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Everything posted by Danh1

  1. Aye. Was the youngest there by some distance and I’m 32.
  2. A na mate, raging. Missed the Chelsea game as I was in Benidorm, hopefully the same outcome
  3. Gutted I’m not going tomorrow. Won a competition for free tickets to an event in Hull, knew fine well the game would get changed to the Sunday ffs. Think we will be bang up for this and can see us winning.
  4. “Which one of you is Luke Edwards?” You’re right though re Bruce. He was ridiculed whereas they make Bruce out to be some kind of modern day Mother Theresa.
  5. Danh1

    Match Atmosphere

    Hopefully anyone in that category gets made redundant and can no longer afford their season ticket. Harsh but I don’t care, spiteful cunts.
  6. Hopefully a bump very soon then
  7. Hopefully Brighton don’t go on to win.
  8. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/jack-ross.1603697/ Should bubble along nicely as the day goes on.
  9. Feel bad for Fez, he’s a top lad. Went in his bus to Burnley last season, was a belter of a day. Agree with those saying he’s been made an example of.
  10. I do like Wood but can’t say that this is too much of a detriment to their survival chances.
  11. Danh1


    https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/club-are-looking-to-extend-the-stadium.1603490/page-25#post-38032428 They can’t fill their ground at about a tenner a ticket, but putting in more hospitality will get the crowds in.
  12. Danh1

    St James' Park

    It reminds me of cunts that buy a city centre property and then whinge about redevelopment nearby and the noise caused by people. Fucking arseholes.
  13. Danh1

    St James' Park

    Not like she’s getting her ST took off her. She will no doubt be given the choice where to sit. Pisses me off no end.
  14. Danh1

    St James' Park

    Sure it’s 3 of the back blocks and one of the lower ones, going from an email a mate received whose seat is in the SE corner
  15. Danh1

    St James' Park

    Surely not, but then the fascination some of our fans have with a bit of grey plastic makes me dubious that it could happen.
  16. Danh1


    They are deranged man
  17. Went to watch South Shields today, first time I’ve been which is criminal considering I could walk to their ground in 15 minutes. Shite game but a big crowd and a class set up. Nice bar area in the new stand. Morreti and Heineken Silver both on tap amongst others. Beats Carling at the Cathedral.
  18. That Liverpool kit is nearly as bad as their grey coloured one this season. Awful.
  19. Shame he doesn’t put as much thought into his football opinions as he does braying lasses
  20. Danh1

    Garang Kuol

    Get in, buzzing for the lad
  21. See your point like; however, can also see him getting them to the dizzy heights of 11th and them giving him a 2 year contract in the Summer.
  22. I hope we never go down the route of appointing him mind.
  23. Would love Palace to go more than any other. They’re more boring than us under Ashley, and their fans are dull as dish watta.
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