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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. The fact that he's actually a right back? OK then, what attributes does Danny Simpson have that make him a better option to play right back than Ryan Taylor? Faster, fitter, can actually defend? Or maybe I should just say "is not Ryan Taylor" and we can be done with it. Simpson's a shocking defender man. Don't think he's particularly faster than Taylor, if he is it would be marginal. Fitter, I wouldn't know so I'll give you that one. If that's your honest assessment you're either blind, deaf, and illiterate or just too busy convincing yourself that you're right to actually see what's going on.
  2. The fact that he's actually a right back? OK then, what attributes does Danny Simpson have that make him a better option to play right back than Ryan Taylor? Faster, fitter, can actually defend? Or maybe I should just say "is not Ryan Taylor" and we can be done with it.
  3. The fact that he's actually a right back?
  4. Rather play Raylor Worst RB in the league You just don't do anything halfway, do you?
  5. He's another player who was close to Nolan. Wouldn't be surpising to see him be part of the "purge"
  6. Fellaini wants away from Everton. Stage seems set for all of our "rivals" for 6th to be significantly weakened this season...
  7. yes we could. the thing with defenders is they don't make headlines like forwards do so good players often go unheard of. not many had heard of vidic before he signed for man utd but he's been very good and no doubt there are many more out there. bassong in his time here wasn't too far fromn where colo is and he was totally unheard of when he arrived. the problem is it's always a risk....but not impossible. Well, not impossible but highly unlikely then. Nothing's impossible.
  8. He's as good in his position as Enrique is in his. We'll never be able to attract a player of equal quality, no matter what money we get for him. It's going to be a messy situation this time next year.
  9. Just noticed that... Leon Best: 6 goals, 9 starts Demba Ba: 7 goals, 12 starts ...hmmm
  10. For me selling Colo for something like 5~7m would be an automatic no-questions-asked ticket back on to the Ashley-hate bandwagon. It just shows that we have no intent for steady progress whatsover.
  11. When I first came on this forum five years ago people were on my case for not understanding banter and taking jokes too seriously. I don't know what to think about having the opposite problem now.
  12. I'm not the one accusing xenophobia for expressing a valid concern. I'm not the one jumping on a high horse over some throwaway gag.
  13. Dave in quick to belittle others shocker
  14. Based on anything other than national stereotypes? And racism. Don't forget the racism.
  15. we've only lost nolan so far but yeah it looks like barton and jose are probably on borrowed time too f*** it, at least something is happening how many times have we heard it - if you don't move forwards you're moving backwards in football Yeah, I have to admit that I'm experiencing both excitement and trepidation at the way things are going. These new players are quite exciting but we're also taking a fairly large gamble.
  16. At this clip we'll have comfortably signed 10 players by August 31st The "plan" seems to be to completely uproot our squad and replace them with the Ligue 1 All-Stars.
  17. I'll be honest and admit that I've never, ever seen him play and have no idea what kind of player he is by the way. Signings are good though.
  18. I guess the "good news" was Marveux
  19. Three signings in June man, what the hell.
  20. N-O's ITK Every forum has wanna-be ITKs who predict the future. Rarely do you see one who can predict the past.
  21. oldtype

    Leon Best

    If nothing else this basically guarantees that Ameobi will start 20+ games yet again next season when Ba/Erding are inevitably injured/f***ing off to the ACN
  22. oldtype

    Leon Best

    Love how people instantly believe bad stories. Obviously the media have a 100% record......... I have no doubt that Leon Best is looking to be shipped out. When the media makes up horseshit they generally make something about some club signing somebody. They rarely make up anything about "~ has been put up for sale/told he can leave club" it doesn't generate any excitement/sell papers. When you see an article like that (from multiple sources even,) it usually means something is up.
  23. I guess a possible justification would be that we're only planning to play one striker next season and therefore don't need a lot of them?
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