need an experienced holding mid, an attacking mid (more Dom Szobo mould in terms of ball ability), and striker who’s either an old head ok at third choice or young lad who can develop. 

    think we all know that a younger CB and GK will need to be signed at some point soon too. 

    4 positions 

    CB - CM - RW - young forward 


    Some whispers of Miggy back to the US in the summer - I’d be looking to sell Targett aswell 

  5. 24 minutes ago, Ikon said:


    Not seen him play but i've read that Guerra's rather slow? Not sure if correct.

    Nah I wouldn’t say he’s slow - average pace - on the ball he is brilliant - so perfect for us - kind of like Tonali in his elegance 

  6. 50 minutes ago, arnonel said:

    Not sure of the point of a DM, especially one who cant break through a press. 
    It just doesn't feel like our DNA

    Totally agree with this - IF we sign a midfielder, he has to be a hybrid one that can play all 3 positions 


    Javi Guerra is a good shout - we have watched him a few times - such an elegant player 


    Theres also -  Caqueret (played Miley’s weekend role when Bruno was at Lyon) - Kone - Koopmeiners 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Cronky said:

    He had the reputation of a real innovator and probably should have had an even better career as a manager. Very popular with his players apparently, but said by one chairman to have a flibbertygibbert mindset.


    One way or the other, a real character.

    Was way ahead of his time with the pressing system 


    Seemed a top bloke tbh 


    RIP Terry 

  8. 1 hour ago, Scoot said:


    How long is Willock out for??

    I think 6 weeks is the earliest we may see him - could be longer - have to let it settle - the fact this is the 2nd occasion is worrying 


    Hope I am wrong 

  9. 33 minutes ago, cubaricho said:

    His header man. Fuck. :lol: 

    Just watched it back - slightly loses his footing as he is about to head it - still a big miss though 

  10. 4 hours ago, nufcjb said:

    How many fucking playera do we need to sign now with the Willock injury? And we're not even into December yet man.




    I think 1 midfielder is a must 


    If you look at Koopmeiners for example - he can play 6-8-both sides of a mid 3 - double pivot and on the right 

  11. On 03/11/2023 at 10:31, Mikky said:

    Tino’s game is very similar to that of Javier Zanetti’s (Talking about an iconic player here I know!) - never did his game any harm when he played on the left - only ever saw him use his left once - v Eng in 98


  12. 13 minutes ago, ponsaelius said:

    Whoever made the Zanetti comparison is spot on. Obviously a long way to match a player of that level but stylistically extremely similar - especially now I've seen him on the left as well.

    It was me!!

  13. 6 minutes ago, Andy said:

    Going to be a top player when he bulks up a bit and gains the belief to impose himself a little bit more. Only Bruno moves the ball more fluently than him of our midfielders.

    Yeah just be careful with him - my god he’s good though - this is valuable experience he’s gaining 

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