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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I mean they say there's no such thing as bad publicity, but I'm close to changing my mind on that. GB News, ffs. Fucking hell.
  2. Being confident isn't enough, it's a process you're not in control of. If the chance of success is 90% (not for one moment saying it is) then that's still a 10% chance of failure. And doing other things now like this doesn't reduce that 90%, it just gives us an additional avenue to pursue to avoid risking that 10% coming in to play. That said I don't see how we can bully the PL into letting us have the takeover. They're far more likely to just double-down.
  3. GB news so powerful in outing the stupid and the intolerant. Seems we've caught another one. When someone professes their support for it, it really is a massive red flag about them as a human being. Just a hive of Brexity, racist, anti-mask, intolerant dickheads.
  4. A right-wing news channel set up by Andrew Neil and others. Basically the UK equivalent of Fox News. Hopefully it dies a slow and expensive death, but at least allows us to identify some horrible people in the meantime due to their willingness to associate themselves with it.
  5. GB News. Fucking hell. Racist, bigoted TV station for racists and bigots. Fuck anyone who gives that rabble even a moment of their time or attention.
  6. So in other words, if the information is so damaging to the PL, then they might keep it behind closed doors. Might actually be good news for us if they do keep everything quiet then, it's a good indication that there's a lot of really bad stuff in there.
  7. Indeed, that's an embarrassing lack of proof-reading and I'd be mortified if that were one of my emails. But typos, which are accidental mistakes, are a little different to making it to adulthood and not understanding the difference between "there" and "their".
  8. Not sure I want to place any faith in someone who is discussing legal issues but seemingly doesn't know the correct version of "their". Amongst many other grammatical crimes.
  9. Or it's just the actions of everyone here.....
  10. Personally I think the De Marco stuff is amusing, and I think he probably is doing it on purpose and probably is trying to drop hints - At least some of the time - So I think it's worthy of note and probably the best clues we're likely to get. Thing is, he doesn't know how this is going to end either. He has more say than us, and a LOT more knowledge, but he can't dictate anything.
  11. I agree with all of that. The bolded bit is accurate, but you can't blame people for shortening that to "realism" because "being realistic" is pretty-much that, but the bolded bit is a bit of a mouthful! But yes, I accept the word "realistic" has other connotations which could, without intention, be interpreted negatively. There needs to be scepticism and debate allowed though, and this thread hates it. Fine. But it's got to go somewhere, surely?
  12. Where did I "crow" exactly? To my memory, I did no such thing. And I still seem to have a pond thanks. :) If this thread is the only one which remains open, I will absolutely post in it. I'd rather not, I'd far rather post in the other thread out of respect to everyone, but it's absolutely ridiculous to think that anything other than total positivity will be tolerated on this forum. That's just ludicrous.
  13. Tbf if one thread is locked, the other should be. Because otherwise everyone will just come in here as there needs to be somewhere for people to post things which aren't just pure 100% optimism and that will quite understandably rile the natives here because - as I've accepted - that's not what this thread is for. But either we need one thread where everything is OK, or one thread each. Locking the "realistic" thread because the positive people wouldn't stay in their own thread doesn't seem like a solution that'll keep anyone happy really. We now have nowhere to post because of their transgressions.
  14. Yeah fine, if you think you've heard enough to lean one way or the other and can coherently state your case whilst listening to others, that's great. We all want to hear that. 50/50 is the starting point based on complete ignorance, but we've all read enough to be not entirely ignorant. My views move around a bit as new bits drip out, but they're just drips of information so I'll never lean too heavily one way or the other because the overwhelming majority of stuff is staying behind closed doors. And even if I read and heard it all, I'm not a judge. And even if I was a judge, I'm not the judge deciding on this. Ultimately, I know that my opinion - whilst I have one and am happy to discuss it - means virtually nothing. It's the "IT'S DEFINITELY HAPPENING JUST WAIT THE PL CAN'T STOP THIS" crowd, who have absolutely nothing to back up their ramblings and won't even listen to the other side or acknowledge they exist, who are just utterly exhausting. And so very vocal.
  15. Of course. I clearly said that really there's only one possible outcome, we just don't know what it is, so we as observers must wrongly assume it's 50/50 because we're operating from a position of total ignorance, until that ignorance is cleared up and we are given any good reason to say otherwise. But that's clearly not yet.
