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Everything posted by huss9

  1. we sold out our allocation yet still loads empty seats in the away end.
  2. strange weekend. we needed 11 points to guarantee promotion. we got hammered but now only need 8.
  3. he's capable of it. should have at least tried. tired and pissed (me, not shelvey)
  4. just getting back to newcastle from the game. furious at shelvey - real wasted that free kick in injury time. i know they had a decent wall but the keeper had left most of his goal unguarded and it just needed a curler into the corner rather than just being blasted straight at the side the keeper was standing.
  5. please rafa. please please please please.
  6. huss9


    how is that cunt? used to love looking at his photos, especially the midnight raids at SJP.
  7. all of them get a full 90 and extended highlights within 48 hours.
  8. think the couscous-gate incident takes him out of the equation for player of the year.
  9. huss9


    wonder if he'd have been 'surprised' if someone had said it to his daughter.
  10. love rafa, but think KK may have gotten a little more out of this team in terms of entertainment (possibly at the expense of a few points).
  11. huss9


    home the aftermatch reporter turns up to interview moyes wearing a headguard.
  12. We outplayed them and if we took our chances would have won comfortably. outplayed them, then sels' brain farted.
  13. it is a strange one because then you look at the stats as see we've scored the most goals in the championship and have the best goal difference.
  14. huss9


    not just "someone" - he jokes that he might slap a women who was just doing her her job. she hadnt been rude. just pushed moyes a little bit. we complain when reporters give managers an easy ride - surely they should be able to ask them difficult questions, or to justify their actions without the threat (joke or otherwise) of being hit. dont think we'd put up with it if it was said to our partners at work.
  15. huss9


    laughing nervously?
  16. huss9


    moyes' early season statement was a disgrace, mind.
  17. there's plenty we need to get rid of before ayoze. he'll not be a starter next year anyway but will be a squad member. let him go the season after next if we are still in the premier league.
  18. this single piece of idiotic play should have put wigan 2-1 up. it negated the (very) few good things he did in this game. its the same every fucking match. no matter how he plays he always puts us under pressure from these idiotic brainfarts he has. the rest of the team must get so fucking frustrated.
  19. nah. decent win. the win against wigan and huddersfield losing should have lifted all the tension from the club. no pressure.
  20. the other thing with rafa is that when he says something, he means it. we can trust him. we no longer have put up with useless dishonest cunts doing ashley's bidding.
  21. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    injured??? surely he would have played some part otherwise.
  22. Is that the benchmark now? we need to match or better each huddersfield result. thats the benchmark.
  23. f*** me man, huddersfield got humped 4-0 by bristol city and we got an away point at birmingham. we had the better weekend. not perfect, but alreet considering no yedlin, clark, shelvey or gayle in the starting 11.
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