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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. If the NUSC weren't getting so much press coverage with their demands for communication from the club you can be sure this interview would never have happened. Thats rubbish I'm afraid. The club had said before Xmas they would talk after the transfer window. NUSC had sweet FA to do with the interview or the future meeting. In fact I don't even know if anyone on NUSC is part of the meeting, they might be I don't know. The club said just after christams they'd be speaking in the new year (Ashley's programme notes for the Liverpool game). That never happened though so Kinnear said it would be after the transfer window. Then he said it would be the end of the season that they'd talk to supporters groups. Now Llambias points out they're regularly talking to supporters groups. Nobody at the club is reading from the same page. Anyhow, why did they feel the need to break from their policy of silence, if not due to the pressure they were under? It's been known by the people who go to the meetings it would be February for a long time. I don't care what JK said how much of what he says is true anyway I think you're confusing meetings with fan representatives (stewarding, prices etc.) with broader communication (Club direction, transfer policy, who's running the club etc.). Llambias hasn't even been involved with the former has he?
  2. If the NUSC weren't getting so much press coverage with their demands for communication from the club you can be sure this interview would never have happened. Thats rubbish I'm afraid. The club had said before Xmas they would talk after the transfer window. NUSC had sweet FA to do with the interview or the future meeting. In fact I don't even know if anyone on NUSC is part of the meeting, they might be I don't know. The club said just after christams they'd be speaking in the new year (Ashley's programme notes for the Liverpool game). That never happened though so Kinnear said it would be after the transfer window. Then he said it would be the end of the season that they'd talk to supporters groups. Now Llambias points out they're regularly talking to supporters groups. Nobody at the club is reading from the same page. Anyhow, why did they feel the need to break from their policy of silence, if not due to the pressure they were under?
  3. If the NUSC weren't getting so much press coverage with their demands for communication from the club you can be sure this interview would never have happened.
  4. Well obviously it won't be OK, but I thought we were talking about communication and all the quotes you highlighted? Nobody is happy with the current position of the club FFS, certainly not me. Difference is some of us aren't already planning suicide because of a bad few months... and we don't choose to rant on about an owner that is now here to stay. Your the kind of bloke who takes his lass back when she's been whoring about aren't you? I'll not go through every one because some were more flippant than others, but can you read these quotes and say they don't tell flat out lies to suit their needs as and when? "This club had £100million-worth of debt which has now been cleared" "We have started talking about who we will be bringing in and Kevin will have the final say" How can you sit back watching them say one thing then do another over and over again and keep going back for more? I'm not planning suicide, but there's no reason to make it comfortable for them. When their actions speak far more loudly than their words.
  5. The changing circumstances are them fucking things up at every opportunity though. It's not chaos. A butterfly didn't flap it's wings in mackemland which led to a profit in the last two transfer windows and the threat of relegation. Even if that was true it would mean they weren't lying or misleading the fans at the time, so your original post would still be pointless. I don't disagree that they've made some fairly big mistakes BTW, I've never argued otherwise. When we're in league one it'll be ok as long as they change their story and blame the press for twisting things. He says he wants to emulate Villa (Which is at odds with Ashley who wants to be Arsenal), but Villa spent over £30M last summer. He's putting up £8M. Forgive me if I don't spunk on my gussett.
  6. Can't believe you included that. Whey Llambias is the one who installed a 62 year old manager with a history of heart complaints.
  7. The changing circumstances are them fucking things up at every opportunity though. It's not chaos. A butterfly didn't flap it's wings in mackemland which led to a profit in the last two transfer windows and the threat of relegation.
  8. They don't get hammered for speaking or not speaking. They get hammered for incosnsistency, for example.....
  9. Busst Pogatetz Kuyt Busst Pogatetz Rideout Kinnear!
  10. This is what 606 should be every time. Fucking Spoony?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TewHFKE7mpw
  12. It follows out from that very well thought out, radical and earth moving pie boycott. What next a boycott of holidays in the south of England and trips to London ! F@cking idiots. As Joe would say. To be fair, you should be boycotting Adidas for the people it enslaves in asia, not the money it gives us to pay Owen's wages.
  13. Why sing about Liam O'Brien? Andy O'Brien? Terry Hibbert? Alan Gowling? Alan Shearer? Because they're our heroes and there's not much else left worth singing about.
  14. Funny this should have been started today as I just rang up today. Box office said they'd done their bit a month ago. When i asked for the number of the person they'd passed it onto, they didn't seem keen to give it up. This email address might come in handy for others yet to receive a refund.... Customer complaints Tel: 0191 201 8475 Email: [email protected]
  15. Keegan is the Ultimate Warrior. Wise is Papa Shango
  16. I feel a dick to myself for my blind stupidity. It's the emotional view over the rational one. I'm struggling with it myself, and we should all be wary of it right now.
  17. My thoughts from TT And after being gutted all over again tonight I can still see that line of thought. They can't comprehend Keegan's connection with the club. Our recent history is the likes of Allardyce and Souness bringing in their expensive flops which have had to be replaced season after season as the manager walks off with a payout. A long term vision minimises that risk. I can't comprehend them not keeping it as a mutual agreement approach though. Why did it work well for 3 months of the window only to fall apart so miserably on the very last day? They had to have taken the piss, big style. Could equally well have been that Keegan thought, ah fuck it, I'm popular enough around these parts I'll start laying the law down big style, and it's others sticking to the plan of not having short term staff dictate the long term vision. But if they do you're free to leave them to rot in the reserves. Starting to feel a bit let down by Keegan now. I'll keep you all posted on my constantly changing moods. It's all very soon, and emotions are running high. I'm not sure what I think just yet, but I'm going to really think it through and see what other news we get before jumping onto any bandwagon.
  18. And ask you all, would you rather have this? Abramovich is letting them pay interest on £160M of loans?
  19. Shouldnt have got in over his head then should he! He hasn't. In relation to your arguement, he has! How's that?
  20. Shouldnt have got in over his head then should he! He hasn't.
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