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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Danh1

    Match Atmosphere

    Aye I agree with them. Those light shows are cringeworthy as fuck.
  2. Danh1

    Match Atmosphere

    I’ve defo noticed ticket sharing is more rife like, I went to Villa and Forest on other people’s tickets and the ST holders didn’t bat an eyelid Mind I didn’t think Forest was that great as a whole, felt like only part of the away end was singing most of the time. Was class after the goals mind, and where I was there was loads of regular travellers.
  3. Danh1


    Their recent victory was how the Bellingham’s are what we said the Longstaff’s would be. The way they go on about Jude Bellingham is nothing short of embarrassing.
  4. Funny side West Ham. Can be quality some week but utter shit most of them. I agree with those saying Moyes holds them back.
  5. Aye mate. Was surprised as before the game they were all sound enough.
  6. Their fans are an angry lot. We stepped out of the away end for less than 3 seconds and some wanker was starting on my mate. Good job there were about 6 Polis straight over or could’ve got messy. Great win, great night. Up the bastard mags.
  7. Na I think you’re right. Seen it on Twitter but hadn’t seen this, fucking hell man.
  8. Was it definitely Hurst’s firm? Scandalous if so like, but not surprising.
  9. Danh1

    St James' Park

    They could print this coming Saturday’s winning Lotto numbers on that website and I’d refuse to read it. Cant believe they haven’t addressed the huge issues with it, that have been the case for years.
  10. Start a new job Monday, hoping to sway the afternoon off to go down to this one. Fingers crossed.
  11. Danh1


    Only time I’ve been to Boro away that. More of a frisk than Sunderland away which is sanitised to fuck.
  12. Danh1

    Match Atmosphere

    Was also in there for the first time since Liverpool. Lovely to hear some variety - love the full “Joe Harvey took a holiday” song, shame that the rest of the Gallowgate don’t join in til “Who’s that team we call we United”
  13. Danh1


    A real shame. They should have the Longship and that’s it, easily the shittest pub in the area.
  14. Danh1

    Fabian Schär

    It’s a class song as well. Has more than 3 different words and no swearing in so will never catch on with wor lot.
  15. Bang on. Villa Park is a fucking class stadium as well so shame it’s like that When I’ve been there in the past, their fans in the stand to the right of the away end have always been proper giving it to the away fans. Last night they were just sat in silence.
  16. Danh1

    Match Atmosphere

    Away end was class. Villa fans were poor, which surprised me given the season they’re having. Not really relevant ik, but found it pathetic trying to get a pint near Villa Park. Every pub home fans only - and had to pay to get in them too. Asked the door woman at the Witton Arms (which used to be away fan welcoming) and they said the nearest one for away fans was 3.5 miles away. Did end up finding one about a mile and a half away which let us in, thankfully. Had similar issues elsewhere, Man United being one of the bad ones. Had to drink in a Premier Inn. We spoil away fans when they come up here and can drink in an array of quality pubs hassle free.
  17. Haha! Haven’t seen us lose away since Matty Longstaff put us 1-0 up at Owld Trafford. What a win man. What a palarva getting out of Birmingham as well. Only in fucking Wakefield ffs.
  18. Danh1


    Agree massively. Feels like the SBR recognition was also lazy, Ashley era attempts at connecting to the fans, and obviously after what happened with Keegan.
  19. Danh1


    Said on Twitter recently that we as a club give Robson the accolades that Keegan should have. Do love Robson, so not a slight against him.
  20. Danh1

    Match Atmosphere

    Why isn’t it like that every week? Even half as good?
  21. Heading down to this one despite having Emile Krafth early on Wednesday. Therefore no less than a 3-0 defeat incoming.
  22. *Narrator* Newcastle United ran out 2-0 winners away from home.
  23. https://x.com/halliday_9/status/1751344983368442279?s=46
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