  16. I know you're not quoting me, but I did address the 50/50 thing. Mathematically you can - indeed MUST - say something is 50/50 when you need to do an estimate on something where you have no information to base a decision with 2 possible outcomes. That is the case with the takeover. We're not laywers, we haven't seen either side's evidence, we haven't been involved or talked to anyone related to this. The scraps we have do not lead us with any conviction to side with either possible outcome, and to suggest otherwise is delusion. We also do not have any previous similar legal cases on which to look at and see what a similar case might yield this time. Therefore 50/50 is the right stance to take. Being struck by lightning is a ridiculous analogy to this because literally none of the above applies. We have an absolutely massive amount of evidence of how likely anyone is to be struck by lightning between now and Friday based on the accumulated experiences of billions of people over billions of years, so we can form a very accurate statistical likelihood of it happening. In short, stop talking shit.
  17. Erm what? I have said quite clearly that the very thing I am doing - in the post you literally quoted - is resisting going in and fishing for a reaction. You quoted me saying that. Did you read it?
  18. That's fair. I apologise. Clearly some of you can talk about it like grown-ups. My problem is that many people in that thread - Not all, sorry again for the generalisation - refuse to acknowledge that the failure of the takeover is even possible. It's just exhausting to even try to engage with these people. Fine though, they have their thread where they can all be like that and I'll stay out, out of respect, because it's segregated and not hurting anyone. But really it needs to stay there and not infest the rest of the board because it's not reflective of how the world actually is. There's 2 threads for a reason.
  19. I guess that in reality, there's only one possible outcome. Like when a coin is tossed into the air, its landing position is not known yet. But it is already either 100% heads or 100% tails, because everything is already in motion. But we still say the outcome is 50/50 because we have no idea how it will land, we are unable to tell. Same applies here. There's nothing we can do to influence the outcome, the wheels are already in motion. The outcome really is pre-determined in that respect but we don't (despite whatever you might say) know what it will be. It's therefore entirely reasonable to simplify that to 50/50 because as fans we're only concerned with 2 possible outcomes - Takeover or No Takeover. Yes there are other niche things that might come out of it - compensation to Ashley with no takeover etc, but we really don't care as fans. It's Yes or No that we care about to the takeover happening. 2 outcomes we care about. And from a scientific perspective, when you have 2 things which you have NO basis on which to decide which one is more likely (Hint: That's now), you have to assume their chances are equal - you have no information on which to base a judgement on. Which is EXACTLY how we are now; you (and I, and everyone else) has NO information on how likely each side is to prevail. We're not lawyers. We've seen none of the evidence. We're not involved AT ALL. You can claim you think it's 99/1 in favour of the takeover or whatever other waffle drifts around your head, but you're outright lying to yourself, you are living a lie. Which is fine, carry on. Your life, live the lie if you want. I really don't care what you do. But please understand that it angers people when you come in here, look us in the eye and lie to us too. It's tiring, insulting to people's intelligence and not welcome. So back to the original point, yes scientifically it must be dealt with as 50/50 as far as outside observers with no information are concerned, when there are only 2 outcomes we care about with no proof of which is more likely. That's how maths works.
  20. What is currently known is that there's arbitration and court cases going on. You have absolutely no idea about the outcome of these. Nobody does. Not even De Marco. We may win (I hope we do), or we may not. Keep your outright refusal to even acknowledge 50% of the possible outcomes of those cases to the other thread, whatever you want to call it, so the grown-ups can talk in here.
  21. Even if De Marco's photos *are* all carefully orchestrated to show subtle hints to NUFC fans, even if he is sending us subtle messages with every tweet, it's still just his opinion. He has a strong say in what happens, but there's another side with an equally-compelling argument and a strong say too. Like us all, I sincerely hope this takeover goes through, I want nothing more football-wise, and I'll celebrate like an absolute lunatic if it does. But those who repeatedly say that it's all just a formality and that nothing can stop this takeover need to chill out and keep that to the "optimism" thread, because it's fucking exhausting for the rest of us who want to be able talk about the pros and cons of this whole thing like adults.
  22. Yeah I got absolutely rinsed for going into the "positive" thread and dropping some realism, yet they seem fine to invade here with their baseless hype. In fact its even getting to the point where realism in the realism thread is frowned upon. There has to be a place for people to be realistic or even sceptical, and not just those who run round shouting "#CANS" and "WAIT!!!" all the time, surely?
  23. This. Why would he look for another job? There's 0 chance of that happening. If he gets another job, he gets no payout. Bruce won't leave until he's sacked or his contact isn't renewed.
  24. Yeah be cynical about the PL, they're a bunch of cunts, but this thread is packed full of incredulity and outrage from people that the PL are not rushing to get to court. But no defendant ever is, in any case, ever. I just can't get behind that mindset that they're doing anything strange or unusual here, because they aren't.
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