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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    How have I put Pardew in a good light saying it was our worst Premier League performance bar relegation?
  2. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Calm down man. We're just talking about league position here. Being in Europe and holding a cup doesn't help that, if anything, the former hinders it. I'm totally fine. If we're talking just about league position and can't take anything into account, then stripped down we're talking about a Newcastle side full of regular internationals being within a whisker of relegation and a team a that plays better, attacking football and finishing only 5 points better off. It's not a case of it being only 5 points and, even if it was, it's still in Swansea's favour! No if, you're doing that you're still contextualising
  3. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Still not convinced Swansea are this special side everyone thinks, Everton have been patchy so far as well, think us and Everton could be the ones though. You've watched Swansea right? It's not a new thing, been a great side to watch for a while. Also Everton are the only unbeaten side this season. Obviously, being a great side to watch doesn't put points on the board though. Last season was an unacceptable, abhorrent mess as far as Newcastle fans were concerned and an historic peak for Swansea but we only finished 5 points off them. Jesus f***ing Christ. Stop ignoring a ridiculous amount of circumstances ffs. You are either on the wind-up or just really, really simple. Are you struggling to separate discussions here too? Irrespective of Laudrup's ability or his style of football, his trinkets or pardew's shortcomings or the rhetorical discussion of whether i would like Laudrup to come in at the expense of Pardew. The fact is, in discussing the likely finishing places, we have 5 points to make up on our worst season bar relegation to catch up with their best season ever. It's not beyond the realms of possibility. Context. Look it up. I understand the context. Perhaps they'll win the cup and capitulate in their last 10 games on purpose again.
  4. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Still not convinced Swansea are this special side everyone thinks, Everton have been patchy so far as well, think us and Everton could be the ones though. You've watched Swansea right? It's not a new thing, been a great side to watch for a while. Also Everton are the only unbeaten side this season. Obviously, being a great side to watch doesn't put points on the board though. Last season was an unacceptable, abhorrent mess as far as Newcastle fans were concerned and an historic peak for Swansea but we only finished 5 points off them. Jesus fucking Christ. Stop ignoring a ridiculous amount of circumstances ffs. You are either on the wind-up or just really, really simple. Are you struggling to separate discussions here too? Irrespective of Laudrup's ability or his style of football, his trinkets or pardew's shortcomings or the rhetorical discussion of whether i would like Laudrup to come in at the expense of Pardew. The fact is, in discussing the likely finishing places, we have 5 points to make up on our worst season bar relegation to catch up with their best season ever. It's not beyond the realms of possibility.
  5. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Calm down man. We're just talking about league position here. Being in Europe and holding a cup doesn't help that, if anything, the former hinders it.
  6. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Because it shows a pattern of behaviour doomed to repeat itself. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" If Pardew ever drops into the relegation places i'll say enough is enough and we need the new manager bounce that another mediocre, unispiring appointment would bring temporarily. As he's not done that yet, I'll continue to support him and the team rather than booing and raising the tension levels around the place. Wow, you have an awful lot of time on your hands. Why?
  7. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Still not convinced Swansea are this special side everyone thinks, Everton have been patchy so far as well, think us and Everton could be the ones though. You've watched Swansea right? It's not a new thing, been a great side to watch for a while. Also Everton are the only unbeaten side this season. Obviously, being a great side to watch doesn't put points on the board though. Last season was an unacceptable, abhorrent mess as far as Newcastle fans were concerned and an historic peak for Swansea but we only finished 5 points off them.
  8. http://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/ad_116559976.jpg
  9. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Blaming him for the bad stuff while not praising him for the good is not particularly balanced. Good footballers like Ben Arfa, Debuchy and Sissoko had utter shitters on Saturday, fuck all to do with Pardew as well by that measure.
  10. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    It looked to me like good football when we had Fulham pinned back and were all over Hull. I'm told it looked good against Villa too but I never saw that game. Remy has made a massive difference because it wasn't at all as effective against Man City or West Ham.
  11. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    No he doesn't. We've been passing it about on the ground much more this season, on the whole. Notwithstanding 45 minutes in the second half on Saturday. We've had a proper 4-3-3 with two advanced players either side of Cisse rather than him being on his jack jones winning f*** all and holding up f*** all. Tiote didn't get his place back automatically which was infuriating before. Doubt Steven Taylor would have either. He has no Plan B and when Plan A fails...he keeps trying Plan A. I'd call that doing the same thing and expecting different results. We had a whole season of it man and nothing has changed. At the risk of incurring the wrath of the anti-stat brigade once again, I have to apologise and say that the numbers aren't make believe, there is a trend for reducing long balls since January. Last season we hit more long than any club in the league. This season only Arsenal have currently hit fewer. However successful you think this change of approach has been, or how long it will last is open to debate, but it's clearly a conscious move towards playing on the ground rather than in the air, and should be applauded by those who have crioticised the hoofball of the recent past.
