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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Considered going back and editing when I realised but thought it might escape being noticed.
  2. Jamie O’Hara ffs. A man that was ripped to shreds by Kim Woodburn on Celebrity Big Brother. How is his opinion at all relevant? Cockney prick.
  3. A good time for such a discussion would be when we have been sold, rather than beforehand. It's absolutely pointless unless the sale goes through. Aye, imagine it falls through? We’re already going to look like divvies, even more so after a mass debate about it.
  4. That article made me miss Rafa even more, would love to know how he felt seeing the display with the Valencia fans quote.
  5. Majority of our fans on twitter are bellends, probably include myself in that tbf.
  6. Why does that Indykaila get some much attention? Blocked the fucker on Twitter years ago but his dross still makes it on to my timeline somehow.
  7. When I was whinging in here the other day about how it’s Staveley or nothing, this is why. Absolute disaster written all over it, if true of course...
  8. Still doesn’t feel real that we could be on the verge of getting rid of fat Mike. Thought he’d be here for decades. He has well and truly sucked any joy out of being a Newcastle United fan, his lack of respect for the fans and the city has been disgusting. Shola Ameobi, Bobby Concur, Peter Beardsley....I hope people don’t forget the effort these three bastards went to cover For Ashley as he destroyed us.
  9. Steven Roger Bruce, never achieved anything in 20 odd years as a manager but deserves a chance here.... How does fuck clean off sound?
  10. ‘So there might be a fear that negotiations would go very easily if Newcastle United wanted to buy a player from Sheffield United.” I’m happy to agree to never buy one of their players, like.
  11. Watching Man City v Liverpool with the commentators tossing themselves off about how good Klopp and Pep are, knowing we are languishing at the bottom of the table with some fraud cunt like Steve flat beak Bruce in charge. The thought of how we have been ran into the ground makes me sick and having the carrot dangled in front of us, only for it to be snatched away would be sickening. Will delete my twitter as well, think if I seen Keys gloating I’d be tempted to get a flight out to Qatar and kick the cunt all over.
  12. Could really do with some reassurance from Mr Caulkin right now.
  13. I would much rather be sold to the Saudis personally, Mandy will see that we succeed. Feel a bit uneasy about an American consortium buying the club. Same feeling I had about that group that owned Bordeaux that made that brochure. All of the above is based on nothing, but feel our future is brighter with the Saudis.
  14. We are stuck with Ashley or some skint Yanks that will have agreed for 10 years of Sports Direct ads in the ground.
  15. Agreed I think going from potentially having it all to having absolutely nothing at all would be a bit too much for me. I only post on here during takeover rumours because that hope is the only thing that keeps me connected to the club. I keep an eye on results and occasionally watch us on MOTD(If I can stay awake long enough) but I'm personally putting so much into the fact this particular takeover would potential put us into the absolute top tier of clubs for the rest of our history and losing that, would be f***ing hard to swallow. That's not the mention the impact it could have on the region and the people of the NE in general. That's not to say I'm blind to the obvious issue with the takeover, but from purely a footballing and economical viewpoint this is all or nothing for me. Nailed it. Up until the last days I’ve been on cloud 9, I know things still look good but the uncertainty has knocked me. Newcastle fans aren’t allowed anything nice.
  16. If this doesn’t go through I’m done with football like. Haven’t got the stomach to watch us basically live to exist, not watching anymore football in a world where we have that fat useless cunt Steve Bruce as our manager, whilst the media lick his arse. Won’t watch any matches on tele, just absolutely finished.
  17. They do like him. They would probably like me though if I was manager. Both of us are fucking woeful.
  18. Charnley messed Rafa about, proper little bitch. Good riddance to the thumb headed cunt.
  19. Off work Thursday so hopefully it gets announced tomorrow at around 5:30 so I can pour loads of #cans down my neck without caring about being hungover Thursday.
  20. Reading that highlights how much we need this takeover to go through.
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