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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. People cannot help how they feel. They've a right to be pissed off the way this season has panned out, and they've a right to come on a message board and say what the fuk they like without the thought police looking down their noses telling them what they can and can't do. For that reason alone i do not agree with .com, its an absolute joke they'll have a pop at the fans, yet not say boo to a goose to and about those who have made the fans react in the negative way they have. The season hasn't panned out yet. That's their point. We can try to have a positive effect on how it pans out or we can continue to not sell out our games, boo them off and castigate the manager on here. I'd rather be a supporter in a literal sense.
  2. I'm not particularly worked up. Thus it is and always has been.....since the internets started. I just agree with .com and cringe when I see supposed supporters of the club bitching rather than making the best of a situation. If people realise they're a laughing stock why don't they stop spouting shite about seeing the back of Keegan and take what pressure they can off his back so we don't end up with another one going through the turnstyles placed in the doorway of the managers office.
  3. I don't think they do see forums as the devils work as a whole. Only when they do the mackems job for them like here and here and here and here and here and here as just a few examples on page 1. The pub comparison is good, I don't mind people talking shite in the pub.....because there's only a few people within earshot and you tell them to shut the fuck up, laugh in their face and move on. On here it gets dragged out interminably and is far more visible to opposition fans and (potentially) media who then come up with shite like this I received today.... http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/8773/39336652pt8.jpg
  4. I know. I've already said that was a tongue in cheek comment. I'm guessing most people who put any deal of stock in this place do so mostly in the forum which invites all opinion so there's no doubt it's unbiased. ...of course the bans handed out to dissenters keep s the boat sailing in the right direction.
  5. what schlong? he's advertising viagra So you're saying he has a lady part then? "Hello, I'm Pele, and I'm so impotent my cock's inverted"
  6. They are. Any need for the sly digs and the sanctimony though? From them, that is I think deep down they feel threatened by anyone under 30 daring to take interest in their club. They give the young uns credit for not dropping their heads and singing throughout....despite questioning the songs they choose to sing.
  7. I'm not particularly angry about it. Just explaining how I had to be joking. In no way do I think this site helps the club or the owners. You make Dave Sad Face. Bitch. Who are you like? The one he sang Nothing Compares 2 U for?
  8. I'm not particularly angry about it. Just explaining how I had to be joking. In no way do I think this site helps the club or the owners.
  9. I've done at least one positive one recently that still languishes in the writers room unused and now out of date. I know the feeling. I share your pain. We're too good for them HF. Fuck them.
  10. I've done at least one positive one recently that still languishes in the writers room unused and now out of date.
  11. Really? Why is that? I just don't understand it. I mean, surely we're all following the same cause? Well before forums became popular, it was very much a case of 'their way or the highway' when it came to independent internet coverage of events at SJP. This place isn't independent though is it? Mort has N-O in his pocket blowing cool air over his ball sack. I'm fairly sure I'm going to get whooshed here, but what the hell is that meant to mean? Doesn't this place decide how many away tickets we get and meet with Mort's lobbyists for booze ups? Bored at work by any chance are we? Isn't that the opposite to what you were initially suggesting anyway, i.e. that Mort influences this place? I really should get some work done. I just missed the off tbh.
  12. Really? Why is that? I just don't understand it. I mean, surely we're all following the same cause? Well before forums became popular, it was very much a case of 'their way or the highway' when it came to independent internet coverage of events at SJP. This place isn't independent though is it? Mort has N-O in his pocket blowing cool air over his ball sack. I'm fairly sure I'm going to get whooshed here, but what the hell is that meant to mean? Doesn't this place decide how many away tickets we get and meet with Mort's lobbyists for booze ups? The forum is one of several places canvassed for opinions on ticket allocations. Some members have met Mort, but not representing the website as such. Even so, I don't see how that means we are not independent. In fact considering I paid for the entire fucking hosting myself this year I find that suggestion pretty offensive. Was clearly more of a joke than an accusation. There's hardly been a positive Rant/Opinion on the front page since Mort arrived.
