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Everything posted by huss9

  1. even if the cunt wants the players to have a rest day, why the fuck arent they in analysing their performance, palace's play and our own tactics?
  2. alex bruce saying his dad's "win percentage" is irrelevant as he's only coached small clubs. i wonder his figures are for prem games, and non-prem games managed.
  3. at the very least they'll have bruce and lascelles in tomorrow to explain the daily mail piece.
  4. we were watching the CPR from the Gallowgate.. i think the real hero was the lass sat next to him. she was doing chest compressions for at least 10 minutes and that's not easy. if she hadnt, the chances of the defibrillator working would have markedly reduced. think i've read on social media somewhere she was a nurse.
  5. not that I agree buy he'll stay until they get a new man in. i dont think they'd let the assistant take over.
  6. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    cant be true at all. sky money and new sponshorship deals mean it will be more than £100m each season never mind over 4. possibly even each window.
  7. @Ando7where are you? Let's be having you!!!
  8. but even the second one. it would have been 1-4 instead of 1-3. we were never gonna get anything out of the game. but he would have been avaialble for the crystal palace game. whether he would have deserved a starting place is another matter but at least he would have been an option.
  9. i would rather him out now - as he just keeps on doing the same thing with the same personell over and over again despite it nor working. he's either not willing to, or completely unable to, think up an alternative plan or another way of doing things.
  10. the amount of time and space he got on the ball, especially in the first half of the season was ridiculous.
  11. he's organise the dfense though.
  12. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    remember after we beat leicester away. rafa was straight onto lascelles as he walked over to applaud the fans. ...coaching and guidance all the time. thats what he needs.
  13. arsene wenger you say? anyone willing to take a punt on him?
  14. honestly think it was just to let him have his 1000th game.
  15. huss9


    italy's come along way since those days. try the norwegian or the greek leagues.
  16. he's stopped his post-match beers. fucking idiot probably though it was better to have a couple before the game instead.
  17. huss9


    he doesnt pick himself though, does he? fraser, murphy and gayle must be raging. and Shola>>>>>>Big Jow.
  18. wor flags had me in tears at the start, bruce had me in tears by the end.
  19. just need someone brand new to look at the squad with a fresh pair of eyes. no favouritism etc, no baggage, no history with any of the players.
  20. all part of the premier leagues masterplan. they knew they'd eventually need to let the takeover go through. lets wait till it 2 months into the season and they're bottom 3. most decent managers in jobs alrwady and unable to sign anyone for 3 months.
  21. i just want to say sorry, mate. you're stuck with us now.
  22. i would take any bugger who can work on shape, defending, and an interest in picking the best players in their best positions. thats all. even if it meant an old fashioned 442. playing with 3 wingers but no striker ffs. we have to start somewhere. alas bruce and jones. comedians.
  23. even though it was only towards the end of the game when even a point was out of the question, the amount abuse from "support the team" fans when we started abusing bruce was ridiculous.
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