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Everything posted by huss9

  1. ffs, if manu had turned up today we'd still only be 4 points from safety.
  2. Charnley wasnt making any decisions ffs. everything went through staveley/reuben and Yasir.
  3. huss9


    those saying january signings will save us - which decent players are gonna sign if we're bottom and cut well adrift?
  4. his kicking just gets worse. and he's just not vocal enough.
  5. nah. i love dubs but his howler away to spurs was worse.
  6. leave off, man. local lad made good.... rock, pop, r+b, rap or whatever. he's alright.
  7. will have to put it down to howe not knowing the players properly, but miggy definitely should have come on instead of longstaff.
  8. huss9

    Sean Longstaff

    was desperate for the longstaff brothers to do well. but have finally come to the realisation that neither are premier league players. so slow and ponderous. sean was literally the worst person to put on chasing a game.
  9. darlow and dubs both make fuck-ups. dubs is able to quickly get his focus back but darlow's loses his confidence for the rest of the game.
  10. you know, i've been feeling the same. if we go down, we go down. i've got my club back. obviously i'm still desperate to for us to stay up.
  11. just goes to show how low our expectations of the players has become, that we've shit ourselves because the manager wont be there. what worries me more is his absence on the training ground next week.
  12. shows just how little faith we have in the players to carry out their pre-match instructions without the gaffer screaming at them from the dugout. Tindall looks a bit radge so hopefully he'll be on their cases from kick off.
  13. he needs to be let into the stadium tonight so he can isolate in one of the boxes. stick him in a mask and bobble hat. direct phone line to the dugout. lock the doors and let him watch the game from up there
  14. so not at the game tomorrow. if we go 0-1 down we're fucked. if we go 1-0 up the cunts will shit themselves as usual and drop deeper and deeper until we inevitably concede. this lot really need a leader in the dugout to hold their hands and guide them through the game.
  15. 0-3. hopefully we get him up on the big screen tomorrow as he's watching the game on a stream from the hotel.
  16. ffs man. he was gonna get such a welcome. hope its not jones running things tomorrow.
  17. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    lived and worked in newcastle, his missus worked in newcastle, his kid went to school in newcastle. yet the spineless cunt never once appreciated or fought for the fans and of people of this city. complete yes man. he could have tried to express to ashley what the club meant to us all. he could the have told ashley to go fuck himself and pissed off. its not as though he couldnt have got a lucrative job elsewhere.
  18. he might actually get him to stop playing between the centre halves. but i'm sure if he doesnt improve, he'll be out. i think shelvey knows that too.
  19. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    "we were shit and he still wouldnt give me a game" or words to that effect.
  20. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    yeah, Lewis got forward a lot and made same canny passes/crosses into the box/
  21. managers from consett, isnt he?
  22. huss9

    Epic NUFC photos

    hadnt realised. my mistake. still though, my initial point stands.
  23. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    was in a back 3 or a back 4?
  24. huss9

    Epic NUFC photos

    still bizarre he hasnt a statue or a stand named after him. just a shitty plaque. last manager to win a trophy. last captain to win a domestic trophy. i loved SBR, but Joe Harvey was more deserving of a statue.
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