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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Still the 17th. The renewal pack is like a phone book. Have you got yours then. If so, get in there, its about bloody time someone has. Nah. Was just in the ticket office this afternoon making enquiries.
  2. "Bankrupt"? Nowt like that, just covering his losses with a side bet ffs. He wants to be here, but more to cover his losses than from any desire to be back in the game, because he clearly wasn't interested 60 days before he did come back.
  3. Who said he doesn't want to do it? I work for the money. If I had all the money in the world, I wouldn't be doing my current job. But I'm still happy doing my job. I'm well paid for it and if I have a disagreement with my boss I'm happy to bow to his leadership. Why can't he just be a happy employee? Why does he have to have complete autonomy and threaten to leave the club at the drop of a hat?
  4. You've got to be taking the piss here? how so?
  5. I'd not seen the Inside Sport Interview. Plus I'm sick of transfer speculation. There's naught I hate more. Not having a go, just this was widely discussed when he was appointed. Agree on the transfer stuff like. Not sure this is any better though. I was too pissed to remeber anything for a week after he was appointed.
  6. When you watch the entire interview its certainly not as definitive as the initial "nothing" makes it sound. What if Newcastle was the only job that could bring him back, would you expect him to answer "The Newcastle job". Or "Only one job could bring me back". That would be touting for another mans job.. He also mentions in that interview that he's had offers from other clubs, if he needed the cash why not take one of those? Rather then coming back to the club he loves just for the money in a situation he knows would have to end badly. Why would it have to end badly? It's going swimmingly if you ask me.
  7. Still the 17th. The renewal pack is like a phone book.
  8. I'd not seen the Inside Sport Interview. Plus I'm sick of transfer speculation. There's naught I hate more.
  9. Maybe Abramovich will make offers they couldn't refuse on every Inter target and their current best players.
  10. Certainly no worse than still having Allardyce in charge. EDIT: Or Redknapp
  11. I reckon he needs the cash after spending £6M on his soccer circus so accepts the job as advertised. And that's not a bad thing.
  12. It's a contradiction like saying there's nothing that could bring you back to management then accepting a job offer 60 days later (from the man you'd previously turned down when he approached you). There must be a reason he's willing to go along with these things when he wasn't before, and i don't think it's pedantic to wonder.
  13. I'm just saying the facts contrast interstingly. I've never said whether any of it is a particularly good or bad thing. You're clearly oversensetive about it. Imagine Keegan says the club doesn't need a striker and then signs Torres. That would be a brilliant way for Keegan to contradict himself and would obviously mean he saw the benefit of doing so. It might be something good that brought him around on this one.
  14. I think I misunderstood you. "Director" is an all encompassing term. It's a title given to someone who oversees all aspects. Like a film director, he's not responsible for any one thing, but for sealing the deal on what everyone else is doing in their specific roles. I'm not sure if your problem is Wise being given that title, or anyone at any club. I thought the former, but it seems you meant the latter. Personally I think it's a clearly defined role, but undermines the man who should do that job, the manager. My point is it isn't a clearly defined role, I think you're taking it to literally, its an executive title.. When Keegan said Allardyce would be mad to allow a Director of Football he'll have had an idea in his head of what a Director of Football is. The fact that Wise has the title of Executive Director of Football doesn't mean his role fits what Keegan had in mind in the slightest. I think you're clutching at straws. Keegan said Allardyce would be mad to have a director of football and the owner would be mad to install one. Now he's at the club and he has one. Whatever Keegan's ideas on what that job entailed at the time and however Wise fits into that mould, it's still a glaring contradiction.
  15. You might want to take that video off, copyrighted you see I'll take it down, but it's soft as s**** on here. Why not just wait until you're asked to remove stuff, then do it? Never known a forum that's so uptight. It's the law mate, we're just trying to comply with it I don't want to get into a whole thing unrelated to football, but no-one's going to get banged up here, there's a small chance you'll get a polite mail informing you one of your members has posted copyrighted material and requesting you to remove it. It's almost inconceivable though, if that request was ever made, it would go to youtube, who'd remove it at the source.
  16. I think I misunderstood you. "Director" is an all encompassing term. It's a title given to someone who oversees all aspects. Like a film director, he's not responsible for any one thing, but for sealing the deal on what everyone else is doing in their specific roles. I'm not sure if your problem is Wise being given that title, or anyone at any club. I thought the former, but it seems you meant the latter. Personally I think it's a clearly defined role, but undermines the man who should do that job, the manager.
  17. Sorry. Executive Director (Football)
  18. You might want to take that video off, copyrighted you see I'll take it down, but it's soft as shite on here. Why not just wait until you're asked to remove stuff, then do it? Never known a forum that's so uptight.
  19. Did the Inside Sport interview get posted when Keegan got the job? Search for "Inside Keegan" on youtube. "What would drag you back to the game?" "Nothing" Wonder what changed. He says the same stuff about the impossibility of breaking into the top 4 too, 6 months before the papers hammered him for it. Most interesting of all is the stuff near the end of the vid about Allardyce getting a director of football. "You'd be a fool to let it happen".
  20. http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44692000/gif/_44692260_premiership_players_466.gif Less than 9 English professionals per club last year.
  21. Waiting list = MYTH. Last year I advised a lad on herewho wanted a season ticket to go to the ticket office & get one & he did, he had been waiting for about 3 (IIRC) years for the ticket office to get in touch. I think it's an assumption based on the past rather than a myth anyone at the club is perpetuating.
  22. I think what's also been considered is the fans who prefer to sit through the game and get pissed off by people persistently standing in front of them. I would assume that the stewarding in the 'vocal' section will be a bit more relaxed and anyone taking the cheap option really can't complain if they end up standing throughout. If that is the case I wonder what the council make of it though.
  23. I get you. The away fans in St James' hardly ever make a peep anyway. Much like the home fans.
  24. I don't think they force you to go to the family enclosure, but if you want to save some money and don't mind the worse view, then they'll refund the difference and move you back
  25. Yep, I misundestood. Thought they were extending the Family enclosure that's in the Leazes now. I thought the number of seats in Leazes L7 was far more than in the corner, but having checked, it's just 6 sections in each, so it's a straight swap right? http://www.2-tickets.com/venues/StJamesPark.GIF Has surprised me that, thought there were far more seats in L7L than the corner. Looks like a straight swap. Theoretically though it means that if there aren't many away fans then the extra tickets that go on sale (L7H and L7J possibly) will go to non-season ticket holders which could possibly affect the banter/atmospehere!?!?! Or alternatively be emtpy?? No more so than the current set up I'd have thought.
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