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Everything posted by huss9

  1. so any club with small hardcore following without massive finance, a massive ground or famous players is pointless?
  2. just seen the muntari incident- italians still stuck in the past.
  3. think next season's aim will be to stay up and win a cup.
  4. my boy was in tears when we got relegated. he's just so hyper since last night (apart from being p*ssed off by the nasty stewards who made sure no one ran onto the pitch). i've been telling him all evening that he should support a premier league team and not a championship one. he's been shouting, "but i do, dad!!!" and falling into hysterics. s*** banter, i know, but its nice to see the young'ns get so excited about the club.
  5. huss9


    wouldnt put it past them to win the next 4 then get a couple of away draws in their last 2 games.
  6. really only 2 points from 9, which sounds even more insane.
  7. diame has been disappointing since returning from africa but prior to that he made valuable contributions to a few of our wins.
  8. this cunt must have a hell of an agent. how the fuck he still gets asked onto football shows when he has lost every shred of credibilty he ever had.
  9. sky sports this morning - goals on sunday.
  10. errr. pardew saying "fingers" and shimmying on the sofa.
  11. yet the state of the refereeing in the champions league and la liga has been even more woeful.
  12. we are everybody's cup final.
  13. Doing that mortal during the Leeds match was the best fun I've had in SJP in a good while. was class.
  14. gonna be a cracking atmosphere. really looking forward to the sunderlands going down, newcastles going up chant/dance.
  15. and i'm glad i spent it with you.
  16. i know you're joking, but i bet ashley would have him back tomorrow. dont think pardew would set foot within 36 miles of newcastle though.
  17. huss9

    St James' Park

    blaydon races is anything but cringey. traditiional song about our city, not football related, not some old 60's rehashed pop song.
  18. you do come to the wrong place for sympathy, Barca boy.
  19. Fantastic club are Portsmouth. I don't know why but I have an irrational hatred for Pompey, I have no idea why, think its Redknapp related A club there size doesn't belong in the 4th tier however, glad Plymouth went up as well, my nearest club. The bells in the crowd haunt my dreams. f*** them forever tbh. my hatred stems from that fucking Lua Lua goal - and then the cunt had the audacity to celebrate.
  20. huddersfield have had some luck this season. their goal today was a joke - clearly offside,
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