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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. What does it say? We hate our owner, the takeaway saga is dragging on and Matty Longstaff hasn't signed a new deal - it's peak Newcastle. Therefore, "tomorrow will be a better day". It's in no way implying it'll be announced soon, if that's what you're thinking. That’s exactly what I was thinking, bollocks.
  2. Greg is correct with regards to the FA, however, there’s a decision called Aga Khan which opened the scope on judicial review of bodies such as the premier league We might need the Aga Khan, Premier League are looking very weak over this. I really hope If this gets blocked there’s a massive backlash from the fanbase and we f#%k the premier league off. I hope so too, but cannot see it sadly. I won’t be able to stomach any more football knowing our big chance to become a top team has been snatched away.
  3. This all reminds me of last Summer, waiting what seemed like an eternity to hear whether Rafa was staying. Hopefully this time we get a decent outcome.
  4. Thing is, if you televise every single game and make it that cheap, then attendances across the country are likely to plummet.
  5. This. They will happily sit there and do nothing as NUFC just sleep walks and the supporters are fucked over.
  6. Said No all along (other than for a couple of days of false hope when NUFC.com chirped up) so I'm sticking with that. Not really arsed either way now anyway. Totally bored with it all. Think you are kidding yourself tbh. I am very arsed. Have devoted a huge amount of emotional energy once again following this saga, just like I did last year. And even though I feel certain of what is coming I am still dreading the heartbreak of experiencing it fall through. Just hope I can move on fairly swiftly and forget about football altogether. Nah I think I've commented on this thread about 4 times in total, probably about the same on Twitter and it's rarely even mentioned amongst my mates and family or at work. Just not that arsed either way now. It's probably more symptomatic with how I feel about NUFC and football in general these days really. You have commented on this thread 42 times Nowhere near 42 and most of those comments weren't even about the takeover. They were in a separate conversation about the size of NUFC compared to Leeds on this thread. Nice try though lad! 43
  7. Was confirmed that they’ve had meetings with the council and Caulkin said that he’s been informed that they intend on doing so.
  8. Same here. RTG would’ve been in the biggest meltdown ever.
  9. I think when the PL decides we will hear something, not officially but near enough. Then a few days later when the money has transferred then it’ll be announced.
  10. The crack is lifting on it like. We on about Pod on the Tyne or no? Cos the banter on that is desperate. Aye mate - proper “yer da” crack.
  11. I am all in with the Saudis, and have always been since they first pitched in. I am not really interested in American owners, or for that matter most of the other options mentioned. As others have mentioned, they'll probably just load the club with debt Glazer style. I think this is a once in a lifetime chance with Stavely. Reubens and PIF, if it falls through, not really arsed if we get sold or not. My thoughts too, Staveley and co or bust.
  12. I don’t doubt someone has told him that - but didn’t someone from the Saudi government say on Twitter it’d be announced Monday based on the report in the U.K. 2 weeks back?
  13. A very reasonable and well thought out thread. Can’t disagree at all.
  14. The sooner I see Rafael Benitez Maudes carefully placing his spectacles into his jacket pocket the better. Would love Poch, but RBM has unfinished business here.
  15. He didn’t say that - he did say that there must have been some kind of problem for it to take so long, but because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean to say it won’t. He didn’t pretend to know anything more than us and I agreed when he said it has became so unbearable because of the false deadlines put on it by journalists and so called ITK’s. Was going off what Ideal Crash said. Ah fair play!
  16. He didn’t say that - he did say that there must have been some kind of problem for it to take so long, but because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean to say it won’t. He didn’t pretend to know anything more than us and I agreed when he said it has became so unbearable because of the false deadlines put on it by journalists and so called ITK’s.
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