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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I swear down, if they're saying no to Terim and they wheel out Poyet or someone I'll be fucking livid.
  2. I'd like to keep Owen and Harper, as well as possibly Edgar. The rest in bold can gtf. Owen will leave as well though. No idea about the reserve / youth players.
  3. Fantastic! Perhaps not the cleverest thing to do but perhaps if a couple of people are doing this it indicates the strength of feeling amongst the players.
  4. Among other reasons, because we'd not be able to compete financially with the big boys any more.
  5. As always, Sir Bobby speaks and everyone else should listen.
  6. If that truly is his attitude to the club I love then the sooner he sells up or chokes on a f***ing white truffle the better. Well tbh it IS Llambias' job to sort this mess out. He's the chairman after all. He's paid to sort these kind of things out and to me at least, with my tiny amount of knowledge about the goings on of the last few days, he's the person to blame in all of this. not ashleys fault for appointing him like and who decided the transfer policy Of course it is. But that's a different (Though related) issue. Perhaps Llambias should be sacked for his handling of the whole affair, but that doesn't make Ashley responsible for the decisions Llambias made. Of course there's a possibility that Llambias rang Ashley up, explained the situation and asked for advice, then Ashley said "Just fire Keegan". In which case it is Ashley's fault. I guess that in the absence of any concrete information, it depends on which version of events we choose to make up as to who we then decide to blame.
  7. If that truly is his attitude to the club I love then the sooner he sells up or chokes on a f***ing white truffle the better. Well tbh it IS Llambias' job to sort this mess out. He's the chairman after all. He's paid to sort these kind of things out and to me at least, with my tiny amount of knowledge about the goings on of the last few days, he's the person to blame in all of this.
  8. If Keegan had turned up it would have become about him not Barton. The hearing would have become even more of a circus than it already is and he was right to stay away IMO.
  9. Ashley and Llambias would be commiting PR-suicide if they appointed Wise as interim manager.
  10. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/newcastle/article4678988.ece Saying he had a wish list valued at £200m including Henry, Ronaldinho and Lampard says nothing really. There could be 100 players on that wishlist, so the £200m argument goes straight out the window. It's not like he was saying we must spend £200m, it's just that the total value of his wishlist was £200m. Also, Henry, Ronaldinho and Lampard are only 3 names. Lampard's future has been the subject of speculation all summer, Henry has moved to Barca and not done as well as expected and Ronaldinho has been linked with a number of clubs of late. It's not that far fetched that we'd be in for those kind of players when we've got a billionaire chairman.
  11. To those suggesting the idea of a boycott of a certain portion of the next match rather than a march: I don't think that will work, as if you have 5,000 people missing for 20 minutes, nobody will notice. If you have 5,000 people marching through Newcastle, nobody can fail to notice. For a boycott to work, you need something crazy like 30-40,000 people to not turn up in order to make the stadium look deserted before it even started to become effective. A march on the other hand would be effective with far fewer people, and if we could get 30-40,000 then it would be incredible. Add to that, only 50,000 people can take part in a boycott. The whole north east can take part in a march, irrespective of whether you have a match ticket or not.
  12. Not reading all 8 pages as it's way too late at night, but I broadly agree with you and think you've written a lot of sense there. However the only things I'd say Ashley / Llambias / Wise / Vetere could be blamed for are: - Telling Keegan he has the final say on transfers then trying to do deals behind his back. That's not on. - Selling players (Or trying to sell players) without having adequate replacements lined up. Our squad is paper thin already, and the thought of playing through until Christmas without Owen or Barton and nobody in to replace them is quite scary. Of course in response to this, we don't know if deals were done behind Keegan's back and we don't know that if Barton or Owen had gone that replacements wouldn't have been brought in.
  13. I don't think the press got it very wrong at all. Many of us have got too far into the whole "Fuck the press" / "The press know nothing" thing, and while I admit they do write a lot of rubbish I think there's often some truth behind a lot of what's written as well, especially today.
  14. It's not so much the looking for players. It is him being involved in pursuading them to come here. There is no one better qualified to do that than Kev, he should be involved in that process. Based on what? You've obviously never been in a room with Keegan and listened to him speak. Modric has, and still wasn't convinced. Says who? Keegan isn't in charge of recruitment, that's the whole point. He was probably in a room with Wise and co, whose soulless witterings did nothing to persuade him north and he ended up at Tottenham instead.
  15. I'm sorry, but how THE FUCK can you (Or indeed any of the others on here who've posted similar crap) possibly say that? Perhaps at lunchtime Keegan was adamant about walking out? Perhaps he had walked out? Perhaps the club had no fucking idea whatsoever where he was or whether he would still be our manager? Perhaps they released a statement the very moment they could, in fact, reading the statement they STILL don't have a clue if he's staying as manager, but perhaps (And this is the last time I'll use the word "perhaps" ) the club released the statement so that the fans had some news rather than going to bed with none and in an effort to calm the situation slightly and stop Sports Direct stores getting firebombed overnight, but we'll not find out the full story until tomorrow.
  16. massive scam it was. I won 50 quid myself! £250 here.
  17. Note: Not "will continue to play an instrumental role". These things are always very carefully worded, nothing is in there by chance. I'd wager that we'll find out he walked today, either soon or in years to come.
  18. Did Keegan leave? They dont say hes still the manager do they? Yeah, I noticed that too. Reading between the lines it sounds like he's walked and they're trying to get him back.
  19. Yeah, because obviously nothing at all happened today or yesterday that could possibly have let them think that he'd gone. They were just SOOOO out of order, making all this fuss over nothing. All they've done is report it as they've seen it, and they've probably not been that far from the truth.
  20. FUCKING GET THE FUCK IN! Not only because he's staying, which is of course great news for us and the club, but because when the betfair odds were 1.08 I stuck £20 on him staying and should now net £250 as long as another manager leaves before he does!
  21. All this "Ashley out" stuff is getting a bit tiring. People have no idea what's happened and yet they're taking sides and threatening to boycott matches etc. It's surreal. Maybe Llambias fired Keegan and now Ashley is trying to get him back? Just a thought, and as likely as other explanation given the delay in making an announcement.
  22. If you really were sorry about them, why type "Sorry about the caps" rather than delete what you've written and write it out properly? Anyway, ignoring that I still can't make any sense of what you've wrote.
  23. He was at the game last week. He played over 1000 games for Arsenal, so that's hardly surprising.
  24. David O'Fucking Leary touted for the job? Is he having a laugh? Touted by who exactly? The only person who would tout O'Leary for the job is his own mother.
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