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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Maybe they're not issuing a statement because nothing is decided yet? Obviously something's going on, but until that's resolved they can't comment. After all, if Keegan stays (Unlikely, but I'm praying) then they need to show a united front and make whatever's happened seem as insignificant as possible. A statement now could destroy that possibility.
  2. The longer the delay, the more I think he might stay. If he was gone and it was final, they'd announce it. Maybe he'll still go, but I get the feeling it's not decided quite yet.
  3. english please? Probably told them that either Wise goes, or he does.
  4. Fuck this, time for lunch. Been sat pressing F5 on here and NUFC.com for about 36 hours now. I'm knackered.
  5. That's pretty much my thinking on the matter. Well it is when I put my optimistic head on. I'll not type out my pessimistic thoughts!
  6. Erm, he owns the club. Aye but I wouldn't like turning up for work being peleted with eggs and half eaten steak bakes each morning He's a big lad, he'll probably not mind the steak bakes.
  7. If he was sacked it would be even more ridiculous. Ashley wouldn't win himself many popularity awards if that were to happen to say the least.
  8. Much as I'd like to think that there'll be a rash of announcements tomorrow, we're past midnight now and they've announced Xisco. So that's it. They can't sign anyone else now and the announcement has been made. I wasn't that bothered when we sold Milner as I believed we'd sign a replacement. We haven't. I'm pissed off. We should have kept him. Cunts.
  9. WHS really, the club see no need to announce stuff to Sky Sports so we'll find nothing out until tomorrow.
  10. I considered lager, but have instead plumped for the red wine. Not got work in the morning so a hangover isn't an issue.
  11. Just because Lennon is short, black, plays RW and is quicker than SWP doesn't make him a quicker version of SWP. Wright-Phillips actually has some footballing talent, whereas Lennon is just a sprinter who plays the occasional game of football. I really wouldn't want him here. People talk about Milner having no end product, well you've obviously never seen Aaron Lennon anywhere near a football pitch.
  12. I really fucking hope not. He's just a sprinter with no footballing talent at all.
  13. Chris_R

    Alan Smith

    Well, the title is better but the words hurt my eyes.
  14. Yeah, because if he'd signed for us he'd have got injured in exactly the same way.
  15. Which is EXACTLY why I'm saying we need to see him play for Newcastle first before we make a judgement on whether he's good enough or not. Of course he might be crap, I'm not denying that possibility. But he might also be brilliant. We simply don't know.
  16. Actually rob lee was far from an unknown when we signed him. Here we go again on this forum . it's the same old s***, anyone that does follow the party line is mocked and ridiculed, instead of people just respecting other peoples opinions, because that's all they bloody are opinions and the "party line" is no way more correct then any others. Where am I mocking or ridiculing people?. Sure, I'm disrespecting people's opinions. But the opinions I'm disrespecting and dismissing are that this new guy isn't good enough when they've frankly seen fuck all of him in action and are basing their opinion solely on his age and the clubs he's been with. Frankly they're opinions deserving of dismissal. (And Rob Lee was of course far from unknown, but he was playing outside the top flight (And had been for the last 2 years), was 26 and had never been good enough for the top sides until then. We took him and turned him into a top class midfielder who went on to get over 20 England caps. All for £700k.)
  17. Everything after this point is irrelevant really.
  18. To those whinging their tits off that Keegan's brought in a 26 year old attacking midfielder that nobody's heard of, can I just say "Rob Lee". Have some faith.
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