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Everything posted by huss9

  1. agree that the leak was poor form, especially on a champions league gam,e day. emery will have been fuming. board needs to learn and move on. need to try not too hard in getting the local media onside by feeding them stuff like this. we need to know when its done and signed off, whoever it is.
  2. talksport earlier this morning had reported that villareal had released at statement saying he was staying.
  3. think we can think about more glamorous or attacking coaches once we've survived and stabilised.
  4. hard to tell. we didnt take the piss out of rafa's accent but fuck me brucey's was bad.
  5. dont care about his previous record in the prem as long as we finish at least 17th this season.
  6. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    hope he stays as he's got a lot of learning to do and we be great for him to get a decent job in the future.
  7. if we get him, lets get this made up as a flag! (like jocky wilson and dexy's on totp .... god i'm old!
  8. we're gonna struggle to attract decent managers or players stuck to the foot of the table. any half decent coach would be fine. if he saves us from relegation but is generally shite, they'll sack him in the summer. its all about getting to the end of the season and staying up.
  9. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    what really annoys is that him and bruce just persist with same tactics and largely the same personell game after game even when it clearly isnt working. other than dropping big jow and miggy - its same old.
  10. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    whilst i dont agree with his starting line up, the tactics for the first hour were understandible. what wasnt was the fact that we went 0-1 down and he just kept the same formation and tactics. we would still probabaly have lost but we could of at least TRIED changing things. it was as though it was jones going for a 0-0 or nothing.
  11. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    and joelinton has played up front for the vast majority of those games, so the fact that an average midfielder has similar stats says it all.
  12. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    not saying he's brilliant. we're talking about our team. he's good enough to start in front of longstaff or fraser, and brings a lot more than joelinton.
  13. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    miggy just brings a load of energy to our team. also works hard and tracks back.
  14. huss9

    Graeme Jones

    fuck me just seen his .cock interview. spouting the same shite as bruce - playing defensively is so ingrained in this team and wont change overnight. ffs, whats the point of coaches?
  15. huss9

    Isaac Hayden

    yeah, used to be a decent but not great DM but now doesnt really bring anything. still, he hasnt much back up when he's out there.
  16. miggy at least gets us up the pitch and can chase down players. chelsea were just jogging past longstaff today. fernandez old and slow but experienced and a leader. clark is just old and slow. schar is decent on the right of the 3 as he can play/pass it out. lewis has pace and can run. cant tackle or attack better than ritchie? he isnt any worse. willock has shown what he's capable of - ryan fraser hasnt. yeah joelinton is shite - i'll give u that one.
  17. just didnt look happy. saying that though - that assault on him should have been a red.
  18. jones played our worst centre half and a fullback as part of a 3 man centre back team and left 2 better ones on the bench. left our best keeper on the bench. left our 2 best midfielders on the bench. left our only LB on the bench. it didnt work last team against a worse team. lets try it again!
  19. yes but we still lost 0-3. would have been more bearable if we'd at least tried to have a go. might have lost 4 or 5 but it would still have been no worse than what happened today.
  20. get ya fucking fingers out man. the lot of yers.
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