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Everything posted by huss9

  1. Aramco St. James's would be fine for me.
  2. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    hmmm, seems he's been a naughty boy (allegedly).
  3. bringing up his parents death again and how his wife helped through it. well, aye!!! she's yer wife!
  4. arabs arent offended. my dad knows loads in the uk and in saudi and they all think its class. got a few new arab footie cnverts too.
  5. i dont think its a pro-Bruce thing. there's a definite agenda against NUFC and its fans.
  6. hopefully he fucked off a few weeks early for a couple of million less.
  7. spoken to quite a few arabs and they've been loving the arab dress.
  8. a big "fuck you" and "you're welcome" to all the twats in the gallowgate giving us grief last week for daring to chant against Bruce.
  9. is craig being allowed back in to press conferences?
  10. we should all chip in and send Edwards a brucepig condolence card.
  11. i just think of teeth whenever i hear that name.
  12. mutual consent???? maybe they compromised on his pay out.
  13. he got just as much abuse at villa. what are the insults skysports have read out?
  14. “I really have to thank all the people who have worked alongside me, because I can be demanding and I can be hard work - especially when I was younger," absolute bollocks. oh, and fuck off with the tactically inept cabbage-heed shite - he's been called that since his days and sunderland and villa - dont be blaming us for that one.
  15. that time when his knee exploded three times against stoke. great day.
  16. any protestors or vans with billboards outside the palace?
  17. Prince William of the Villa hopefully told him all he needed to now about how shit bruce is. "then one got Dean Smith in and we won 10 in a row...."
  18. would ideally love a defensive coach initially. we really need to get that sorted and then build the team on top of that.
  19. Hopefully they refuse to cough up the full £8m on some technicality and he has to take them to court.
  20. yeah - injuries, lack of investement, ageing players etc.
  21. HOPEfully tonights Mail exclusive gives the consortium a nudge and forces them to get just anybody in to run the tean for the next 3 or 4 weeks.
  22. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    hayden hasnt been happy with the system or where he's been asked to play. he was pissed off at bruce when the fat cunt called him out for letting ronaldo in too easily for his second. may have voiced his concnerns and jamal then sticking up for bruce. or he was blaming the defence for being so shite.
  23. even if the cunt wants the players to have a rest day, why the fuck arent they in analysing their performance, palace's play and our own tactics?
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