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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. That's still a guessed breakdown btw. Tv is bound to be higher, but only a small amount. More interested in the praise they heap on themselves for the performance when numbers are so similar to when they took over.
  2. 2007 v 2011 £87m v £88m Turnover £59m v £54m Wages £28m v £16m Commercial £34m v £24m Matchday £26m v £47m TV
  3. Just interested in what the egg heads are making of the numbers. I hear people round these parts want Pardew replaced. Assume it's the same people who wanted Robson sacked for finishing 5th
  4. We have income from media on top of the Premier League payments, it's a few million extra. So, still using villa as an example... PL Total/Media Total 07 - £22.4/£18.3 08 - £42.7/£46.1 09 - £44.5/£49.5 10 - £45.9/£52.1 11 - £49.1/£53.9
  5. Did Villa and us have the same number of games televised? I've not one into that level of detail. This is the range of money... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jMaIu_-CI6U/T1dwRh1LOvI/AAAAAAAAFVw/pfe_qwsp3_M/s400/15%2BVilla%2BPL%2BDistribution.jpg Everton, Fulham, the mackems...they're all quite similar.
  6. Matchday is actual, as reported. TV is based on what Villa got, which I've assumed to be similar Commercial is based on the difference between those and total turnover.
  7. http://i42.tinypic.com/1zlu5bc.jpg
  8. Happy Face

    Joey Barton

    Fair's probably not the best term for it. If he wanted to go there he could just as easily have handed in a transfer request rather than opening a twitter account to spread s**** and lower the fee for the club that's tapping him up. Care to explain why, if he was so desperate to go as is claimed, there was any need for the Twitter bollocks (or a transfer request), when the club were trying to sell him anyway? I've asked this about 10 times in this thread and still not had a decent answer. If we were so eager to sell, why we letting him go for free? Barton has made it clear he would not be sold at any price. He wanted to see out his contract or go for nothing. I believe it was a matter of principal following the manner of Carroll's departure, whereby the pushed him into the corner of a transfer request (which I think he was a t*** for submitting). The club therefore had a player who they would be forced to spend another £3m in wages on and who guaranteed a zero return. As with EVERY decision made at the club, this one was made to save money. Ashley's view is £3m is worth more than 30 odd appearances over the season from JB. I've heard the argument that 'if he wanted to go where's the transfer request' thing, yet by the same token if we were so desperate to get rid, why didn't we transfer list him? I'm sure some club would have spent £2-3m on him now. That's what I covered in my post. He had no intention of being sold at any price. He'd just have turned down any club that came in for him.
  9. Happy Face

    Joey Barton

    Fair's probably not the best term for it. If he wanted to go there he could just as easily have handed in a transfer request rather than opening a twitter account to spread s**** and lower the fee for the club that's tapping him up. Care to explain why, if he was so desperate to go as is claimed, there was any need for the Twitter bollocks (or a transfer request), when the club were trying to sell him anyway? I've asked this about 10 times in this thread and still not had a decent answer. If we were so eager to sell, why we letting him go for free? Barton has made it clear he would not be sold at any price. He wanted to see out his contract or go for nothing. I believe it was a matter of principal following the manner of Carroll's departure, whereby the pushed him into the corner of a transfer request (which I think he was a twat for submitting). The club therefore had a player who they would be forced to spend another £3m in wages on and who guaranteed a zero return. As with EVERY decision made at the club, this one was made to save money. Ashley's view is £3m is worth more than 30 odd appearances over the season from JB.
  10. Happy Face

    Joey Barton

    Good Post. No doubt you'll be called an Ashley apologist by Dave etc though still. Of course Barton brought it on himself. And Enrique's trying to bring it on himself too....and Danny Simpson it's starting to seem. Harper's said nowt though...best keeper at the club, but he's been pushed into the reserves on Tuesday. No future as a strong presence in the changing room it seems. Smith's in the reserves too. Nolan said nowt publicly. Carroll said nowt publicly. You don't see players at.....say...Stoke City queueing up to get out do you? It's an exodus of our very best players. If enrique goes it's 4 of them in 6 months. Tiote and Coloccini are the only remnants of actual premier league quality left to us. I don't give a s*** aout any individual player that doesn't want to be at the club. But to point the finger at ALL these players rather than the man showing them the door is ridicuous. It's all resulted from the sale of Carroll and the lack of ambition we've shown during this subsequent summer. Jose and Barton were clearly unsettled from that point. Still doesn't excuse Barton's actions for me. Concise and to the point. Which tweet was the worst?
  11. Happy Face

    Joey Barton

    Good Post. No doubt you'll be called an Ashley apologist by Dave etc though still. Of course Barton brought it on himself. And Enrique's trying to bring it on himself too....and Danny Simpson it's starting to seem. Harper's said nowt though...best keeper at the club, but he's been pushed into the reserves on Tuesday. No future as a strong presence in the changing room it seems. Smith's in the reserves too. Nolan said nowt publicly. Carroll said nowt publicly. You don't see players at.....say...Stoke City queueing up to get out do you? It's an exodus of our very best players. If enrique goes it's 4 of them in 6 months. Tiote and Coloccini are the only remnants of actual premier league quality left to us. I don't give a shit aout any individual player that doesn't want to be at the club. But to point the finger at ALL these players rather than the man showing them the door is ridicuous.
  12. Happy Face

    Joey Barton

    I constantly slag off my bosses on Twitter, Facebook, work forums and in emails to them. I also go on strike when my terms aren't improved year on year. It's the other way round really, no employer can expect to receive universal praise from all their employees, but they should cater to the most talented people in their employment.
  13. Happy Face