  12. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    There were clear boos at the end of the game on Saturday.
  13. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    No he doesn't. We've been passing it about on the ground much more this season, on the whole. Notwithstanding 45 minutes in the second half on Saturday. We've had a proper 4-3-3 with two advanced players either side of Cisse rather than him being on his jack jones winning fuck all and holding up fuck all. Tiote didn't get his place back automatically which was infuriating before. Doubt Steven Taylor would have either.
  14. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Because it shows a pattern of behaviour doomed to repeat itself. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" If Pardew ever drops into the relegation places i'll say enough is enough and we need the new manager bounce that another mediocre, unispiring appointment would bring. As he's not done that yet, I'll continue to support him and the team rather than booing and raising the tension levels around the place. Lets just carry on, pointless even trying to change things. Is there any point supporting the club, if things will NEVER change? what a depressing outlook. That's what I asked Wullie. Why does he bother? I loved the last 20 minutes of the Fulham game and the first 15 minutes of Hull. Spurs, Wigan, Chelsea last year too. I still have butterflies on a match day, thinking of what could happen. If it's a shit match I have a good laugh with the lads i go with. We were pissing ourselves at the end of the Liverpool game messing about. "We're gonna win 7-6" etc. I took my 6 year old nephew to his first game on Saturday. He had a right pet lip on afterwards. I had to have a word with him and tell him this was what being a Newcastle fan is. What it has been for 40+ trophyless years. He saw a 5 goal thriller, which is value for money. We don't cry about one defeat in four. We go and have a drink and look forward to the next game.
  15. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Because it shows a pattern of behaviour doomed to repeat itself. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" If Pardew ever drops into the relegation places i'll say enough is enough and we need the new manager bounce that another mediocre, unispiring appointment would bring temporarily. As he's not done that yet, I'll continue to support him and the team rather than booing and raising the tension levels around the place.
  16. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Aye, he's currently DOF, he did actually contribute to a relegation at NUFC rather than a survival and he's ready to step in should Pards go the journey.
  17. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    The club's football philosophy is determined by the chairmen that make the appointments and has proven to be uninspiring for a decade. Perhaps the appointment of Dave Bassett or Bobby Gould will see us play better football? Nah.
  18. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    The point isn't that the majority were happy with those managers...but that the majority of managers are a disappointment. Advocating for the sack because of a boring/annoying style of play is asking for another journeyman manager to come in and disappoint, but perhaps a way that doesn't prove as effective.
  19. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    I can keep them coming if you've been enjoying them. Here's one for you. Roeder still has the best Premier League points won record of any Newcastle manager outside of Keegan and Robson. I wasn't keen on his brand of football either, but nor did I ever advocate for his sacking.
  20. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    It's a decent point, like. I genuinely can't remember Wullie ever being happy. Newcastle fan unhappy with Souness, Roeder and Allardyce who'd have thunk it. No-one's particularly happy with Pardew either. Difference between happy and advocating the sack though. There's fuck all difference man . Wullie is a dreamer who wants what's best for the club, its hardly worth all this drivel. ...and he's not the only one.
  21. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    It's a decent point, like. I genuinely can't remember Wullie ever being happy. Newcastle fan unhappy with Souness, Roeder and Allardyce who'd have thunk it. No-one's particularly happy with Pardew either. Difference between happy and advocating the sack though.
  22. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    I know, he should get a new script, right. Banging on about the way the game should be played, irrespective of the manager. Saying how this manager and that one are definitely the worst for 15 years. Guaranteed he'll say the same about Pardew's replacement too. The only surprise is it doesn't give him pause to consider if it's the ever changing cycle of managers he's moaned about or the men appointing the managers that are small minded when it comes to the product on the pitch.
  23. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    Against Wigan reserves. Wigan. Reserves. Boumsong, Solano, Emre, Bowyer, Parker, Shearer, Luque - these are his players or players he has chosen to keep - and at huge expense. Have you been drinking? Worst injury crisis in Premiership history my arse! Boro once forfeited a game because they didn't have enough players. That's a crisis, not having to use a couple of Academy lads - the same Boro played a nearly all Academy team last year and put up a better fight than we did today with a strong side. You've been listening to Roeder's boring shite too much, Souness all over again. I think you'd be better off cancelling your season ticket than pinning your hopes on a miraculous change to this cycle of pain you seem to be subjecting yourself to.
  24. Happy Face

    Alan Pardew

    He also had a worse premier league record than Pardew, couldn't keep the chairman happy and is currently the target of a #hughtonout campaign at Norwich. Not sure it would be a good move.
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