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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Aside from being two feet taller I can't imagine how he could possibly be any better
  2. I tend to be completely blind to any football that happens outside of England and Korea, but man WTF, did Lionel Messi just score his 48th goal of the season?
  3. i never questioned that you had the right, but nice straw man all the same. you moaning bugger I was straw manning as a figurative way of showing that you were straw manning me you needlessly confrontational bugger.
  4. As long as they manage to luck out in the Champions League finals, it looks like Man United may be well on their way to a "treble by default"
  5. Whatever, I'm clearly wasting my finger muscles on deaf ears.
  6. As I say, nobody (that I'm aware of) is forcing you on here. Fucking hell man. Okay, you can leave this thread if you don't like me posting that much then.
  7. This isn't discussion this is like a bunch of children screaming "I'M RIGHT" "NO I'M RIGHT!" at 1000 words per page. And if members of this forum have the right to talk about whatever they want to talk about I have the right to think that it's pointless, repetitive, and boring.
  8. If that's the sort of argument you've been reduced to making I think my point is fairly evident.
  9. This is exactly like the new board/old board bullshit that NE5 got banned for, only on a much wider scale.
  10. Just because it's true (or even if it's true) doesn't mean it deserves 3209438209482 pages of cyclical bullshit Dave. You of all people should understand this.
  11. Go then. You can't blame people for seeing things the way they are. And you're the fucking worst of the lot. At least NE5 didn't seem to be magnetically attracted to every single thing I post.
  12. Ugh, honestly this whole identical bullshit shouting match that seems to be creeping up in every single thread since February is getting tedious as fuck. It's like the whole fucking forum has turned into NE5.
  13. Well exactly, I'm definitely not arguing that we should sell every player that we could make a profit on. All I'm saying is that £35m was a hell of a big boost to our income at a time when our income really needed a boost. And I'm not implying that you're arguing these things. A lot of people would be happy to go ahead and assume that you are though.
  14. The problem is that people think that there's only two ways of doing things: selling all your best players every time to turn a profit or never selling any good player for any price and only looking to build. The reality isn't either of these things. Rather, the best way to run a football club is to make good decisions on a case-by-case basis depending on the situation. Unfortunately this sort of polarization is basically what every debate on this forum is forcibly distilled down to. (He's not brilliant therefore he's complete shit, you don't back Keegan 100% therefore you're an Ashley apologist etc.)
  15. oldtype

    Nile Ranger

    Might as well support him when the alternative is to gouge my eyes out in horror at our strike options.
  16. Thought he got a new job or something
  17. Gee Colocho you could just send me flowers instead of stalking me everywhere.
  18. I'd actually prefer that Man City get the CL spot over Tottenham or Liverpool. City are eventually going to buy their way there anyway no matter how much time and money it takes. Might as well have them knock Spurs off the gravy train and kick Liverpool out of Europe for a year on their way.
  19. Shola might as well be Bergkamp considering what we have for alternatives. I suppose that would make Best Pele.
  20. Eh, they've got a very good attack (and the best goalkeeper) and not much else. Absolutely no depth either.
  21. I get that we're not getting Carroll back, I'd be willing to settle for even a fit Leon Best. Our strike force makes me want to weep a pool of blood.
  22. Ugh, watching Andy Carroll in a Liverpool shirt is almost annoying enough to make me forget how much I'd like to give that cunt Suarez a knee to the balls.
  23. Will be if they don't get in the CL I reckon. Should be even if they do, IMO. They're only getting there by default anyway, given how shit the competition has been.
  24. How has Mancini not been sacked fifteen times over already.
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