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Everything posted by huss9

  1. frustrating outcome in some respects though because we're by no means clear even after 2 such big results, they just won't stay down 9 clear of huddersfield in 3rd, with an extra point for goal difference. even if they win their game in hand thats still effectively 7 clear. how clear do u want/expect us to be???
  2. 10 games to go. only fulham H, sheff wed A, leeds H and cardiff A look tricky. win the other 6 and we're up.
  3. huss9


    its not so much the designs but the material that has been awful.
  4. yedlin minor injury, and anita was reportedly struggling towards the end of the huddersfield game, but with fitness rather than an injury,
  5. hopefully someone will take their submarine.
  6. better than the Huddersfield or the mighty Hove Albion? out of our way, Reading!
  7. something like the ref roger east would have to be careful in huddersfield, but am sure he also asked fans and players to say if they thought ritchie had dived.
  8. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    real leader, proper radge. bet the rest of the team are scared shitless of him. seen him dish out the old hair dryer treatment a few times now.
  9. he played well. more of an all round midfeld performance rather than just his usual (exelllent) hollywood passes.
  10. From .com However, that didn't excuse the PA Announcer (Paul Ramsden?) making veiled threats to East at half-time and getting players to say that Ritchie had dived for the penalty. Outrageous. Would any other HTFC staff be allowed to make such public utterances? couldnt fucking believe what i was hearing. classless cunts.
  11. so did nobody hear that shit banter from their announcer about our penalty at half-time then? beginning to think i've imagined it. should have been reported to the FA.
  12. huss9

    Daryl Murphy

    how the fuck did they convince ashley to fork out £3m for him?
  13. Did he? ok, not exactly slagging - but implying that he'd made a mistake.
  14. did anyone hear their cunt of an announcer slagging off the referee at half time for giving us that pen? well out of order.
  15. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    anyone been keeping an eye on Mbabu's season. just showed so much promise defensively and going forward.
  16. just wish they would also arrange a screening the where kids could go. my bairns are gutted they cant go.
  17. he was great at wolves - they put so many crosses in and darlow got and held every single one of them.
  18. no need to rush gayle back for this. seems a strange one, mind. scans all clear and rafa implying its in his head. gayle had seemed such a confident character so this is quite a surprising situation.
  19. yedlin's aerial ability has been a great asset at the back.
  20. summary of the game http://i2.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article12671588.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Brighton-Hove-Albion-v-Newcastle-United-Sky-Bet-Championship.jpg
  21. huss9

    Paul Dummett

    not his greatest fan but stopped us losing last night. 2-0 just after half time if it wasnt for him.
  22. the fat spanish waiter chants last night were truly disgraceful and lacking in respect - then i remember us doing it when he was managing the scousers.
  23. that instant pass for diame's goal was truly genius - fooled their defence completely. assist for the second was ok as well, i suppose.
  24. compare the pen against clark last night to the pen he didnt get against forest away. fucking ridiculous, man.
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