    Joey Barton

    why? Because pummelling a teenager in the face and getting a 6 month sentence is one thing, we can understand that, who hasn't done it? But writing some tweets about your contract situation is beyond the pale. A new low. Welcome back. Thanks...just wondered if there was anyone left still praising Ashley's acumen.
  14. Happy Face

    Joey Barton

    why? Because pummelling a teenager in the face and getting a 6 month sentence is one thing, we can understand that, who hasn't done it? But writing some tweets about your contract situation is beyond the pale. A new low.
  15. South Shields might not be such a safe Labour seat any more as 50% of the inhabitants suddenly feel dirty voting for Miliband.
  16. Tempted to do a response video where I totally flay a mackem strip in a matter of seconds :violent
  17. The most flammable material on the face of the earth and a tribe of 20 of the slopey forheaded, zinc deficient, Space invader eating, mouth breathers don't have the wherewithal to get it burning. It's like the start of 2001, they're all just learning to use basic tools.
  18. ...having conceded none and saved 2, Krul's ratio is currently the leagues best at infinity.
  19. Save/concede ratio Cech 11 Hart 10 Robinson 3.16 Almunia 3 Mignolet 2.6 Friedal 2.55 Carson 2.11 Gilks 2 Sorensen 2 Van der Sar 1.71 Howard 1.71 Foster 1.62 Hahnemann 1.375 Green 1.23 Reina 1.14 Harper 1 Good luck to Krul. Deserved a chance with or without Harper being injured.
  20. He'll also know it's probably his last chance of a big pay day too. You reckon he's on a pittance at Man City? It's a strange world when Harper sitting on his arse for 10 years accumulating piles of money means he loved the club but Given showing ambition to be at a club that won't just accept relegation, insisting on a first team place, not sitting out a good contract, as players like Babayaro would, is mercenary. Can we get the story straight? Someone who actually holds that opinion will have to answer that for you. That's my point innit. Calimag, Towelie, Teasy, Kid Icarus, Jamie87, LucaAltieri, Cubaricho and loads of others think that's the case... http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,58972.msg1633816/topicseen.html#msg1633816 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,57901.msg1575771.html#msg1575771 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,53992.msg1382179/topicseen.html#msg1382179 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,52354.msg1305407/topicseen.html#msg1305407 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,43992.msg960148/topicseen.html#msg960148 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,40303.msg832899.html#msg832899 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,43628.msg956877/topicseen.html#msg956877 I'm not saying any individual dislikes both Given AND Harper for how they've behaved. Logically, there's two schools of thought. Contempt for Given's ambition would go hand in hand with appreciation for Harper's dedication. Or appreciating Given's ambition would mean Harper's lack of it would be difficult to appreciate. A third would be to appreciate there's no absolutes. As a player, you can't win either way and just have to do what's right for yourself. If there are two schools of thought then they basically come down to whether you sympathise with a player, or you support the team. The club comes first for me, and the same would apply to any player including Harper. In this case it's all about the manner of the departure. I applaud ambition, but it doesn't matter one jot whether a player had valid reasons for wanting to leave or not if the way they go about it harms us. Fair enough. Personally I think that players are people too. I wouldn't expect them to put their lives on hold and remain miserable to cater to the whims of some fans. That's not to say any unhappy player is justified in walking out on a team. Many engineer moves despite being in an excellent postion, but if the reasons for leaving ARE entirely valid then I'm not going to be unsympathetic towards them....especially when the club make no effort to retain them anyway.
  21. He'll also know it's probably his last chance of a big pay day too. You reckon he's on a pittance at Man City? It's a strange world when Harper sitting on his arse for 10 years accumulating piles of money means he loved the club but Given showing ambition to be at a club that won't just accept relegation, insisting on a first team place, not sitting out a good contract, as players like Babayaro would, is mercenary. Can we get the story straight? Someone who actually holds that opinion will have to answer that for you. That's my point innit. Calimag, Towelie, Teasy, Kid Icarus, Jamie87, LucaAltieri, Cubaricho and loads of others think that's the case... http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,58972.msg1633816/topicseen.html#msg1633816 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,57901.msg1575771.html#msg1575771 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,53992.msg1382179/topicseen.html#msg1382179 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,52354.msg1305407/topicseen.html#msg1305407 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,43992.msg960148/topicseen.html#msg960148 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,40303.msg832899.html#msg832899 http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,43628.msg956877/topicseen.html#msg956877 I'm not saying any individual dislikes both Given AND Harper for how they've behaved. Logically, there's two schools of thought. Contempt for Given's ambition would go hand in hand with appreciation for Harper's dedication. Or appreciating Given's ambition would mean Harper's lack of it would be difficult to appreciate. A third would be to appreciate there's no absolutes. As a player, you can't win either way and just have to do what's right for yourself.
  22. That's a different story again, relating to whether he's a team player or not. Given said how deeply unhappy he was with the situation at the club. Having finished in the top 4 twice with Newcastle he found himself working under Joe 'sodding' Kinnear and after conceding 5 against Liverpool he said publicly he was consiidering his future. By requesting permission to speak to Man City, didn't he forego any rights to compensation on his current contract? Surely that reinforces the point that Shay has never been about the money. I'd also question whether HE fucked us over when it was never in his power to do so. Ashley fucked us over by selling Given AND N'zogbia in that window, both under contract and playing regularly. I don't care whether Harper or Given are interested in money, Strange to repsond to a post on the subject then.
  23. It has been suggested that he'd refused to play for us again so we had no option but to sell him. My google for "shay given refused to play" only returned "Charles N'Zogbia: I'll never play for Joe Kinnear again" http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&cr=countryUK%7CcountryGB&tbs=ctr%3AcountryUK%7CcountryGB&q=shay+given+refused+to+play&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
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