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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Fulham 1-0. If they win, it’ll be 4 points clear of them. We’ll go down this season if we keep the heffa.
  2. 4/1 to win at Villa on Saturday.
  3. As if he’s said dust ourselves down again.
  4. You mean hairy palms? He hates us that fucker. Hope we get taken over just to sicken that mug.
  5. Most players just trot out the company line, hard to read too much into it really. He didn't trot out the company line, at Southampton all those years ago (which is why Rafa made him captain) Bollocks to him. I lost respect when he was tonguing Ashley’s hoop the other year.
  6. Fulham win their game in hand and they’re 4 behind us. Would also add that they’re a much better side than us.
  7. Surely even Bruce can see that he is nowhere near good enough to manage a club at this level? Why is he putting himself through this? You’d think his thick fuck of a son would have a word and ask him to stop showing himself up.
  8. My thoughts exactly. He’s got to go man, fucking hopeless cunt. Give it the biggun today and we’ve been the same old shite.
  9. Neville ignoring the fact Bruce spent 100 mil plus the ugly cunt.
  10. Looking forward to tonight. Not the match, the aftermath when Bruce has another meltdown when he gets criticism for our embarrassing performance.
  11. Danh1


    I think we go down without a managerial change. He hasn’t got a bastard clue.
  12. I know Mackem and it’s not like, he sounds from Durham area, that’s a Durham accent. Sounds like he’s from Bishop/Spenny.
  13. Whilst I agree with the points they’re making, I find that all they do on Wraith’s show is bang on about people trolling on Twitter. I’ve skipped 7 minutes in and they’re still on about it.
  14. Never met a more embarrassing bunch of quotes. What a fucking self pitying moron.
  15. If there was no challenge we'll hear on Monday. Otherwise we'll hear by the end of the month. Would fit in with HTT’s claim....
  16. And how fortuitous we were to have VAR at this very ground last season.
  17. It’s a shame no one replied to Bruce’s comments about VAR by saying that is how everyone feels watching his “football”. He has some fucking balls.
  18. Progress though, lads. How can he say that with a straight face. Fat fucking bellend.
  19. Funny thing is, no one is even surprised by this.
  20. If he thinks he’s had it rough off the fans and press, things are going to be really nasty for him. He is going to be seriously rattled.
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