  13. Really? Why is that? I just don't understand it. I mean, surely we're all following the same cause? Well before forums became popular, it was very much a case of 'their way or the highway' when it came to independent internet coverage of events at SJP. This place isn't independent though is it? Mort has N-O in his pocket blowing cool air over his ball sack. I'm fairly sure I'm going to get whooshed here, but what the hell is that meant to mean? Doesn't this place decide how many away tickets we get and meet with Mort's lobbyists for booze ups?
  14. I think .com are always very careful to only give their opinion of games and performances in them. They never comment on managerial, board or training choices, at least not until the club has moved on from them.
  15. Really? Why is that? I just don't understand it. I mean, surely we're all following the same cause? Well before forums became popular, it was very much a case of 'their way or the highway' when it came to independent internet coverage of events at SJP. This place isn't independent though is it? Mort has N-O in his pocket blowing cool air over his ball sack.
  16. I reckon hacks scour boards like this for a whiff of discontentment then make up "club source" stories that cater to them. maybe so...i'd personally argue people calling national football phone ins and voicing discontent would spread a negative view of the club far easier that's all i'm saying I guess that's why they had a pop at those too. repeats self - at the start i said i could see the picking at phone ins but not so much message boards, my opinion you read any of their match reports recently? very subjective and negative as the defeats mount...as one of the most well known fan sites about they're hardly helping are they if websites have such an effect? There's very little in the match reports I find to disagree with. The shite ratio with this place must be 99:1
  17. I reckon hacks scour boards like this for a whiff of discontentment then make up "club source" stories that cater to them. maybe so...i'd personally argue people calling national football phone ins and voicing discontent would spread a negative view of the club far easier that's all i'm saying I guess that's why they had a pop at those too.
  18. I reckon hacks scour boards like this for a whiff of discontentment then make up "club source" stories that cater to them.
  19. They haven't done any articles on when Keegan should be sacked or when he'll walk out to be fair.
  20. I'm sure the .com boys don't have any time for Alan Oliver or people who go to games and boo either. They aren't saying don't write witty articulate insightful pieces that inspire support and confidence. They're saying don't write shite. i know. but so much for all the positive lark. in the same match report they say "Quite frankly though, the knackers yard or glue factory would provide more fitting surroundings for our donkeys than the winner's enclosure." as well as giving two paragraphs over to bashing the fans who sing the "wrong" songs at anfield. had similar been said on here no doubt they'd class it as the kind of crap you read on message boards. Fair point like. Though I reckon they'd be more concerned by threads like (and I'm making these up without checking) "When will Keegan Walk?", "If Martins doesn't start should Keegan be sacked?" and "Mort and Ashley have really fucked this club over" rather than the merits of individuals on pitch performance..
  21. I'm sure the .com boys don't have any time for Alan Oliver or people who go to games and boo either. They aren't saying don't write witty articulate insightful pieces that inspire support and confidence. They're saying don't write shite.
  22. I reckon they do. Anyone that's been to 62 games so far this year has exemption. plenty of people who religiously follow home and away come on here and can barely string a sentence together never mind give a reasoned analysis of the game. then there are posters like tmonkey or ohmelads who i think go to matches less yet are recognised as the best football posters on here and whose opinion i'd rather hear than nufc.com 9 times out of 10. nufc.com does a great, great job as a factual resource, tickets, televised games, archives, match reports etc. but the opinion pieces are no more valuable than any given poster on here. going to x number of games doesn't grant you perspicacity. you can go to all games including reserve and academy matches and still be thick as a bell-end and full of shit, likewise you can go to a dozen games a year and still have brilliant insight. there's good and bad on the forums yet .com consistently take the position that they are somehow above that and holier-than-thou, which refreshingly you don't find on here. You do find a lot of shite spouted by people that haven't even been to games though.
  23. I reckon they do. Anyone that's been to 62 games so far this year has exemption.
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