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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. It's what may also be referred to as the "balcony" i.e. the 6 rows right at the front of Level 7. Aye, row Y is the back row and isn't that bad, good atmosphere and you stand up all game, I'm row w.
  2. I think that in Level seven for League games this is sang about five times a game and not with the passion that the West Ham fans sing 'bubbles'
  3. He wasn't moaning when Pederson punched the ball into our net last season, probably been said but so what.
  4. I hate Lawrenson, infact I hate all of the media.
  5. HUGE three points today in inbred country, fucking wankas, we took over Blackburn. The attendance was 19,000 but If the toon fans didnt go it would have been 14,000. shite fans, shite ground, shite team and shite town.
  6. Magic 1152, Century and Newcastler radio (bbc)
  7. Well I am going to see my team play, you should try it Dawson.
  8. think that is bullshit. Infact I know it is bullshit. seventy one quid, where were you sitting? what the hell is wrong with you? You're quoting yourself and then informing us that what you just said is "bullshit". Learn to use the quote button you uneducated tearaway teen. Yeah, my bad. Wanka.
  9. Well if you are willing to pay seventy-one quid to watch us play yous at white fart lane, why not about the same price for a day at Newcastle, if you do then why don't the mugs who go to tottenham games not, eh?
  10. think that is bullshit. Infact I know it is bullshit. seventy one quid, where were you sitting?
  11. Dawson, you NEVER sell your away tickets unless yous are at man u, arsenal or any other London club, Cock swipe.
  12. I couldn't give a toasted turd, it doesn't matter the score it's about winning ffs.
  13. I would love to hear this, if it's found can I have a PM to the link please?
  14. Danh1

    Roger Tames

    Thames is a mackem bastard, shouldn't do our commentary. :wullie:
  15. Danh1

    Toon Ultras

    complaining about chanting and the bigg market and young people these days :roll: Look mate, we've established that I think the Bigg Market is for charver peasants and that you like to drink in the Bigg Market. I also think chanting the name of a bloke who retired last year is moronic and that you don't. I'm building up a picture of you. It isn't a good one. I'm building up a picture of you - miserable bastard You cannot knock the purpose of the toon ultras or their effort. It's just a shame when the prawn sandwich brigade (i assume you're included) build up a stereotype of negativity I can knock whoever I want matey. Were you among the collection of mongs chanting Shearer's name last night? If so, consider yourself knocked. I love a good prawn sandwich washed down with a Pimms and lemonade, yes. ****ing spiffing. I was in level 7 with the Toon Ultras and thought that it was good crack up there, howver the chavs are the scum that sing for Shearer etc. when we try to start a new chant the chavs just sing 'NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE' or 'GEORDIE BOOT BOYS' and it was also these chavs singing'SHOES OFF IF YOU LOVE THE TOON' they are the ones you need to knock not Toon Ultras.
  16. Danh1


    and its better coverage than ITV. the only time we win a twatting penalty shoot out and the goals aren't fucking shown. piss take man.
  17. Danh1

    Shearer on MOTD

    i am shocked at that, he scored 200 ****ing goals for us. i bet you were at his testamonial shouting his name though. prick Actually I was blueyes.gif ... and it was 206. And I was kidding, but won't take offense as this is an tense time for all of us bluebiggrin.gif i dont know what to beleive anymore these days.
  18. Danh1

    Shearer on MOTD

    i am shocked at that, he scored 200 fucking goals for us. i bet you were at his testamonial shouting his name though. prick
  19. hope the fat cunt was still in the stadium.
  20. he was stuttering on Sky Sports News
  21. Danh1

    Booing parker

    Kim and Aggy off how clean is your house?
  22. him and roeder need to fuck off like, they are worse they are clueless
  23. Danh1

    Booing parker

    maybe if the players showed a bit passion booing wouldn't go on, yes it is harsh singling out 1 player but you have to understand our frustrations
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