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Everything posted by huss9

  1. nevermind the chronicle, "six things my kids noticed": why does he still play joelinton after being given so many chances and still being shit? fraser, murphy and gayle are all fit. why has hayden started in defence? why isnt he talking to the players? (the break during the medical incident). why hasnt he changed anything yet? why has he taken our striker off but brought another 2 wingers on? why was that man shouting at you when you were chanting "we want brucie out!" ("support the team" lot out if full force again).
  2. mentioned by a caller to sutton and savage.
  3. gradually coming to terms with Bruce being there tomorrow. dont like it, will just have to ignore him. he'll be gone in a few weeks.
  4. we're fighting a media backlash already due to the saudi links, but this guy is too thick to understand we need as much positivity and humilty as possible. I hope someone asks him tomorrow if he regrets saying he hopes the journalists covering the club get a slap off their bosses.
  5. bruce may now be able to drop Big Jow. no pressure from upstairs. unless of course its his own idea that the bloke is our best option on the left wing.
  6. he should call it a day? i dont think he'll have a choice. no premier league or champo club hoping for promotion/play offs is gonna touch him. u think norwich or watford would have considered him if we'd sacked him a couple of weeks ago. he is finished in management.
  7. nah, he wouldnt be so smug. he'd be more like "I'll take it a game at a time". none of this "you all got it wrong shit" because if he does get sacked next week they'll all have been proven right - just the wrong time span by a week.
  8. hope he gets loudly booed sunday.
  9. i honestly think he's staying for a few weeks.
  10. so stavely comes in and speaks to bruce. by all accounts he come's across as canny and wanting whats best for the club, and will help in any way. ah, whiat nice man, she thinks. she'll now know what an absolute classless moron he really is. twat. he's a grown man ffs.
  11. if he'd been a little more humble and classy - the fans may have given him an easier time on sunday. but he may well have just thumbed his nose and gone "ner ner ner ner ner, you got it wrong, i'm still here!" like a spoilt bairn. missed a chance to make up a bit with the fans. this guy is as thick as pigshit. bet stavely and hubby were sitting watching with head in hands.
  12. what an embarrassing press conference. why did he have to be so smug and arsey. rubbing the fans and the press up the wrong way. classless arrogant prick. should just have talked about the match and said no comment to anything alse. thick pcp/pif have really dropped a clanger here (in the short term only though, thankfully).
  13. nah, there'll be a lot of sucking up. i reckon he'll get an easy ride from the sycophant journos and sky just in case they upset the new owners. will be all about the 1000 games.
  14. 2 days off since the weekend before such an important game. no surprise we;re so unfit and there's awalys niggles/injuries throughout the squad.
  15. huss9

    St James' Park

    build it on castle leazes on richardson road and swap the land sjp into new green. area.
  16. and if we win - he'll be all billy big bollocks and we'll be stuck even longer with him
  17. yeah but is replacing him with jones leaving us any worse off. it just dampens the enthusiasm and if we go behind on sunday the bruce out chants will start again.
  18. should be more ruthless than that. see how successful chelsea have been. no time for sentiment or what the media/public think.
  19. bet he gets a prematch presentation to commemorate 1000 games. hate him.
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